View Source Wafer.Driver.Circuits.GPIO.Dispatcher (wafer v1.1.0)

This module implements a simple dispatcher for GPIO interrupts when using Circuits.GPIO.

Because the Circuit's interrupt doesn't provide an indication of whether the pin is rising or falling we store the last known pin state and use it to compare.



Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Disable interrupts for this connection using the specified pin_condition.

Enable interrupts for this connection using the specified pin_condition.


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

Link to this function

disable(conn, pin_condition)

View Source
@spec disable(Wafer.Conn.t(), Wafer.GPIO.pin_condition()) ::
  {:ok, Wafer.Conn.t()} | {:error, reason :: any()}

Disable interrupts for this connection using the specified pin_condition.

Link to this function

enable(conn, pin_condition, metadata \\ nil)

View Source
@spec enable(Wafer.Conn.t(), Wafer.GPIO.pin_condition(), any()) ::
  {:ok, Wafer.Conn.t()} | {:error, reason :: any()}

Enable interrupts for this connection using the specified pin_condition.