View Source Wafer.I2C protocol (wafer v1.1.0)
A protocol for interacting with I2C devices directly. Most of the time you'll
want to use the Chip
protocol for working with registers, but this is
provided for consistency's sake.
This API is extremely similar to the Circuits.I2C
APIs, except that it takes
a Conn
which implements I2C
as an argument.
If you're implementing your own Conn
type that simply delegates to one of
the lower level drivers then you can derive this protocol automatically:
defstruct MyI2CDevice do
@derive Wafer.I2C
defstruct [:conn]
If your type uses a key other than conn
for the inner connection you can
specify it while deriving:
defstruct MyI2CDevice do
@derive {Wafer.I2C, key: :i2c_conn}
defstruct [:i2c_conn]
Detect the devices adjacent to the connection's device on the same I2C bus.
Initiate a read transaction to the connection's I2C device.
Write data
to the connection's I2C device.
Write data to an I2C device and then immediately issue a read.
@spec detect_devices(Wafer.Conn.t()) :: {:ok, [address()]} | {:error, any()}
Detect the devices adjacent to the connection's device on the same I2C bus.
@spec read(Wafer.Conn.t(), non_neg_integer(), options()) :: {:ok, data()} | {:error, reason :: any()}
Initiate a read transaction to the connection's I2C device.
@spec write(Wafer.Conn.t(), data(), options()) :: {:ok, Wafer.Conn.t()} | {:error, reason :: any()}
Write data
to the connection's I2C device.
@spec write_read(Wafer.Conn.t(), data(), non_neg_integer(), options()) :: {:ok, data(), Wafer.Conn.t()} | {:error, reason :: any()}
Write data to an I2C device and then immediately issue a read.