View Source Want.List (want v1.17.1)

Manages conversions to and from lists.



Cast an input into a list. By default this function will simply break up the input into list elements, but further casting and validation of elements can be performed by providing an element option. The separator used to split the list defaults to the comma character and this can be controlled using the separator option.

Callback implementation for Want.Type.cast/2.


@type element() :: any()
@type result() :: {:ok, [element()]} | {:error, binary()}


Cast an input into a list. By default this function will simply break up the input into list elements, but further casting and validation of elements can be performed by providing an element option. The separator used to split the list defaults to the comma character and this can be controlled using the separator option.


  • :separator - Determines the character(s) used to separate list items. Defaults to the comma character.
  • :element - Provides the ability to further control how list elements are cast and validated. Similar to the map and keywords functions, accepts a keyword list with its own :type field and validation options.


iex> Want.List.cast("1")
{:ok, ["1"]}

iex> Want.List.cast("1", element: [type: :integer])
{:ok, [1]}

iex> Want.List.cast("1,2,3,4", element: [type: :integer])
{:ok, [1, 2, 3, 4]}

iex> Want.List.cast("1:2:3:4", separator: ":", element: [type: :integer])
{:ok, [1, 2, 3, 4]}

iex> Want.List.cast("hello:world", separator: ":", element: [type: :enum, valid: [:hello, :world]])
{:ok, [:hello, :world]}

iex> Want.List.cast("hello:world", separator: ":", element: [type: :enum, valid: [:hello]])
{:ok, [:hello]}
@spec cast(value :: any(), opts :: Keyword.t()) :: result()

Callback implementation for Want.Type.cast/2.