View Source Want.Shape (want v1.17.1)

Provides macros for declaring an Ecto-like schema definition that can be used to cast incoming data. Most of the macro logic here was adapted from Ecto.Schema.



Cast incoming data based on a Shape definition.

Cast incoming data based on a Shape definition. Raises on error.

Cast a list of maps to a list of Shapes.

Cast a list of maps to a list of Shapes.

Define a field within a shape.

Determine whether the given module represents a shape.

Define a shape schema. Generates a struct definition for the current module that includes the data needed to correctly cast incoming JSON/map data into that struct, including field sourcing, type conversions, etc.

Define a shape schema. Generates a struct definition for the current module that includes the data needed to correctly cast incoming JSON/map data into that struct, including field sourcing, type conversions, etc.


@spec cast(module(), map()) :: {:ok, struct()} | {:error, reason :: term()}

Cast incoming data based on a Shape definition.

@spec cast!(module(), map()) :: struct()

Cast incoming data based on a Shape definition. Raises on error.

@spec cast_all(module(), [map()]) :: {:ok, [struct()]} | {:error, reason :: term()}

Cast a list of maps to a list of Shapes.

@spec cast_all!(module(), [map()]) :: [struct()]

Cast a list of maps to a list of Shapes.

Link to this macro

field(name, type \\ :string, opts \\ [])

View Source (macro)

Define a field within a shape.

@spec is_shape?(module()) :: boolean()

Determine whether the given module represents a shape.

Define a shape schema. Generates a struct definition for the current module that includes the data needed to correctly cast incoming JSON/map data into that struct, including field sourcing, type conversions, etc.

Link to this macro

shape(opts, list)

View Source (macro)

Define a shape schema. Generates a struct definition for the current module that includes the data needed to correctly cast incoming JSON/map data into that struct, including field sourcing, type conversions, etc.


  • :transform - A function that accepts the generated shape struct and performs any transformations required. Called after a successful cast.