WebSockex v0.4.2 WebSockex.Conn

Handles establishing and controlling the TCP connection.

Dispatches to the correct module for the underlying connection. (:gen_tcp or :ssl)

Is woefully inadequite for verifying proper peers in SSL connections.



Options used when establishing a tcp or ssl connection



Builds the request to be sent along the newly opened socket

Closes the socket and returns the Conn map without the socket

Set the socket’s controlling process

Waits for the request response, decodes the packet, and returns the response headers

Returns a new WebSockex.Conn struct from a uri and options

Opens a socket to a uri and returns a conn struct

Parses a url string for a valid URI

Sets the socket to active

Sends data using the conn_mod module


certification() :: :public_key.der_encoded
connection_option ::
  {:extra_headers, [header]} |
  {:cacerts, [certification]} |
  {:insecure, boolean} |
  {:socket_connect_timeout, non_neg_integer} |
  {:socket_recv_timeout, non_neg_integer}

Options used when establishing a tcp or ssl connection.

  • :extra_headers - defines other headers to be send in the opening request.
  • :insecure - Determines whether to verify the peer in a SSL connection. SSL peer verification is currenctly broken and only works in certain cases in which the :cacerts are also provided. Sorry. Defaults to true.
  • :cacerts - The CA certifications for use in an secure connection when the :insecure option is false (has no effect when :insecure is true). These certifications need a list of decoded binaries. See the Erlang :public_key module for more information.
  • :socket_connect_timeout - Timeout in ms for creating a TCP connection, default 6000 ms.
  • :socket_recv_timeout - Timeout in ms for receiving a HTTP response header from socket, default 5000 ms.
header() :: {field :: String.t, value :: String.t}
socket() :: :gen_tcp.socket | :ssl.sslsocket
t() :: %WebSockex.Conn{cacerts: term, conn_mod: :gen_tcp | :ssl, extra_headers: [header], host: String.t, insecure: term, path: String.t, port: non_neg_integer, query: String.t | nil, resp_headers: [header], socket: socket | nil, socket_connect_timeout: non_neg_integer, socket_recv_timeout: non_neg_integer, ssl_options: term, transport: transport}
transport() :: :tcp | :ssl


build_request(conn, key)
build_request(WebSockex.Conn.t, key :: String.t) :: {:ok, String.t}

Builds the request to be sent along the newly opened socket.

The key parameter is part of the websocket handshake process.

close_socket(WebSockex.Conn.t) :: %WebSockex.Conn{cacerts: term, conn_mod: term, extra_headers: term, host: term, insecure: term, path: term, port: term, query: term, resp_headers: term, socket: nil, socket_connect_timeout: term, socket_recv_timeout: term, ssl_options: term, transport: term}

Closes the socket and returns the Conn map without the socket.

When the :socket field is nil in the struct, the function just returns the struct as is.

controlling_process(conn, new_owner)
controlling_process(WebSockex.Conn.t, new_owner :: pid) ::
  :ok |
  {:error, term}

Set the socket’s controlling process.

handle_response(WebSockex.Conn.t) ::
  {:ok, [header]} |
  {:error, reason :: term}

Waits for the request response, decodes the packet, and returns the response headers.

Sends any access information in the buffer back to the process as a message to be processed.

new(url, opts \\ [])
new(url :: String.t | URI.t, [connection_option]) ::
  WebSockex.Conn.t |
  {:error, %WebSockex.URLError{__exception__: term, url: term}}

Returns a new WebSockex.Conn struct from a uri and options.

open_socket(WebSockex.Conn.t) ::
  {:ok, WebSockex.Conn.t} |
  {:error, term}

Opens a socket to a uri and returns a conn struct.

parse_url(String.t) ::
  {:ok, URI.t} |
  {:error, %WebSockex.URLError{__exception__: term, url: term}}

Parses a url string for a valid URI

set_active(conn, val \\ true)
set_active(WebSockex.Conn.t, true | false) ::
  :ok |
  {:error, reason :: term}

Sets the socket to active.

socket_send(conn, message)
socket_send(WebSockex.Conn.t, binary) ::
  :ok |
  {:error, reason :: term}

Sends data using the conn_mod module.