WebSockex v0.4.2 WebSockex behaviour
A client handles negotiating the connection, then sending frames, receiving frames, closing, and reconnecting that connection.
A simple client implementation would be:
defmodule WsClient do
use WebSockex
def start_link(url, state) do
WebSockex.start_link(url, __MODULE__, state)
def handle_frame({:text, msg}, state) do
IO.puts "Received a message: #{msg}"
{:ok, state}
def handle_cast({:send, {type, msg} = frame}, state) do
IO.puts "Sending #{type} frame with payload: #{msg}"
{:reply, frame, state}
WebSockex is implemented as an OTP Special Process and as a result will fit into supervision trees.
WebSockex also supports the Supervisor children format introduced in Elixir
1.5. Meaning that a child specification could be {ClientModule, [state]}
However, since there is a possibility that you would like to provide a
or a url as well as the state, there are two versions of
the child_spec
function. If you need functionality beyond that it is
recommended that you override the function or define your own.
Just remember to use the version that corresponds with your start_link
An integer between 1000 and 4999 that specifies the reason for closing the connection
The error returned when a connection fails to be established
The frame sent when the negotiating a connection closure
The reason a connection was closed
A map that contains information about the failure to connect
Debug options to be parsed by :sys.debug_options/1
Options values for start_link
Asynchronously sends a message to a client that is handled by handle_cast/2
Sends a frame through the WebSocket
Starts a WebSockex
Starts a WebSockex
process linked to the current process
Invoked when a new version the module is loaded during runtime
Invoked to retrieve a formatted status of the state in a WebSockex process
Invoked to handle asynchronous cast/2
Invoked after a connection is established
Invoked when the WebSocket disconnects from the server
Invoked on the reception of a frame on the socket
Invoked to handle all other non-WebSocket messages
Invoked when the Websocket receives a ping frame
Invoked when the Websocket receives a pong frame
Invoked when the process is terminating
An integer between 1000 and 4999 that specifies the reason for closing the connection.
close_error :: %WebSockex.RequestError{__exception__: term, code: term, message: term} | %WebSockex.ConnError{__exception__: term, original: term} | %WebSockex.InvalidFrameError{__exception__: term, frame: term} | %WebSockex.FrameEncodeError{__exception__: term, close_code: term, frame_payload: term, frame_type: term, reason: term}
The error returned when a connection fails to be established.
The frame sent when the negotiating a connection closure.
close_reason :: {:remote | :local, :normal} | {:remote | :local, close_code, message :: binary} | {:remote, :closed} | {:error, term}
The reason a connection was closed.
A :normal
reason is the same as a 1000
reason with no payload.
If the peer closes the connection abruptly without a close frame then the
close reason is {:remote, :closed}
connection_status_map() :: %{reason: close_reason | close_error, attempt_number: integer, conn: WebSockex.Conn.t}
A map that contains information about the failure to connect.
This map contains the error, attempt number, and the WebSockex.Conn.t/0
that was used to attempt the connection.
debug_opts() :: [:trace | :log | {:log, log_depth :: pos_integer} | :statistics | {:log_to_file, Path.t}]
Debug options to be parsed by :sys.debug_options/1
These options can also be set after the process is running using the functions in
the Erlang :sys
frame :: :ping | :pong | {:ping | :pong, nil | message :: binary} | {:text | :binary, message :: binary}
option :: WebSockex.Conn.connection_option | {:async, boolean} | {:debug, debug_opts} | {:name, atom | {:global, term} | {:via, module, term}} | {:handle_initial_conn_failure, boolean}
Options values for start_link
- Replies with{:ok, pid}
before establishing the connection. This is useful for when attempting to connect indefinitely, this way the process doesn’t block trying to establish a connection.:handle_initial_conn_failure
- When set totrue
a connection failure while establishing the initial connection won’t immediately return an error and instead will invoke thehandle_disconnect/2
callback. This option only matters during process initialization. Thehandle_disconnect
callback is always invoked if an established connection is lost.:debug
- Options to set the debug options for:sys.handle_debug
- An atom that the registers the process with name locally. Can also be a{:via, module, term}
or{:global, term}
Other possible option values include: WebSockex.Conn.connection_option/0
Asynchronously sends a message to a client that is handled by handle_cast/2
handle_terminate_close(any, pid, any, any) :: no_return
init(pid, atom, WebSockex.Conn.t, module, term, options) :: {:ok, pid} | {:error, term}
send_frame(client, frame) :: :ok | {:error, %WebSockex.FrameEncodeError{__exception__: term, close_code: term, frame_payload: term, frame_type: term, reason: term} | %WebSockex.ConnError{__exception__: term, original: term} | %WebSockex.NotConnectedError{__exception__: term, connection_state: term} | %WebSockex.InvalidFrameError{__exception__: term, frame: term}} | none
Sends a frame through the WebSocket.
If the connection is either connecting or closing then this will return an
error tuple with a WebSockex.NotConnectedError
exception struct as the
second element.
If a connection failure is discovered while sending then it will return an
error tuple with a WebSockex.ConnError
exception struct as the second
start(url :: String.t | WebSockex.Conn.t, module, term, options) :: {:ok, pid} | {:error, term}
Starts a WebSockex
Acts like start_link/4
, except doesn’t link the current process.
See start_link/4
for more information.
start_link(url :: String.t | WebSockex.Conn.t, module, term, options) :: {:ok, pid} | {:error, term}
Starts a WebSockex
process linked to the current process.
For available option values see option/0
If a WebSockex.Conn.t
is used in place of a url string, then the options
available in WebSockex.Conn.connection_option/0
have effect.
The callback handle_connect/2
is invoked after the connection is
code_change(old_vsn :: term | {:down, term}, state :: term, extra :: term) :: {:ok, new_state :: term} | {:error, reason :: term}
Invoked when a new version the module is loaded during runtime.
format_status(:normal, [process_dictionary | state]) :: status :: term when process_dictionary: [{key :: term, val :: term}], state: term
Invoked to retrieve a formatted status of the state in a WebSockex process.
This optional callback is used when you want to edit the values returned when
invoking :sys.get_status
The second argument is a two-element list with the order of [pdict, state]
handle_cast(msg :: term, state :: term) :: {:ok, new_state} | {:reply, frame, new_state} | {:close, new_state} | {:close, close_frame, new_state} when new_state: term
Invoked to handle asynchronous cast/2
handle_connect(conn :: WebSockex.Conn.t, state :: term) :: {:ok, new_state :: term}
Invoked after a connection is established.
This is invoked after both the initial connection and a reconnect.
handle_disconnect(connection_status_map, state :: term) :: {:ok, new_state} | {:reconnect, new_state} | {:reconnect, new_conn :: WebSockex.Conn.t, new_state} when new_state: term
Invoked when the WebSocket disconnects from the server.
This callback is only invoked in the event of a connection failure. In cases of crashes or other errors the process will terminate immediately skipping this callback.
If the handle_initial_conn_failure: true
option is provided during process
startup, then this callback will be invoked if the process fails to establish
an initial connection.
If a connection is established by reconnecting, the handle_connect/2
callback will be invoked.
The possible returns for this callback are:
{:ok, state}
will continue the process termination.{:reconnect, state}
will attempt to reconnect instead of terminating.{:reconnect, conn, state}
will attempt to reconnect with the connection data inconn
is expected to be aWebSockex.Conn.t/0
handle_frame(frame, state :: term) :: {:ok, new_state} | {:reply, frame, new_state} | {:close, new_state} | {:close, close_frame, new_state} when new_state: term
Invoked on the reception of a frame on the socket.
The control frames have possible payloads, when they don’t have a payload
then the frame will have nil
as the payload. e.g. {:ping, nil}
handle_info(msg :: term, state :: term) :: {:ok, new_state} | {:reply, frame, new_state} | {:close, new_state} | {:close, close_frame, new_state} when new_state: term
Invoked to handle all other non-WebSocket messages.
handle_ping(ping_frame :: :ping | {:ping, binary}, state :: term) :: {:ok, new_state} | {:reply, frame, new_state} | {:close, new_state} | {:close, close_frame, new_state} when new_state: term
Invoked when the Websocket receives a ping frame
handle_pong(pong_frame :: :pong | {:pong, binary}, state :: term) :: {:ok, new_state} | {:reply, frame, new_state} | {:close, new_state} | {:close, close_frame, new_state} when new_state: term
Invoked when the Websocket receives a pong frame.
Invoked when the process is terminating.