Witchcraft.Extend (Witchcraft v1.0.4) View Source

Extend is essentially "coChain", meaning that it reverses the relationships in Chain.

Instead of a flattening operation, we have nest which wraps the data in an additional layer of itsef.

Instead of a chaining function that acts on raw data and wraps it, we have extend which unwraps data, may modify it, and returns the unwrapped value

Type Class

An instance of Witchcraft.Extend must also implement Witchcraft.Functor, and define Witchcraft.Extend.nest/1.

Functor  [map/2]
Extend   [nest/1]

Link to this section Summary



iex> composed =
...>   fn xs -> List.first(xs) * 10 end
...>   |> compose_colink(fn ys -> List.first(ys) - 10 end)
...> extend([1, 2, 3], composed)
[-90, -80, -70]

iex> fn xs -> List.first(xs) * 10 end
...> |> compose_colink(fn ys -> List.first(ys) - 10 end)
...> |> compose_colink(fn zs -> List.first(zs) * 50 end)
...> |> peel([1, 2, 3])
[400, 900, 1400]

iex> fn xs -> List.first(xs) * 10 end
...> |> compose_colink(fn ys -> List.first(ys) - 10 end)
...> |> compose_colink(fn zs -> List.first(zs) * 50 end)
...> |> compose_colink(fn zs -> List.first(zs) + 12 end)
...> |> peel([1, 2, 3])
[6400, 6900, 7400]

The same as extend/2, but with the colinking function curried.

The same as extend/2, but with the colinking function curried.

Similar to Witchcraft.Chain.chain/2, except that it reverses the input and output types of the colinking function.

Wrap some nestable data structure in another layer of itself

extend/2 with arguments flipped.

pipe_colink/2 with functions curried.

Link to this section Types


colink() :: (t() -> any())


t() :: any()

Link to this section Functions


compose_colink(colink(), colink()) :: (t() -> any())


iex> composed =
...>   fn xs -> List.first(xs) * 10 end
...>   |> compose_colink(fn ys -> List.first(ys) - 10 end)
...> extend([1, 2, 3], composed)
[-90, -80, -70]

iex> fn xs -> List.first(xs) * 10 end
...> |> compose_colink(fn ys -> List.first(ys) - 10 end)
...> |> compose_colink(fn zs -> List.first(zs) * 50 end)
...> |> peel([1, 2, 3])
[400, 900, 1400]

iex> fn xs -> List.first(xs) * 10 end
...> |> compose_colink(fn ys -> List.first(ys) - 10 end)
...> |> compose_colink(fn zs -> List.first(zs) * 50 end)
...> |> compose_colink(fn zs -> List.first(zs) + 12 end)
...> |> peel([1, 2, 3])
[6400, 6900, 7400]
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curried_extend(data, colink)

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curried_extend(t(), (... -> any())) :: t()

The same as extend/2, but with the colinking function curried.


iex> [1, 2, 3]
...> |> curried_extend(fn(list, coeff) -> List.first(list) * coeff end)
...> |> extend(fn(funs) -> List.first(funs).(10) end)
[10, 20, 30]
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curried_peel(colink, data)

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curried_peel(t(), (... -> any())) :: t()

The same as extend/2, but with the colinking function curried.


iex> fn(list) -> List.first(list) * 10 end
...> |> curried_peel([1, 2, 3])
[10, 20, 30]


extend(t(), colink()) :: t()

Similar to Witchcraft.Chain.chain/2, except that it reverses the input and output types of the colinking function.



iex> Witchcraft.Chain.chain([1, 2, 3], fn x -> [x * 10] end)
[10, 20, 30]


iex> extend([1, 2, 3], fn list -> List.first(list) * 10 end)
[10, 20, 30]


nest(t()) :: t()

Wrap some nestable data structure in another layer of itself


iex> nest([1, 2, 3])
[[1, 2, 3], [2, 3], [3]]


peel(colink(), t()) :: t()

extend/2 with arguments flipped.

Makes piping composed colinks easier (see compose_colink/2 and pipe_compose_colink/2).


iex> fn list -> List.first(list) * 10 end
...> |> peel([1, 2, 3])
[10, 20, 30]
Link to this function

pipe_compose_colink(f, g)

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pipe_compose_colink(colink(), colink()) :: (t() -> any())

pipe_colink/2 with functions curried.


iex> fn xs -> List.first(xs) * 10 end
...> |> pipe_compose_colink(fn ys -> List.first(ys) - 2 end)
...> |> peel([1, 2, 3])
[8, 18, 28]

iex> composed =
...>   fn xs -> List.first(xs) * 10 end
...>   |> pipe_compose_colink(fn ys -> List.first(ys) - 2 end)
...>   |> pipe_compose_colink(fn zs -> List.first(zs) * 5 end)
...> extend([1, 2, 3], composed)
[40, 90, 140]

iex> fn xs -> List.first(xs) * 10 end
...> |> pipe_compose_colink(fn ys -> List.first(ys) - 2 end)
...> |> pipe_compose_colink(fn zs -> List.first(zs) * 5 end)
...> |> pipe_compose_colink(fn zs -> List.first(zs) + 1 end)
...> |> peel([1, 2, 3])
[41, 91, 141]