File Uploads
Absinthe provides a unique pattern to support file uploads in conjunction with normal GraphQL field arguments as part of the absinthe_plug package.
The following schema includes a mutation field that accepts multiple uploaded files as arguments (:users
and :metadata
defmodule MyAppWeb.Schema do
use Absinthe.Schema
# Important: Needed to use the `:upload` type
import_types Absinthe.Plug.Types
mutation do
field :upload_file, :string do
arg :users, non_null(:upload)
arg :metadata, :upload
resolve fn args, _ ->
args.users # this is a `%Plug.Upload{}` struct.
{:ok, "success"}
To send a mutation that includes a file upload, you need to
use the multipart/form-data
content type. For example, using cURL
$ curl -X POST \
-F query="mutation { uploadFile(users: \"users_csv\", metadata: \"metadata_json\")}" \
-F users_csv=@users.csv \
-F metadata_json=@metadata.json \
Note how there is a correspondence between the value of the :users
and the -F
option indicating the associated file.
By treating uploads as regular arguments we get all the usual GraphQL argument benefits (such as validation and documentation)---which we wouldn't get if we were merely putting them in the context as in other implementations.
Integration with Client-side GraphQL Frameworks
- Apollo: apollo-absinthe-upload-link
- Apollo (v1): apollo-absinthe-upload-client (Note: does not support Relay Native as of v1.0.1)
- Relay: (None known. Please submit a pull request updating this information.)