Writing Middleware and Plugins
Middleware enables custom resolution behaviour on a field. You can use them to share common logic that needs to happen before or after resolving fields. Things like authentication and error handling.
Create a Middleware
In order to create a Middleware
you need a module that implements Absinthe.Middleware
behaviour . Your module needs to have a call/2
method which receives an %Absinthe.Resolution{}
struct and some options as its parameters, and then returns a possibly altered resolution struct.
Here is an example of a middleware that handle Ecto.Changeset
errors and makes sure we properly add error message to the errors
in the response.
defmodule MyApp.Middlewares.HandleChangesetErrors do
@behaviour Absinthe.Middleware
def call(resolution, _) do
%{resolution |
errors: Enum.flat_map(resolution.errors, &handle_error/1)
defp handle_error(%Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset) do
|> Ecto.Changeset.traverse_errors(fn {err, _opts} -> err end)
|> Enum.map(fn({k,v}) -> "#{k}: #{v}" end)
defp handle_error(error), do: [error]
The resolution struct has all kinds of useful values inside of it. You can access the Absinthe context, the root value, information about the current field's AST, and more. For more information on how the current user ends up in the context please see our full authentication guide.
Using Middlewares
Middleware can be placed on a field in few different ways:
1. Using the Absinthe.Schema.Notation.middleware/2
macro used inside a field definition
This option is good when you want to add your middleware on few specific fields. You can use middleware
to add multiple Middlewares before or after resolve
. In this example MyApp.Web.Authentication
would run before resolution, and HandleError
would run after.
field :hello, :string do
middleware MyApp.Web.Authentication
resolve &get_the_string/2
middleware HandleError, :foo
2. Using the middleware/3
callback in your schema.
This option is good if you want to add your middleware on all or a group of fields based on the type of query. middleware/3
is a function callback on a schema. When you use Absinthe.Schema
a default implementation of this function is placed in your schema. It is passed the existing middleware for a field, the field itself, and the object that the field is a part of.
You can override this callback to add your Middleware in the list of existing middlewares. In this example we add our HandleChangesetError
Middleware only to mutations.
# add this to your schema module
# if it's a field for the mutation object, add this middleware to the end
def middleware(middleware, _field, %{identifier: :mutation}) do
middleware ++ [MyApp.Middlewares.HandleChangesetErrors]
# if it's any other object keep things as is
def middleware(middleware, _field, _object), do: middleware
3. Returning a {:middleware, middleware_spec, config}
tuple from a resolution function.
You can update your resolution function to return {:middleware, MyApp.Middlewares.HandleChangesetErrors, config}
, note that in this case the middleware can only be applied after the resolution.