
There are three main approaches to testing GraphQL APIs built with Absinthe:

  1. Testing resolver functions, since they do most of work.
  2. Testing GraphQL document execution directly via Absinthe.run/3, for the bigger picture.
  3. Outside-in, testing the full HTTP request/response cycle with absinthe_plug.

This guide focuses on the third approach, which we generally recommend since it exercises more of your application.

Testing with Absinthe Plug

GraphQL is transport independent, but it's most often served over HTTP. To test HTTP requests with absinthe you'll also need absinthe_plug. This guide will also assume you're using Phoenix, although it is possible to use Absinthe without it (see the Plug and Phoenix Setup Guide).


Say we want to test the following schema:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Schema do
  use Absinthe.Schema

  @fakedb %{
    "1" => %{name: "Bob", email: "bubba@foo.com"},
    "2" => %{name: "Fred", email: "fredmeister@foo.com"}

  query do
    field :user, :user do
      arg :id, non_null(:id)

      resolve &find_user/2

  object :user do
    field :name, :string
    field :email, :string

  defp find_user(%{id: id}, _) do
    {:ok, Map.get(@fakedb, id)}

Which we have exposed at the /api endpoint:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
  use Phoenix.Router

  scope "/api" do
    forward "/", Absinthe.Plug, schema: MyAppWeb.Schema

The test could look something like this:

defmodule MyAppWeb.SchemaTest do
  use MyAppWeb.ConnCase

  @user_query """
  query getUser($id: ID!) {
    user(id: $id) {

  test "query: user", %{conn: conn} do
    conn =
      post(conn, "/api", %{
        "query" => @user_query,
        "variables" => %{id: 1}

    assert json_response(conn, 200) == %{
             "data" => %{"user" => %{"email" => "bubba@foo.com", "name" => "Bob"}}

Phoenix generates the MyAppWeb.ConnCase test helper module. This supplies the conn variable containing the request and response. It also has helper functions such as post/3 and json_response/2.

The query is stored in the @user_query module attribute. We post this document to the GraphQL endpoint at /api, along with a map of variables which will be transformed to arguments for the getUser query.

The response to the query can then be directly asserted to be a JSON object of the right shape.