View Source Runbox.Notifications.TemplateHelper (runbox v13.0.3)

Set of utility functions for use in notification templates.



Returns a URL to the asset detail.

Formats a number by separating thousands with a separator.

Formats timestamp into the given format in the given timezone.

Wraps the given EEx content with a EEx template.

Returns the UI url.


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asset_link(asset_id, ui_type \\ :new)

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@spec asset_link(String.t(), :new | :old) :: String.t()

Returns a URL to the asset detail.

The type of UI can be specified, and the link is generated to work with that UI. Can be :new or :old.

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format_number(number, separator \\ " ")

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Formats a number by separating thousands with a separator.

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format_ts(ts, format_str, target_tz \\ "Etc/UTC")

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Formats timestamp into the given format in the given timezone.

Link to this macro

include_template(source, template_name, context \\ [], macro_params)

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Wraps the given EEx content with a EEx template.

Templates can be bundled with a scenario or be a part of the system, source should be set to scenario_name for scenario-based templates and :system for templates bundled with the system.

The templates that can be included, so called shared templates, are stored in shared folder (scenarios/priv/notifications/{scenario_name}/shared). Each shared template consists of two files - header and footer - which are wrapped around the given content. The filenames have _header and _footer appended, for template_name = "email" the two filenames are email_header.eex and email_footer.eex. System templates are stored in apps/asset_map/templates/shared.

Via context you can pass additional parameters to the shared template (passed as assigns). The expected context depends on the template.

Example usage

<% alias Runbox.Notifications.TemplateHelper %>
<% require TemplateHelper %>
<%= TemplateHelper.include_template({"test", 1}, "email_rich", title: "Test email") do %>
  <h1>Test Email</h1>
  <p>This text is surrounded by the template...</p>
<% end %>

Returns the UI url.