View Source Runbox.Utils.Path (runbox v13.0.3)
Utilities for handling configured paths.
Gets the Altworx root dir.
Resolves a possibly relative path to absolute path by prepending the Altworx
root dir (see set_altworx_root/1
Sets where the Altworx root dir is. Configuration and data dirs are supposed to be relative to the root dir. It is typically the directory which the VM is started in.
@spec get_altworx_root() :: String.t() | nil
Gets the Altworx root dir.
Resolves a possibly relative path to absolute path by prepending the Altworx
root dir (see set_altworx_root/1
iex> Path.set_altworx_root("/opt/altworx")
iex> Path.resolve_path("/already/absolute/path")
iex> Path.resolve_path("some/../relative/path")
@spec set_altworx_root(String.t()) :: :ok
Sets where the Altworx root dir is. Configuration and data dirs are supposed to be relative to the root dir. It is typically the directory which the VM is started in.