View Source Appsignal.Logger (AppSignal v2.12.1)

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Types

@type format() :: :json | :logfmt | :plaintext
@type log_level() ::
  :debug | :info | :notice | :warning | :error | :critical | :alert | :emergency

Link to this section Functions

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alert(group, message, metadata_or_format \\ %{})

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@spec alert(String.t(), String.t(), %{} | format()) :: :ok
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critical(group, message, metadata_or_format \\ %{})

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@spec critical(String.t(), String.t(), %{} | format()) :: :ok
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debug(group, message, metadata_or_format \\ %{})

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@spec debug(String.t(), String.t(), %{} | format()) :: :ok
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emergency(group, message, metadata_or_format \\ %{})

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@spec emergency(String.t(), String.t(), %{} | format()) :: :ok
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error(group, message, metadata_or_format \\ %{})

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@spec error(String.t(), String.t(), %{} | format()) :: :ok
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info(group, message, metadata_or_format \\ %{})

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@spec info(String.t(), String.t(), %{} | format()) :: :ok
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log(log_level, group, message, metadata, format \\ :plaintext)

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@spec log(log_level(), String.t(), String.t(), %{}, format()) :: :ok
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notice(group, message, metadata_or_format \\ %{})

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@spec notice(String.t(), String.t(), %{} | format()) :: :ok
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warning(group, message, metadata_or_format \\ %{})

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@spec warning(String.t(), String.t(), %{} | format()) :: :ok