View Source Appsignal (AppSignal v2.12.1)

AppSignal for Elixir. Follow the installation guide to install AppSignal into your Elixir app.

This module contains the main AppSignal OTP application, as well as a few helper functions for sending metrics to AppSignal.

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add_distribution_value(key, value, tags \\ %{})

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@spec add_distribution_value(String.t(), float() | integer(), map()) :: :ok

Add a value to a distribution

Use this to collect multiple data points that will be merged into a graph.

See Appsignal.Heartbeat.heartbeat/1.

See Appsignal.Heartbeat.heartbeat/2.

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increment_counter(key, count \\ 1, tags \\ %{})

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@spec increment_counter(String.t(), number(), map()) :: :ok

Increment a counter of a metric.

See Appsignal.Instrumentation.instrument/1.

See Appsignal.Instrumentation.instrument/2.

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instrument(name, category, fun)

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See Appsignal.Instrumentation.instrument/3.

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send_error(exception, stacktrace)

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See Appsignal.Instrumentation.send_error/2.

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send_error(kind, reason, stacktrace)

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See Appsignal.Instrumentation.send_error/3.

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send_error(kind, reason, stacktrace, fun)

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See Appsignal.Instrumentation.send_error/4.

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set_error(exception, stacktrace)

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See Appsignal.Instrumentation.set_error/2.

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set_error(kind, reason, stacktrace)

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See Appsignal.Instrumentation.set_error/3.

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set_gauge(key, value, tags \\ %{})

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@spec set_gauge(String.t(), float() | integer(), map()) :: :ok

Set a gauge for a measurement of a metric.