AshAuthentication.AddOn.Confirmation.Actions (ash_authentication v4.5.1)
View SourceActions for the confirmation add-on.
Provides the code interface for working with resources via confirmation.
Attempt to confirm a user.
Get changes from the tokens resource for application.
Store changes in the tokens resource for later re-use.
@spec confirm(AshAuthentication.AddOn.Confirmation.t(), map(), keyword()) :: {:ok, Ash.Resource.record()} | {:error, any()}
Attempt to confirm a user.
@spec get_changes(AshAuthentication.AddOn.Confirmation.t(), String.t(), keyword()) :: {:ok, map()} | :error
Get changes from the tokens resource for application.
@spec store_changes( AshAuthentication.AddOn.Confirmation.t(), String.t(), Ash.Changeset.t(), keyword() ) :: :ok | {:error, any()}
Store changes in the tokens resource for later re-use.