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Strategy for authentication using a magic link.

In order to use magic link authentication your resource needs to meet the following minimum requirements:

  1. Have a primary key.
  2. A uniquely constrained identity field (eg username or email)
  3. Have tokens enabled.

There are other options documented in the DSL.


defmodule MyApp.Accounts.User do
  use Ash.Resource,
    extensions: [AshAuthentication],
    domain: MyApp.Accounts

  attributes do
    uuid_primary_key :id
    attribute :email, :ci_string, allow_nil?: false

  authentication do
    strategies do
      magic_link do
        identity_field :email
        sender fn user_or_email, token, _opts ->
          # will be a user if the token relates to an existing user
          # will be an email if there is no matching user (such as during sign up)
          # opts will contain the `tenant` key, use this if you need to alter the link based
          # on the tenant that requested the token
          MyApp.Emails.deliver_magic_link(user_or_email, token)

  identities do
    identity :unique_email, [:email]


Note that the tenant is provided to the sender in the opts key. Use this if you need to modify the url (i.e based on the tenant that requested the token.


By default the magic link strategy will automatically generate the request and sign-in actions for you, however you're free to define them yourself. If you do, then the action will be validated to ensure that all the needed configuration is present.

If you wish to work with the actions directly from your code you can do so via the AshAuthentication.Strategy protocol.


Requesting that a magic link token is sent for a user:

iex> strategy = Info.strategy!(Example.User, :magic_link)
...> user = build_user()
...> Strategy.action(strategy, :request, %{"username" => user.username})

Signing in using a magic link token:

...> {:ok, token} = MagicLink.request_token_for(strategy, user)
...> {:ok, signed_in_user} = Strategy.action(strategy, :sign_in, %{"token" => token})
...> == user


The magic link strategy provides plug endpoints for both request and sign-in actions.

If you wish to work with the plugs directly, you can do so via the AshAuthentication.Strategy protocol.


Dispatching to plugs directly:

iex> strategy = Info.strategy!(Example.User, :magic_link)
...> user = build_user()
...> conn = conn(:post, "/user/magic_link/request", %{"user" => %{"username" => user.username}})
...> conn = Strategy.plug(strategy, :request, conn)
...> {_conn, {:ok, nil}} = Plug.Helpers.get_authentication_result(conn)

...> {:ok, token} = MagicLink.request_token_for(strategy, user)
...> conn = conn(:get, "/user/magic_link", %{"token" => token})
...> conn = Strategy.plug(strategy, :sign_in, conn)
...> {_conn, {:ok, signed_in_user}} = Plug.Helpers.get_authentication_result(conn)
...> ==

See the Magic Link Tutorial for more information.

magic_link name \\ :magic_link

Strategy for authenticating using local users with a magic link


sender(any, any, any -> any) | moduleHow to send the magic link to the user.
identity_fieldatom:usernameThe name of the attribute which uniquely identifies the user, usually something like username or email_address.
token_lifetimepos_integer | {pos_integer, :days | :hours | :minutes | :seconds}{10, :minutes}How long the sign in token is valid. If no unit is provided, then minutes is assumed.
prevent_hijacking?booleantrueRequires a confirmation add_on to be present if the password strategy is used with the same identity_field.
request_action_nameatomThe name to use for the request action. Defaults to request_<strategy_name>
lookup_action_nameatomThe action to use when looking up a user by their identity. Defaults to get_by_<identity_field>
single_use_token?booleantrueAutomatically revoke the token once it's been used for sign in.
registration_enabled?booleanAllows registering via magic link. Signing in with magic link becomes an upsert action instead of a read action.
sign_in_action_nameatomThe name to use for the sign in action. Defaults to sign_in_with_<strategy_name>
token_param_nameatom:tokenThe name of the token parameter in the incoming sign-in request.


Target: AshAuthentication.Strategy.MagicLink