AshAuthentication.Validations (ash_authentication v4.5.0)
View SourceCommon validations shared by several transformers.
Find and return a named attribute in the DSL state.
Build an attribute if not present.
Find and return a persisted option in the DSL state.
Ensure that the named module implements a specific behaviour.
Validates that extension
is present on the resource.
Given a map validate that the provided field is one of the values provided.
Given a map, validate that the provided field predicate returns true for the value.
Validate that a "secret" field is configured correctly.
Ensure that token generation is enabled for the resource.
@spec find_attribute(Spark.Dsl.t(), atom()) :: {:ok, Ash.Resource.Attribute.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}
Find and return a named attribute in the DSL state.
@spec maybe_build_attribute(Spark.Dsl.t(), atom(), (Spark.Dsl.t() -> {:ok, Ash.Resource.Attribute.t()})) :: {:ok, Spark.Dsl.t()}
Build an attribute if not present.
@spec persisted_option(Spark.Dsl.t(), atom()) :: {:ok, any()} | {:error, {:unknown_persisted, atom()}}
Find and return a persisted option in the DSL state.
@spec validate_behaviour(module(), module()) :: :ok | {:error, Exception.t()}
Ensure that the named module implements a specific behaviour.
@spec validate_extension(Spark.Dsl.t(), module()) :: :ok | {:error, Exception.t()}
Validates that extension
is present on the resource.
Given a map validate that the provided field is one of the values provided.
@spec validate_field_with(map(), field, (any() -> boolean()), message) :: :ok | {:error, message} when field: any(), message: any()
Given a map, validate that the provided field predicate returns true for the value.
Validate that a "secret" field is configured correctly.
@spec validate_token_generation_enabled(Spark.Dsl.t(), binary()) :: :ok | {:error, Exception.t()}
Ensure that token generation is enabled for the resource.