View Source Overriding Ash Authentication Phoenix's default UI

Ash Authentication Phoenix provides a default UI implementation to get you started, however we wanted there to be a middle road between "you gets what you gets" and "¯\(ツ)/¯ make your own". Thus AAP's system of UI overrides were born.

Every one of our LiveView components (and there are quite a few of them) has a number of hooks where you can override either the CSS styles, text or images.

Understanding overrides

Let's start by looking at AshAuthentication.Phoenix.Components.SignIn, which introspects your authenticatable resources and renders the components for each of strategies with sign-in enabled.

The component documentation describes it's known overrides, expected properties and even which components are likely to be rendered within it.

By default, if the overrides prop is not set, then the defaults will be taken from AshAuthentication.Phoenix.Overrides.Default.

Defining your own override module

If you find that the default overrides don't quite cut it for your application you can define your own override module with the AshAuthentication.Phoenix.Overrides module.

For example, if we wanted to change the default banner used on the sign-in page:

defmodule MyAppWeb.AuthOverrides do
  use AshAuthentication.Phoenix.Overrides

  override AshAuthentication.Phoenix.Components.Banner do
    set :image_url, "/images/rickroll.gif"

You don't have to define all overrides for all components - although you can - only the ones you actually want to change. This is why the overrides component property takes a list - each override module will be searched in the order they're provided until an override is found. Therefore to render the sign-in UI with only the banner image changed you could render the sign-in component with the overrides prop set to [MyAppWeb.AuthOverrides, AshAuthentication.Phoenix.Overrides.Default].

Overriding at the router

So far we have discussed how to override individual components when placing them in your own LiveView pages, however if you plan to re-use the default UI wholesale with only some overrides, then you can also provide your override options to the AshAuthentication.Phoenix.Router.sign_in_route/1 and AshAuthentication.Phoenix.Router.reset_route/1 route helpers in your Phoenix router:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
  use MyAppWeb, :router
  use AshAuthentication.Phoenix.Router

  # ...

  scope "/", MyAppWeb do
    sign_in_route(overrides: [MyAppWeb.AuthOverrides, AshAuthentication.Phoenix.Overrides.Default])