View Source Bitcoinex.Script (bitcoinex v0.1.8)
a module for manipulating Bitcoin Scripts
Link to this section Summary
byte_length returns the byte length of the serialized script.
create_multi creates a raw multisig script using m and the list of public keys.
create_p2pk creates a p2pk script using the passed public key
create_p2pkh creates a p2pkh script using the passed 20-byte public key hash
create_p2sh creates a p2sh script using the passed 20-byte public key hash
create_p2sh_multi returns both a P2SH-wrapped multisig script and the underlying raw multisig script using m and the list of public keys.
create_p2sh_p2wpkh creates a p2wsh script using the passed 20-byte public key hash
create_p2tr creates a p2tr script using the passed 32-byte public key
or Point. If a point is passed, it's interpreted as q, the full witness program or taproot output key per BIP 341 rather than the keyspend pubkey.
create_p2wpkh creates a p2wpkh script using the passed 20-byte public key hash
create_p2wsh creates a p2wsh script using the passed 32-byte script hash
create_p2wsh_multi returns both a P2WSH-wrapped multisig script and the underlying raw multisig script using m and the list of public keys.
create_witness_scriptpubkey creates any witness script from a witness version
and witness program. It performs no validity checks.
display_script returns a human readable string of the script, with
op_codes shown by name rather than number.
empty? returns true for empty scripts, false otherwise.
extract_multi_policy takes in a raw multisig script and returns the m, the number of signatures required and the n authorized public keys.
from_address produces the scriptpubkey from an address.
get_op_atom returns the atom associated with the passed opcode integer.
get_op_num returns the integer associated with the passed opcode atom.
get_script_type determines the type of a script based on its elements
returns :non_standard if no type matches
hash160 is a helper function which returns the hash160 digest of the serialized script, as used in P2SH scripts.
is_multi? returns whether a given script is of the raw multisig format:
is_p2pk? returns whether a given script is of the p2pk format:
<33-byte or 65-byte pubkey> OP_CHECKSIG
is_p2pkh? returns whether a given script is of the p2pkh format:
is_p2sh? returns whether a given script is of the p2sh format:
OP_HASH160 OP_PUSHBYTES_20 <20-byte hash> OP_EQUAL
is_p2tr? returns whether a given script is of the p2tr format:
OP_1 OP_PUSHBYTES_32 <32-byte hash>
is_p2wpkh? returns whether a given script is of the p2wpkh format:
OP_0 OP_PUSHBYTES_20 <20-byte hash>
is_p2wsh? returns whether a given script is of the p2wsh format:
OP_0 OP_PUSHBYTES_32 <32-byte hash>
new returns an empty script object.
parse_script parses a binary or hex string into a script.
pop returns the first element of the script and the remaining script.
Returns nil if script is empty
public_key_hash takes the hash160 of the public key's compressed sec encoding.
Can be used to create a pkh script.
public_key_to_p2pkh creates a p2pkh script from a public key.
All public keys are compressed.
public_key_to_p2sh_p2wpkh creates a p2sh-p2wpkh script from a public key.
All public keys are compressed.
public_key_to_p2wpkh creates a p2wpkh script from a public key.
All public keys are compressed.
push_data returns a script with the binary data and any
accompanying pushdata or pushbytes opcodes added to the front of the script.
push_op pushes a single opcode to the script as an integer and returns the script.
raw_combine directly concatenates two scripts with no checks.
script_length returns the number of items in the script.
serialize_script serializes the script into binary
according to Bitcoin's standard.
hash256 is a helper function which returns the hash256 digest of the serialized script, as used in P2WSH scripts.
to_address converts a script object into the proper address type
to_hex returns the hex of a serialized script.
to_list returns the script as a list of items
to_p2sh wraps any script in a p2sh by first hashing it (hash160) and then wrapping then script hash in a p2sh script.
to_p2wsh converts any script into a p2wsh script by hashing it (SHA256) then wrapping the script hash as a p2wsh script.
Link to this section Types
@type script_type() ::
:p2pk | :p2pkh | :p2sh | :p2wpkh | :p2wsh | :p2tr | :multi | :non_standard
@type t() :: %Bitcoinex.Script{items: list()}
Link to this section Functions
@spec byte_length(t()) :: non_neg_integer()
byte_length returns the byte length of the serialized script.
@spec create_multi(non_neg_integer(), [Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Point.t()]) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, String.t()}
create_multi creates a raw multisig script using m and the list of public keys.
create_p2pk creates a p2pk script using the passed public key
create_p2pkh creates a p2pkh script using the passed 20-byte public key hash
create_p2sh creates a p2sh script using the passed 20-byte public key hash
@spec create_p2sh_multi(non_neg_integer(), [Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Point.t()]) :: {:ok, t(), t()} | {:error, String.t()}
create_p2sh_multi returns both a P2SH-wrapped multisig script and the underlying raw multisig script using m and the list of public keys.
create_p2sh_p2wpkh creates a p2wsh script using the passed 20-byte public key hash
@spec create_p2tr(binary() | Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Point.t()) :: {:ok, t()}
create_p2tr creates a p2tr script using the passed 32-byte public key
or Point. If a point is passed, it's interpreted as q, the full witness program or taproot output key per BIP 341 rather than the keyspend pubkey.
create_p2wpkh creates a p2wpkh script using the passed 20-byte public key hash
create_p2wsh creates a p2wsh script using the passed 32-byte script hash
@spec create_p2wsh_multi(non_neg_integer(), [Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Point.t()]) :: {:ok, t(), t()} | {:error, String.t()}
create_p2wsh_multi returns both a P2WSH-wrapped multisig script and the underlying raw multisig script using m and the list of public keys.
@spec create_witness_scriptpubkey(non_neg_integer(), binary()) :: {:ok, t()}
create_witness_scriptpubkey creates any witness script from a witness version
and witness program. It performs no validity checks.
display_script returns a human readable string of the script, with
op_codes shown by name rather than number.
@spec empty?(t()) :: bool()
empty? returns true for empty scripts, false otherwise.
@spec extract_multi_policy(t()) :: {:ok, non_neg_integer(), [Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Point.t()]} | {:error, String.t()}
extract_multi_policy takes in a raw multisig script and returns the m, the number of signatures required and the n authorized public keys.
@spec from_address(String.t()) :: {:error, String.t()} | {:ok, t(), Bitcoinex.Network.network_name()}
from_address produces the scriptpubkey from an address.
@spec get_op_atom(non_neg_integer()) :: non_neg_integer() | {:ok, atom()}
get_op_atom returns the atom associated with the passed opcode integer.
@spec get_op_num(atom()) :: {:ok, non_neg_integer()} | :error
get_op_num returns the integer associated with the passed opcode atom.
@spec get_script_type(t()) :: script_type()
get_script_type determines the type of a script based on its elements
returns :non_standard if no type matches
hash160 is a helper function which returns the hash160 digest of the serialized script, as used in P2SH scripts.
is_multi? returns whether a given script is of the raw multisig format:
is_p2pk? returns whether a given script is of the p2pk format:
<33-byte or 65-byte pubkey> OP_CHECKSIG
is_p2pkh? returns whether a given script is of the p2pkh format:
is_p2sh? returns whether a given script is of the p2sh format:
OP_HASH160 OP_PUSHBYTES_20 <20-byte hash> OP_EQUAL
is_p2tr? returns whether a given script is of the p2tr format:
OP_1 OP_PUSHBYTES_32 <32-byte hash>
is_p2wpkh? returns whether a given script is of the p2wpkh format:
OP_0 OP_PUSHBYTES_20 <20-byte hash>
is_p2wsh? returns whether a given script is of the p2wsh format:
OP_0 OP_PUSHBYTES_32 <32-byte hash>
@spec new() :: t()
new returns an empty script object.
parse_script parses a binary or hex string into a script.
@spec pop(t()) :: nil | {:ok, non_neg_integer() | binary(), t()}
pop returns the first element of the script and the remaining script.
Returns nil if script is empty
@spec public_key_hash(Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Point.t()) :: binary()
public_key_hash takes the hash160 of the public key's compressed sec encoding.
Can be used to create a pkh script.
@spec public_key_to_p2pkh(Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Point.t()) :: {:ok, t()}
public_key_to_p2pkh creates a p2pkh script from a public key.
All public keys are compressed.
@spec public_key_to_p2sh_p2wpkh(Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Point.t()) :: {:ok, t(), t()}
public_key_to_p2sh_p2wpkh creates a p2sh-p2wpkh script from a public key.
All public keys are compressed.
@spec public_key_to_p2wpkh(Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Point.t()) :: {:ok, t()}
public_key_to_p2wpkh creates a p2wpkh script from a public key.
All public keys are compressed.
push_data returns a script with the binary data and any
accompanying pushdata or pushbytes opcodes added to the front of the script.
@spec push_op(t(), atom() | non_neg_integer()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, String.t()}
push_op pushes a single opcode to the script as an integer and returns the script.
raw_combine directly concatenates two scripts with no checks.
@spec script_length(t()) :: non_neg_integer()
script_length returns the number of items in the script.
serialize_script serializes the script into binary
according to Bitcoin's standard.
hash256 is a helper function which returns the hash256 digest of the serialized script, as used in P2WSH scripts.
@spec to_address(t(), Bitcoinex.Network.network_name()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, String.t()}
to_address converts a script object into the proper address type
to_hex returns the hex of a serialized script.
to_list returns the script as a list of items
to_p2sh wraps any script in a p2sh by first hashing it (hash160) and then wrapping then script hash in a p2sh script.
to_p2wsh converts any script into a p2wsh script by hashing it (SHA256) then wrapping the script hash as a p2wsh script.