View Source Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Schnorr (bitcoinex v0.1.8)
Schnorr-specific secp256k1 operations
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verify whether the schnorr signature is valid for the given message hash and public key
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@spec sign(Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.PrivateKey.t(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()) :: {:ok, Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Signature.t()} | {:error, String.t()}
@spec verify_signature( Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Point.t(), non_neg_integer(), Bitcoinex.Secp256k1.Signature.t() ) :: boolean() | {:error, String.t()}
verify whether the schnorr signature is valid for the given message hash and public key