View Source Broadway.CallerAcknowledger (Broadway v1.1.0)
A simple acknowledger that sends a message back to a caller.
If you want to use this acknowledger in messages produced by your
, you can get its configuration by calling
the init/0
function. For example, you can use it in
some_ref = make_ref()
"some data",
acknowledger: Broadway.CallerAcknowledger.init({self(), some_ref}, :ignored)
The first parameter is a tuple with the PID to receive the messages and a unique identifier (usually a reference). Such unique identifier is then included in the messages sent to the PID. The second parameter, which is per message, is ignored.
It sends a message in the format:
{:ack, ref, successful_messages, failed_messages}
If Broadway.Message.configure_ack/2
is called on a message that
uses this acknowledger, then the following message is sent:
{:configure, ref, options}
Returns the acknowledger metadata.
@spec init( {pid(), ref :: term()}, ignored_term :: term() ) :: Broadway.Message.acknowledger()
Returns the acknowledger metadata.
See the module documentation.