View Source Architecture

Broadway's architecture is built on top of GenStage. That means we structure our processing units as independent stages that are responsible for one individual task in the pipeline. By implementing the Broadway behaviour, we define a GenServer process that wraps a Supervisor to manage and own our pipeline.


The pipeline model

                                       [producers]   <- pulls data from SQS, RabbitMQ, etc.
                                            |   (demand dispatcher)
   handle_message/3 and  ---------->   [processors]
   prepare_messages/2 run here             / \
                                          /   \   (partition dispatcher)
                                         /     \
                                   [batcher]   [batcher]   <- one for each batcher key
                                       |           |
                                       |           |   (demand dispatcher)
                                       |           |
handle_batch/4 runs here -> [batch processor][batch processor]


Internal stages

  • Broadway.Producer - A wrapper around the actual producer defined by the user. It serves as the source of the pipeline.
  • Broadway.Processor - This is where messages are processed, e.g. do calculations, convert data into a custom json format etc. Here is where the code from handle_message/3 runs.
  • Broadway.Batcher - Creates batches of messages based on the batcher's key. One batcher for each key will be created.
  • Broadway.BatchProcessor - This is where the code from handle_batch/4 runs.


The supervision tree

Broadway was designed to always go back to a working state in case of failures thanks to the use of supervisors. Our supervision tree is designed as follows:

                                   [Broadway GenServer]
                              [Broadway Pipeline Supervisor]
                             /    /   (:rest_for_one)   \    \
                           /     |                       |      \
                         /       |                       |         \
                       /         |                       |            \
                     /           |                       |               \
                   /             |                       |                  \
  [ProducerSupervisor]  [ProcessorSupervisor]   [BatchersSupervisor]    [Terminator]
    (:one_for_one)        (:one_for_all)           (:one_for_one)
         / \                    / \                /            \
        /   \                  /   \              /              \
       /     \                /     \            /                \
      /       \              /       \          /                  \
[Producer_1]  ...    [Processor_1]  ...  [BatcherSupervisor_1]     ...
                                            /             \
                                           /               \
                                          /                 \
                                     [Batcher]   [BatchProcessorSupervisor]
                                                        /           \
                                                       /             \
                                                      /               \
                                            [BatchProcessor_1]        ...

Both ProcessorSupervisor and BatchProcessorSupervisor are set with max_restarts to 0. The idea is that if any process fails, we want to restart the rest of the tree. Since Broadway callbacks are stateless, we can handle errors and provide reports without crashing processes. This means that the supervision tree will only shutdown in case of unforeseen errors in Broadway's implementation.

The only exception are the producers, which contain external code and are expected to fail. If a producer crashes, it will be restarted by its supervisor without cascading failures until its max restarts is reached. Broadway automatically handles those failures by making processors automatically resubscribe to producers in case of crashes.


Graceful shutdowns

The cascading failures aspect also provides safe semantics for graceful shutdown. We know that either all processes are running OR they are all being shutdown. Therefore, to gracefully shutdown the supervision tree, a terminator process is activated, which starts the following steps:

  1. It notifies the first layer of processors that they should not resubscribe to producers once they exit

  2. It tells all producers to no longer accept demand, flush all current events, and then shutdown

  3. It then monitors and waits for a confirmation message from batch processors. At this point, the terminator is effectively blocking the supervisor until all events have been processed

This triggers a cascade effect where processors notice all of its producers have been cancelled, causing them to flush their own events and cancels the stages downstream, and so on and so on. This happens until batch processors notice all of their producers have been cancelled, effectively notifying the terminator to shutdown, allowing the outer most supervisor to go on and fully terminate all stages, which at this point have flushed all events.