View Source Apache Kafka

Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that has three key capabilities:

  • Publish and subscribe to streams of records
  • Store streams of records in a fault-tolerant durable way
  • Process streams of records as they occur

Getting Started

In order to use Broadway with Kafka, we need to:

  1. Create a stream of records (or use an existing one)
  2. Configure your Elixir project to use Broadway
  3. Define your pipeline configuration
  4. Implement Broadway callbacks
  5. Run the Broadway pipeline

Create a stream of records (or use an existing one)

In case you don't have Kafka installed yet, please follow the instructions on Kafka's Quickstart for a clean installation. After initializing Kafka, you can create a new stream by running:

$ kafka-topics --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --partitions 3 --topic test

Configure your Elixir project to use Broadway

This guide describes the steps necessary to integrate Broadway with Kafka using BroadwayKafka, which is a Broadway Kafka Connector provided by Dashbit.

BroadwayKafka can subscribe to one or more topics and process streams of records using Kafka's Consumer API.

Each GenStage producer initialized by BroadwayKafka will be available as a consumer, all registered using the same self-labeled consumer group. Each record published to a topic/partition will be delivered to one consumer instance within each consumer group.

Bear in mind that a topic/partition can be assigned to any consumer instance that has been subscribed using the same consumer group, i.e, any Broadway instance or application running on any machine connected to the Kafka cluster.

Starting a new project

Create a new project running:

$ mix new my_app --sup

The --sup flag instructs Elixir to generate an application with a supervision tree.

Setting up dependencies

Add :broadway_kafka to the list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:broadway_kafka, "~> 0.3"}

Don't forget to check for the latest version of dependencies.

Define the pipeline configuration

Broadway is a process-based behaviour and to define a Broadway pipeline, we need to define three functions: start_link/1, handle_message/3 and optionally handle_batch/4. We will cover start_link/1 in this section and the handle_ callbacks in the next one.

Similar to other process-based behaviours, start_link/1 simply delegates to Broadway.start_link/2, which should define the producers, processors, and batchers in the Broadway pipeline. Assuming we want to consume messages from a topic called test, one possible configuration would be:

defmodule MyBroadway do
  use Broadway

  alias Broadway.Message

  def start_link(_opts) do
      name: __MODULE__,
      producer: [
             hosts: [localhost: 9092],
             group_id: "group_1",
             topics: ["test"]
        concurrency: 1
      processors: [
        default: [
          concurrency: 10
      batchers: [
        default: [
          batch_size: 100,
          batch_timeout: 200,
          concurrency: 10


Note: Pipelines built on top of BroadwayKafka are automatically partitioned. So even though there are multiple processes (stages), these processes will preserve Kafka's ordering semantics when it comes to topics/partitions. Internally, this is achieved by making sure all messages from the same topic/partition will always be forwarded to the same processor and batch processor.

For a full list of options for BroadwayKafka.Producer, refer to the official BroadwayKafka documentation.

For general information about setting up Broadway, see Broadway module docs as well as Broadway.start_link/2.

Implement Broadway callbacks

In order to process incoming messages, we need to implement the required callbacks. For the sake of simplicity, we're considering that all messages received from the topic are just numbers:

defmodule MyBroadway do
  use Broadway

  alias Broadway.Message


  @impl true
  def handle_message(_, message, _) do
    |> Message.update_data(fn data -> {data, String.to_integer(data) * 2} end)

  @impl true
  def handle_batch(_, messages, _, _) do
    list = messages |> e -> end)
    IO.inspect(list, label: "Got batch")

We are not doing anything fancy here, but it should be enough for our purpose. First, we update the message's data individually inside handle_message/3 and then we print each batch inside handle_batch/4.

For more information, see Broadway.handle_message/3 and Broadway.handle_batch/4.

Note: Since Broadway v0.2, batching is optional. In case you don't need to group messages as batches for further processing/publishing, you can remove the :batchers configuration along with the handle_batch/4 callback.

Run the Broadway pipeline

To run your Broadway pipeline, you just need to add as a child in a supervision tree. Most applications have a supervision tree defined at lib/my_app/application.ex. You can add Broadway as a child to a supervisor as follows:

children = [
  {MyBroadway, []}

Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

Now the Broadway pipeline should be started when your application starts. Also, if your Broadway has any dependency (for example, it needs to talk to the database), make sure that Broadway is listed after its dependencies in the supervision tree.

You can now test your pipeline by entering an iex session:

$ iex -S mix

If everything went fine, you should see lots of info log messages like this one coming from the :brod supervisors:

15:14:04.356 [info]  [supervisor: {:local, :brod_sup}, started: [pid: #PID<0.251.0>, id: :test_client, mfargs: {:brod_client, :start_link, [[localhost: 9092], :test_client, []]}, restart_type: {:permanent, 10}, shutdown: 5000, child_type: :worker]]

Brod is the client that BroadwayKafka uses under the hood to communicate with Kafka.

Sending messages to Kafka

Finally, we can send some sample messages to Kafka using using :brod with the following snippet:

topic = "test"
client_id = :my_client
hosts = [localhost: 9092]

:ok = :brod.start_client(hosts, client_id, _client_config=[])
:ok = :brod.start_producer(client_id, topic, _producer_config = [])

Enum.each(1..1000, fn i ->
  partition = rem(i, 3)
  :ok = :brod.produce_sync(client_id, topic, partition, _key="", "#{i}")

You should see the output showing the generated batches:

Got batch: [
  {"2", 4},
  {"5", 10},
  {"8", 16},
  {"11", 22},
  {"14", 28},
Got batch: [
  {"3", 6},
  {"6", 12},
  {"9", 18},
  {"12", 24},
  {"15", 30},

Tuning the configuration

Some of the configuration options available for Broadway come already with a "reasonable" default value. However, those values might not suit your requirements. Depending on the number of records you get, how much processing they need and how much IO work is going to take place, you might need completely different values to optimize the flow of your pipeline. The concurrency option available for every set of producers, processors and batchers, along with batch_size and batch_timeout can give you a great deal of flexibility. See the notes on Producer concurrency and Batcher concurrency for details.

By setting the concurrency option, you define the number of concurrent processes that will be started by Broadway, allowing you to have full control over the concurrency level in each layer of the pipeline. Keep in mind that since the concurrency model provided by Kafka is based on partitioning, in order to take full advantage of this model, you need to set the concurrency option for your processors and batchers accordingly. Having less concurrency than topic/partitions assigned will result in individual processors handling more than one partition, decreasing the overall level of concurrency. Therefore, if you want to always be able to process messages at maximum concurrency (assuming you have enough resources to do it), you should increase the concurrency up front to make sure you have enough processors to handle the extra records received from new partitions assigned.

Note: Even if you don't plan to add more partitions to a Kafka topic, your pipeline can still receive more assignments than planned. For instance, if another consumer crashes, the server will reassign all its topic/partition to other available consumers, including any Broadway producer subscribed to the same topic.

There are other options that you may want to take a closer look when tuning your configuration. The :max_bytes option, for instance, belongs to the :fetch_config group and defines the maximum amount of data to be fetched at a time from a single partition. The default is 1048576 (1 MiB). Setting greater values can improve throughput at the cost of more memory consumption. For more information and other fetch options, please refer to the "Fetch config options" in the official BroadwayKafka documentation.

Other two important options are :offset_commit_interval_seconds and :offset_commit_on_ack. Both belong to the main configuration and they can make a huge impact on performance.

The :offset_commit_interval_seconds defines the time interval between two OffsetCommitRequest messages. The default is 5s.

The :offset_commit_on_ack, when set to true, tells Broadway to send an OffsetCommitRequest immediately after each acknowledgement, bypassing any interval defined in :offset_commit_interval_seconds. Setting this option to false can increase performance since any commit requests will start respecting the :offset_commit_interval_seconds option. This will usually result in fewer requests to be sent to the server. However, setting long commit intervals might lead to a large number of duplicated records to be processed after a server restart or connection loss. Since it is always possible that duplicate messages will be received by consumers, make sure your logic is idempotent when consuming records to avoid inconsistencies. Also, bear in mind that the negative performance impact might be insignificant if you're using batchers since only one commit request will be performed per batch. As a basic rule, always take into account the values of batch_size and batch_timeout whenever you're tuning :offset_commit_interval_seconds and :offset_commit_on_ack.

Handling failed messages

broadway_kafka never stops the flow of the stream, i.e. it will always ack the messages even when they fail. Unlike queue-based connectors, where you can mark a single message as failed. In Kafka that's not possible due to its single offset per topic/partition ack strategy. If you want to reprocess failed messages, you need to roll your own strategy. A possible way to do that is to implement handle_failed/2 and send failed messages to a separated stream or queue for later processing.