View Source brod_kafka_request (brod v4.1.0)

Helper functions for building request messages.



Make a delete_topics request.
Make a fetch request, If the first arg is a connection pid, call brod_kafka_apis:pick_version/2 to resolve version.
Make a join_group request.
Make a list_groups request.
Make a list_offsets request message for offset resolution. In kafka protocol, -2 and -1 are semantic 'time' to request for 'earliest' and 'latest' offsets. In brod implementation, -2, -1, 'earliest' and 'latest' are semantic 'offset', this is why often a variable named Offset is used as the Time argument.
Make a metadata request.
Make a offset_commit request.
Make a offset fetch request. NOTE: empty topics list only works for kafka or later
Make a produce request, If the first arg is a connection pid, call brod_kafka_apis:pick_version/2 to resolve version.
Make a sync_group request.


-type api() :: brod_kafka_apis:api().
-type conn() :: kpro:connection().
-type offset() :: brod:offset().
-type partition() :: brod:partition().
-type topic() :: brod:topic().
-type topic_config() :: kpro:struct().
-type vsn() :: brod_kafka_apis:vsn().


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create_topics(Connection, TopicConfigs, RequestConfigs)

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-spec create_topics(vsn() | conn(),
                    #{timeout => kpro:int32(), validate_only => boolean()}) ->
Make a create_topics request.
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delete_topics(Connection, Topics, Timeout)

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-spec delete_topics(vsn() | conn(), [topic()], pos_integer()) -> kpro:req().
Make a delete_topics request.
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fetch(Pid, Topic, Partition, Offset, WaitTime, MinBytes, MaxBytes, IsolationLevel)

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Make a fetch request, If the first arg is a connection pid, call brod_kafka_apis:pick_version/2 to resolve version.
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join_group(Conn, Fields)

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-spec join_group(conn(), kpro:struct()) -> kpro:req().
Make a join_group request.
-spec list_groups(conn()) -> kpro:req().
Make a list_groups request.
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list_offsets(Connection, Topic, Partition, TimeOrSemanticOffset)

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-spec list_offsets(conn(), topic(), partition(), brod:offset_time()) -> kpro:req().
Make a list_offsets request message for offset resolution. In kafka protocol, -2 and -1 are semantic 'time' to request for 'earliest' and 'latest' offsets. In brod implementation, -2, -1, 'earliest' and 'latest' are semantic 'offset', this is why often a variable named Offset is used as the Time argument.
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metadata(Connection, Topics)

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-spec metadata(vsn() | conn(), all | [topic()]) -> kpro:req().
Make a metadata request.
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offset_commit(Conn, Fields)

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-spec offset_commit(conn(), kpro:struct()) -> kpro:req().
Make a offset_commit request.
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offset_fetch(Connection, GroupId, Topics)

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-spec offset_fetch(conn(), brod:group_id(), Topics) -> kpro:req()
                      when Topics :: [{topic(), [partition()]}].
Make a offset fetch request. NOTE: empty topics list only works for kafka or later
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produce(MaybePid, Topic, Partition, BatchInput, RequiredAcks, AckTimeout, Compression)

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-spec produce(conn() | vsn(),
              brod:compression()) ->
Make a produce request, If the first arg is a connection pid, call brod_kafka_apis:pick_version/2 to resolve version.
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sync_group(Conn, Fields)

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-spec sync_group(conn(), kpro:struct()) -> kpro:req().
Make a sync_group request.