View Source Changelog

  • 4.1.0

    • For v2 subscribers, pass offset ack_fun as a callback state init parameter. This makes it possible for callback implementation to acknowledge offsets easier. PR#591
    • Type spec fix. PR#590
    • Fix brod:fold/8 to avoid exception when a stable offset points to en empty batch. PR#589
  • 4.0.0

    • Remove snappyer from default dependency PR#547. Starting from kafka_protocol-4.0, it no longer requires compression libraries as rebar dependencies. Now brod-4.0 has it removed too. For more compression options, see kafka_protocol/README
  • 3.19.1

    • Made brod-cli to work on OTP 26. PR#582
      • --ssl option is now mandatory if TLS is to be used (previously it can be derived from --cacertfile option)
      • TLS version defaults to 1.2, added --ssl-versions to support explictly setting TLS 1.3
    • Support building on OTP 27 PR#585 Also fixed rebar.lock for dependency kafka_protocol-4.1.5
    • Guard against crashes in brod_client:get_consumer/3 PR#587 (originally PR#581)
  • 3.19.0

    • Forward unhandled messages in topic/group consumer processes to handle_info/2 callbacks in order to support arbitrary message passing PR#580
  • 3.18.0

    • Add transactional APIs. PR#549
    • Fix unnecessary group coordinator restart due to hb_timeout exception. PR#578
    • Changed supervisor3 progress log level from info to debug. PR#572
    • Type spec fix. PR#571
    • Remove unused macro. PR#575
  • 3.17.1

    • Upgrade kafka_protocol from 4.1.3 to 4.1.5
      • Allow space after , in comma-separated bootstrapping host:port list
      • Avoid badmatch exception when parsing SASL password file
  • 3.17.0

    • Deleted supervisor3 as dependency, module is now moved to brod.git named brod_supervisor3.
    • Upgrade snappyer version from 1.2.8 to 1.2.9.
    • Upgrade kafka_protocol from 4.1.2 to 4.1.3.
    • In rebar3.config move coveralls from plugins to project_plugins.
  • 3.16.8

    • Upgrade supervisor3 from 1.1.11 to 1.1.12 to log supervisor status at debug level instead of notice level.
    • Add brod_group_subscriber_v2:get_workers function to help monitor and check the health of a consumer group.
  • 3.16.7

    • Upgrade kafka_protocol from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 to allow handling multiply nested wrapped secrets.
  • 3.16.6

    • Upgrade kafka_protocol from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 to support defining SNI for bootstrap hosts without the need to set the verify_peer config.
  • 3.16.5

    • Improve the documentation
    • Add brod:get_partitions_count_safe/2. It is ensured not to auto-create topics in Kafka even when Kafka has topic auto-creation configured.
    • Treat offset = 0 commit record as earliest. This is an issue introduced in 3.16.4 which supported subscriber managed offset commits to be represented as {begin_offset, Offset}. The issue is: 0 is altered by v2 group worker to -1. Handled as offsets greater than 0, v2 group worker assums brod_topic_subscriber would apply +1 to it, however -1 is actually interpreted as latest. #531 fixes it by replacing 0 with earliest.
  • 3.16.4

    • Allow special begin_offset from consumer managed commits.
    • Fix specs for brod_group_subscriber_v2.get_committed_offset
    • Update kafka_protocol from 4.0.3 to 4.1.0. kafka_protocol 4.1.0 support a different version of the auth plugin interface that also pass the handshake version to the plugin. This is used by the SASL GSSAPI Kerberos plugin brod_gssapi ( so that the correct handshake protocol is used. The change is backwards compatible as the old interface will be used if the plugin module does not have a function with the name and arity that is required by the new interface. See for details.
  • 3.16.3

    • Fix specs for delete_topics.
    • Ensure that partition worker process is alive before returning it.
    • Update kafka_protocol from 4.0.1 to 4.0.3 in rebar.lock file.
    • Make consumer 'isolation_level' configurable.
  • 3.16.2

    • Update kafka_protocol from 4.0.1 to 4.0.3. Prior to this change the actual time spent in establishing a Kafka connection might be longer than desired due to the timeout being used in SSL upgrade (if enabled), then API version query. This has been fixed by turning the given timeout config into a deadline, and the sub-steps will try to meet the deadline. see more details here:
    • Catch timeout and other DOWN reasons when making gen_server call to brod_client, brod_consumer and producer/consumer supervisor, and return as Reason in {error, Reason}. Previously only noproc reason is caught. (#492)
    • Propagate connect_timeout config to kpro API functions as timeout arg affected APIs: connect_group_coordinator, create_topics, delete_topics, resolve_offset, fetch, fold, fetch_committed_offsets (#458)
    • Fix bad field name in group describe request (#486)
  • 3.16.1

    • Fix brod script in brod-cli in release.
    • Support rebalance_timeout consumer group option
  • 3.16.0

    • Update to kafka-protocol v4.0.1
  • 3.15.6

    • Eliminate long-lived anonymous function closures
  • 3.15.5

    • Fix exponential growth of brod_producer buffer
  • 3.15.4

    • Avoid start_link for temp connection usages affected APIs: fetch_committed_offsets, fetch, resolve_offset, create_topics, delete_topics
  • 3.15.3

    • Try to commit acknowledged offsets when brod_group_subscriber_v2 terminates
    • Fix process leak, close connection after offset is fetched in brod_utils:fetch_committed_offsets/3
  • 3.15.2

    • Producer: Do not format producer buffer in gen_server state
    • Consumer: Do not commit offsets when unknown_member_id error is received
    • Logging: Changed from error_logger to logger macros
    • Don't shut down brod_group_subscriber_v2 on previous generation worker termination
    • Fix brod_group_subscriber_v2 crash on shutdown
    • Use GitHub Actions instead of Travis CI
    • Added Elixir example
    • Rename DEFAULT_TIMEOUT macro in public brod.hrl to BROD_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT.
  • 3.15.0 (and 3.15.1, for some reason tagged on the same commit)

    • Fix unknown types
    • Build on OTP-23
  • 3.14.0 NOTE: This release changes internal states of brod worker processes in a way that cannot by applied on a running system. brod application and all brod workers should be shot down for the time of the upgrade.

    • Introduced a new optional terminate/2 callback to brod_topic_subscriber and brod_group_subscriber_v2 behaviors

    • Introduced new API functions for starting topic subscribers: brod_topic_subscriber:start_link/1 and brod:start_link_topic_subscriber/1 Old APIs

      • brod:start_link_topic_subscriber/5,
      • brod:start_link_topic_subscriber/6
      • brod:start_link_topic_subscriber/7
      • brod_topic_subscriber:start_link/6
      • brod_topic_subscriber:start_link/7
      • brod_topic_subscriber:start_link/8 are deprecated and will be removed in the next major release
  • 3.13.0

    • Update supervisor3 dependency to 1.1.11
    • brod_group_subscriber_v2 behavior handles worker crashes
    • Makefile fix for hex publishing
    • Reverse Changelog order
    • Fix typos and dialyzer warnings
  • 3.12.0

    • Enable passing custom timeout to resolve_offset
  • 3.11.0

    • Improve compatibility with EventHub
  • 3.10.0

    • Stop supporting
    • Stop supporting rebar
    • Update kafka_protocol dependency to 2.3.6
    • Add new brod_group_coordinator:update_topics API
  • 3.9.5

    • Bump kafka_protocol dependency to 2.3.3
  • 3.9.4

    • Handle undefined fetcher in fold loop exception
  • 3.9.3

    • Remove vsn-check dependency from default Makefile target This enables using brod with + hex
    • Bump kafka_protocol dependency to 2.3.2
  • 3.9.2

    • Fix corrupted package published to hex
  • 3.9.1

    • Receive pending acks after assignments_revoked is invoked
  • 3.9.0

    • Updated kafka_protocol dependency to 2.3.1
    • (Experimental) Added group_subscriber_v2 behavior
    • Added API for topic deletion and creation
  • 3.8.1

    • Handle the case when high_watermark < last_stable_offset in fetch resp
  • 3.8.0

    • Bump to kafka_protocol 2.2.9 (allow atom() hostname)
    • Add brod:fold/8. This API spawns a process to fetch-ahead while folding the previously fetched batch. brod-cli's fetch command is updated to call this fold API for better performance.
    • Add callbacks to allow brod_client:stop_producer and brod_client:stop_consumer to remove the stopped child references from the supervisor and clean up the client ets table to allow later restart.
    • Support scram SASL authentication in brod-cli
    • Made possible to start-link or supervise brod_consumer in user apps, instead of always under brod_client's brod_consumers_sup
  • 3.7.11

    • Fix a bug when dropping aborted transactions for compacted topics
  • 3.7.10

    • Compare begin_offset with last stable offset before advancing to next offset in case empty batch is received. Prior to this version, fetch attempts on unstable messages (messages belong to open transactions (transactions which are neither committed nor aborted), may result in an empty message set, then brod_consumer or brod_utils:fetch jumps to the next offset (if it is less than high-watermark offset).
  • 3.7.9

    • Fix brod-cli escript include apps
    • Fix brod-cli sub-record formatting crash
    • Upgrade to kafka_protocol 2.2.8 to discard replica_not_available error code in metadata response
    • Fix empty responses field in fetch response #323
  • 3.7.8

    • Drop batches in aborted transactions (and all control batches) also improve offset fast-forwarding when empty batches are received
  • 3.7.7

    • Fix badrecord race: message-set is delivered to brod_group_subscriber after unsubscribed from brod_consumer.
  • 3.7.6

    • Fix produce message input type spec to make it backward compatible (bug introduced in 3.7.3)
  • 3.7.5

    • Bump kafka_protocol version to 2.2.7
    • Fix empty assignment handling. In case a group member has no partition assigned, member_assignment data field in group sync response can either be null (kafka 0.10) or a struct having empty topic_partitions (kafka 0.11 or later). The later case was not handled properly in brod before this fix.
  • 3.7.4

    • Add callback to make user_data in group join request
  • 3.7.3

    • Bump kafka_protocol version to 2.2.3
    • Discard stale async-ack messages to group subscriber
  • 3.7.2

    • Pr #298: Subscriber now automatically reconnects to Kafka on topic rebalances where the previous partition leader no longer holds the partition at all.
    • Pr #299: Fix topic subscriber returning partition offsets from callback module's init.
  • 3.7.1

    • Fix brod_topic_subscriber and brod_group_subscriber re-subscribe behaviour to avoid fetching duplicated messages.
    • Add 'random' and 'hash' partitioner for produce APIs
    • Allow brod_group_subscrber:assign_partitions/3 to return an updated cb_state
    • brod_client:get_connection is back
    • Make it possible to run tests on both mac and linux
    • Position group leader member at the head of members list when assigning partitions
  • 3.7.0

    • Add brod_group_subscriber:ack/5 and brod_group_subscriber:commit/4 to let group subscribers commit offsets asynchronously
    • Pr #284: In compacted topics, Kafka may return a MessageSet which contains only messages before the desired offset. Just keep reading forward in this case.
    • Issue #285 brod_consumer no longer restart on leader_not_availble and not_leader_for_partition error codes received in fetch response. It resets connection and rediscover leader after delay.
  • 3.6.2

    • Allow brod_topic_subscriber to explicitly start consuming from partition offset 0 (by passing in a committed offset of -1).
  • 3.6.1

    • Make produce request version configurable as produce_req_vsn in brod:producer_config()
    • Upgrade kafka_protocol to 2.1.2 to support alpine/busybox build
  • 3.6.0

    • Moved 3 modules to kafka_protocol:
      • brod_sock -> kpro_connection
      • brod_auth_backed -> kpro_auth_backend
      • brod_kafka_requests -> kpro_sent_reqs
    • #kafka_message.key and #kafka_message.value are now always binary() (they were of spec undefined | binary() prior to this version). i.e. empty bytes are now decoded as <<>> instead of undefined. This may cause dialyzer check failures.
    • brod_client no longer logs about metadata socket down, it had been confusing rather than being helpful
    • There is no more cool-down delay for metadata socket re-establishment
    • brod_group_coordinator default session timeout changed from 10 seconds to 30, and heartbeat interval changed from 2 seconds to 5.
    • Add brod:produce_cb/4 and brod:produce_cb/6 to support user defined callback as produce ack handler.
    • Add brod:produce_no_ack/3 and brod:produce_no_ack/5.
    • min_compression_batch_size is removed from producer config.
    • Support magic v2 batch/message format (message headers).
    • Use rebar3 as primary build tool for travis-ci, is still supported.
    • Support SCRAM-SHA-256 and SCRAM-SHA-512 SASL authentication mechanisms.
  • 3.5.2

    • Fix issue #263: Kafka 0.11 may send empty batch in fetch response when messages are deleted in compacted topics.
  • 3.5.1

    • Add extra_sock_opts client socket options. It would be helpful for tuning the performance of tcp socket.
  • 3.5.0

    • Add *_offset variants to produce APIs, returning the base offsets that were assigned by Kafka. Producers need to be restarted when upgrading to this version.
  • 3.4.0

    • Add prefetch_bytes consumer config. brod_consumer should stop fetch-ahead only when both prefetch_count and prefetch_bytes limits are exceeded
  • 3.3.5

    • Fix issue #252 -- Kafka 0.11 and 1.0 have more strict validations on compressed batch wrapper message. Changed kafka_protocol 1.1.2 has the wrapper timestamp and offsets fixed.
  • 3.3.4

    • Fix issue #247 -- revert the handling of offset = -1 in offset_fetch_response, bug introduced in 3.3.0 offset = -1 in offset_fetch_response is an indicator of 'no commit' should be ignored (not taken as 'latest')
  • 3.3.3

    • Add a --no-api-vsn-query option for brod-cli to support kafka 0.9
    • Bump kafka_protocol to 1.1.1 to fix relative offsets issue so brod-cli can fetch compressed batches as expected, also brod_consumer can start picking fetch request version
    • Upgrade roundrobin group protocol to roundrobin_v2 to fix offset commit incompatiblility with kafka spec and monitoring tools etc. see for details
  • 3.3.2

    • Enhancements
      • Add sh script to wrap brod-cli escript for erts dir auto discover
      • Detailed log for connection estabilishment failures
    • Bug Fixes
      • Demonitor producer pid after sync_produce_request timeout
  • 3.3.1

    • Fix brod-cli commits command redandunt socket usage.
  • 3.3.0

    • New Features
      • Support offset_fetch_request version 1 - 2
      • Provide APIs to reset committed offsets
      • Support offset commit in brod-cli
      • Improved group coordinator logging: 1) stop showing member ID, 2) show callback process.
      • Cache queried version ranges per kafka host
      • Brod-cli 'offset' command by default resolves offsets for all partitions if '--partition' option is 'all' or missing
    • Enhancements
      • Brod rock with elvis with travis
      • Travis run dialyzer check
    • Bug Fixes
      • Fixed brod-cli offset_fetch_request version when working with kafka 0.10.1.x or earlier
      • Make group coordinator restart on heartbeat timeout
  • 3.2.0

    • New Features
      • Support produce_request version 0 - 2
      • Support fetch_request version 0 - 3
      • Support offsets_request version 0 - 1
      • Support metadata_request version 0 - 2
      • Support message create time by allowing Value to be [{Ts, Key, Value}] in brod:produce and brod:produce_sync APIs
      • Bind all #kafka_message{} fields to variables so they can be used in brod-cli fetch command's --fmt expression
    • Bug Fixes
      • Remove sasl application from dependent app list
  • 3.1.0

    • New Features
      • New message type option for topic and group subscribers that specifies whether to handle a Kafka message or message_set.
  • 3.0.0

    • New Features
      • New API brod:connect_group_cordinator to establish a sockt towards group coordinator broker.
      • New API brod:fetch_committed_offsets to fetch consumer group committed offsets.
      • New API brod:list_groups, brod:list_all_groups and brod:describe_groups/3.
      • Brod-cli new command groups to list / describe consumer groups.
      • Brod-cli new command commits to list comsuer group committed offsets.
    • Backward-incompatible changes
      • brod:get_offsets API replaced with brod:resolve_offset. Reason: brod:get_offsets and brod_utils:fetch_offsets are very confusing, because they look like fetching consumer group committed offsets. Also, the return value has been changed from a list of offsets to a single offset.
      • brod:get_metadata return value changed from #kpro_MetadataResponse{} record to kpro:struct().
      • brod_utils:fetch/4 is removed, use make_fetch_fun/8 instead.
      • --count option removed from brod-cli offset command, The command now resolves only one (or maybe none) offset at a time.
      • All type specs defined in brod.hrl are moved to exported types from brod.erl
    • Backward-compatible changes
      • #kafka_message{} record is extended with new fields ts_type and ts.
      • #kafka_message.crc changed from signed to unsigned integer.
  • 2.5.1

    • Fix ignored commit history when committed offset is 0 (bug)
  • 2.5.0

    • Pluggable SASL authentication backend (contributor: ElMaxo)
    • Brod-cli support extra ebin to code path
    • Fix group subscriber duplicated loopback messages (bug)
    • SASL-PLAIN username password in text file
    • Hide SASL-PLAIN password in an anonymous function in brod_client state
  • 2.4.1 Fixed brod-cli typo fix

  • 2.4.0 Added brod-cli