View Source Bumblebee.Text.Generation behaviour (Bumblebee v0.5.3)

An interface for language models supporting sequence generation.



Returns a configuration module for extra model-specific generation attributes to extend the base Bumblebee.Text.GenerationConfig.

Initializes an opaque cache input for iterative inference.

Traverses all batched tensors in the cache.


Builds a numerical definition that generates sequences of tokens using the given language model.

Returns a configuration module for extra model-specific generation attributes to extend the base Bumblebee.Text.GenerationConfig.

Initializes an opaque cache input for iterative inference.

Calls fun for every batched tensor in the cache.



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@callback extra_config_module(spec :: Bumblebee.ModelSpec.t()) :: module()

Returns a configuration module for extra model-specific generation attributes to extend the base Bumblebee.Text.GenerationConfig.

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init_cache(spec, batch_size, max_length, inputs)

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@callback init_cache(
  spec :: Bumblebee.ModelSpec.t(),
  batch_size :: pos_integer(),
  max_length :: pos_integer(),
  inputs :: map()
) :: cache()

Initializes an opaque cache input for iterative inference.

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traverse_cache(spec, cache, function)

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@callback traverse_cache(
  spec :: Bumblebee.ModelSpec.t(),
  (Nx.Tensor.t() -> Nx.Tensor.t())
) :: cache()

Traverses all batched tensors in the cache.

This function is used when the cache needs to be inflated or deflated for a different batch size.


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build_generate(model, spec, config, opts \\ [])

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@spec build_generate(
) ::
  (params :: map(), inputs :: map() ->
     %{token_ids: Nx.Tensor.t(), length: Nx.Tensor.t()}
     | (ignored :: Nx.Tensor.t()))

Builds a numerical definition that generates sequences of tokens using the given language model.

The model should be either a decoder or an encoder-decoder. The tokens are generated by iterative inference using the decoder (autoregression), until the termination criteria are met.

In case of encoder-decoder models, the corresponding encoder is run only once and the intermediate state is reused during all iterations.

The generation is controlled by a number of options given as %Bumblebee.Text.GenerationConfig{}, see the corresponding docs for more details.

Returns a defn JIT-compatible anonymous function, which expects the model params as the first argument and inputs map as the second argument. Note that the inputs map should additionally include a "seed" tensor, with one value per input in the batch.


This function sets up a hook that is invoked after every generated token. The hook receives a map with the following attributes:

  • :token_id - the newly generated token

  • :finished? - a boolean indicating if the sequence is finished

  • :length - the current length of the generated sequence. Once the sequence is finished, the length does not increase

Each of the attributes is a tensor with a leading batch dimension.

When streaming you may not care about the output result, in which case you can enable :ignore_output to reduce the output size.


  • :logits_processors - a list of numerical functions to modify predicted scores at each generation step. The functions are applied in order, after all default processors

  • :ignore_output - if true, returns a dummy tensor that should be ignored. This is useful when you consume the generated tokens in a stream fashion via the hook, so that the full output does not need to be transferred unnecessarily after the computation. Defaults to false

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@spec extra_config_module(Bumblebee.ModelSpec.t()) :: module() | nil

Returns a configuration module for extra model-specific generation attributes to extend the base Bumblebee.Text.GenerationConfig.

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init_cache(spec, batch_size, max_length, inputs)

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@spec init_cache(Bumblebee.ModelSpec.t(), pos_integer(), pos_integer(), map()) ::

Initializes an opaque cache input for iterative inference.

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traverse_cache(spec, cache, fun)

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@spec traverse_cache(
  (Nx.Tensor.t() -> Nx.Tensor.t())
) :: cache()

Calls fun for every batched tensor in the cache.