View Source Cachex (Cachex v3.6.0)
Cachex provides a straightforward interface for in-memory key/value storage.
Cachex is an extremely fast, designed for caching but also allowing for more general in-memory storage. The main goal of Cachex is achieve a caching implementation with a wide array of options, without sacrificing performance. Internally, Cachex is backed by ETS, allowing for an easy-to-use interface sitting upon extremely well tested tools.
Cachex comes with support for all of the following (amongst other things):
- Time-based key expirations
- Maximum size protection
- Pre/post execution hooks
- Statistics gathering
- Multi-layered caching/key fallbacks
- Transactions and row locking
- Asynchronous write operations
- Syncing to a local filesystem
- User command invocation
All features are optional to allow you to tune based on the throughput needed.
See start_link/2
for further details about how to configure these options and
example usage.
Link to this section Summary
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
Removes all entries from a cache.
Retrieves the number of unexpired records in a cache.
Decrements an entry in the cache.
Removes an entry from a cache.
Serializes a cache to a location on a filesystem.
Determines whether a cache contains any entries.
Executes multiple functions in the context of a cache.
Determines whether an entry exists in a cache.
Places an expiration time on an entry in a cache.
Updates an entry in a cache to expire at a given time.
Exports all entries from a cache.
Fetches an entry from a cache, generating a value on cache miss.
Retrieves an entry from a cache.
Retrieves and updates an entry in a cache.
Imports an export set into a cache.
Increments an entry in the cache.
Inspects various aspects of a cache.
Invokes a custom command against a cache entry.
Retrieves a list of all entry keys from a cache.
Deserializes a cache from a location on a filesystem.
Removes an expiration time from an entry in a cache.
Triggers a cleanup of all expired entries in a cache.
Places an entry in a cache.
Places a batch of entries in a cache.
Refreshes an expiration for an entry in a cache.
Resets a cache by clearing the keyspace and restarting any hooks.
Deprecated implementation delegate of put/4
Deprecated implementation delegate of put_many/3
Retrieves the total size of a cache.
Creates a new Cachex cache service tree.
Creates a new Cachex cache service tree, linked to the current process.
Retrieves statistics about a cache.
Creates a Stream
of entries in a cache.
Takes an entry from a cache.
Updates the last write time on a cache entry.
Executes multiple functions in the context of a transaction.
Retrieves the expiration for an entry in a cache.
Updates an entry in a cache.
Link to this section Types
@type cache() :: atom() | Spec.cache()
@type status() :: :ok | :error
Link to this section Functions
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
See Supervisor
Removes all entries from a cache.
The returned numeric value will contain the total number of keys removed
from the cache. This is equivalent to running size/2
before running
the internal clear operation.
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key", "value")
iex> Cachex.get(:my_cache, "key")
iex> Cachex.size(:my_cache)
{ :ok, 1 }
iex> Cachex.clear(:my_cache)
{ :ok, 1 }
iex> Cachex.size(:my_cache)
{ :ok, 0 }
Retrieves the number of unexpired records in a cache.
Unlike size/2
, this ignores keys which should have expired. Due
to this taking potentially expired keys into account, it is far more
expensive than simply calling size/2
and should only be used when
the distinction is completely necessary.
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key1", "value1")
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key2", "value2")
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key3", "value3")
iex> Cachex.count(:my_cache)
{ :ok, 3 }
Decrements an entry in the cache.
This will overwrite any value that was previously set against the provided key.
An initial value to set the key to if it does not exist. This will take place before the decrement call. Defaults to 0.
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "my_key", 10)
iex> Cachex.decr(:my_cache, "my_key")
{ :ok, 9 }
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "my_new_key", 10)
iex> Cachex.decr(:my_cache, "my_new_key", 5)
{ :ok, 5 }
iex> Cachex.decr(:my_cache, "missing_key", 5, initial: 2)
{ :ok, -3 }
Removes an entry from a cache.
This will return { :ok, true }
regardless of whether a key has been removed
or not. The true
value can be thought of as "is key no longer present?".
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key", "value")
iex> Cachex.get(:my_cache, "key")
{ :ok, "value" }
iex> Cachex.del(:my_cache, "key")
{ :ok, true }
iex> Cachex.get(:my_cache, "key")
{ :ok, nil }
Serializes a cache to a location on a filesystem.
This operation will write the current state of a cache to a provided
location on a filesystem. The written state can be used alongside the
command to import back in the future.
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the location is able to be written to, not the responsibility of Cachex.
Specifies the level of compression to apply when serializing (0-9). This will default to level 1 compression, which is appropriate for most dumps.
Using a compression level of 0 will disable compression completely. This will result in a faster serialization but at the cost of higher space.
iex> Cachex.dump(:my_cache, "/tmp/my_default_backup")
{ :ok, true }
iex> Cachex.dump(:my_cache, "/tmp/my_custom_backup", [ compressed: 0 ])
{ :ok, true }
Determines whether a cache contains any entries.
This does not take the expiration time of keys into account. As such, if there are any unremoved (but expired) entries in the cache, they will be included in the returned determination.
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key1", "value1")
iex> Cachex.empty?(:my_cache)
{ :ok, false }
iex> Cachex.clear(:my_cache)
iex> Cachex.empty?(:my_cache)
{ :ok, true }
Executes multiple functions in the context of a cache.
This can be used when carrying out several cache operations at once to avoid the overhead of cache loading and jumps between processes.
This does not provide a transactional execution, it simply avoids
the overhead involved in the initial calls to a cache. For a transactional
implementation, please see transaction/3
To take advantage of the cache context, ensure to use the cache
instance provided when executing cache calls. If this is not done
you will see zero benefits from using execute/3
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key1", "value1")
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key2", "value2")
iex> Cachex.execute(:my_cache, fn(worker) ->
...> val1 = Cachex.get!(worker, "key1")
...> val2 = Cachex.get!(worker, "key2")
...> [val1, val2]
...> end)
{ :ok, [ "value1", "value2" ] }
Determines whether an entry exists in a cache.
This will take expiration times into account, meaning that expired entries will not be considered to exist.
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key", "value")
iex> Cachex.exists?(:my_cache, "key")
{ :ok, true }
iex> Cachex.exists?(:my_cache, "missing_key")
{ :ok, false }
Places an expiration time on an entry in a cache.
The provided expiration must be a integer value representing the lifetime of the entry in milliseconds. If the provided value is not positive, the entry will be immediately evicted.
If the entry does not exist, no changes will be made in the cache.
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key", "value")
iex> Cachex.expire(:my_cache, "key", :timer.seconds(5))
{ :ok, true }
iex> Cachex.expire(:my_cache, "missing_key", :timer.seconds(5))
{ :ok, false }
Updates an entry in a cache to expire at a given time.
Unlike expire/4
this call uses an instant in time, rather than a
duration. The same semantics apply as calls to expire/4
in that
instants which have passed will result in immediate eviction.
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key", "value")
iex> Cachex.expire_at(:my_cache, "key", 1455728085502)
{ :ok, true }
iex> Cachex.expire_at(:my_cache, "missing_key", 1455728085502)
{ :ok, false }
Exports all entries from a cache.
This provides a raw read of the entire backing table into a list of cache records for export purposes.
This function is very heavy, so it should typically only be used
when debugging and/or exporting of tables (although the latter case
should really use dump/3
## Examples
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key", "value")
iex> Cachex.export(:my_cache)
{ :ok, [ { :entry, "key", 1538714590095, nil, "value" } ] }
@spec fetch(cache(), any(), function() | nil, Keyword.t()) :: {status() | :commit | :ignore, any()} | {:commit, any(), any()}
Fetches an entry from a cache, generating a value on cache miss.
If the entry requested is found in the cache, this function will
operate in the same way as get/3
. If the entry is not contained
in the cache, the provided fallback function will be executed.
A fallback function is a function used to lazily generate a value to place inside a cache on miss. Consider it a way to achieve the ability to create a read-through cache.
A fallback function should return a Tuple consisting of a :commit
or :ignore
tag and a value. If the Tuple is tagged :commit
value will be placed into the cache and then returned. If tagged
the value will be returned without being written to the
cache. If you return a value which does not fit this structure, it
will be assumed that you are committing the value.
As of Cachex v3.6, you can also provide a third element in a :commit
Tuple, to allow passthrough of options from within your fallback. The
options supported in this list match the options you can provide to a
call of put/4
. An example is the :ttl
option to set an expiration
from directly inside your fallback.
If a fallback function has an arity of 1, the requested entry key
will be passed through to allow for contextual computation. If a
function has an arity of 2, the :provide
option from the global
cache option will be provided as the second argument.
This is to allow easy state sharing, such as remote clients. If a
function has an arity of 0, it will be executed without arguments.
If a cache has been initialized with a default fallback function
in the :fallback
option at cache startup, the third argument to
this call becomes optional.
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key", "value")
iex> Cachex.fetch(:my_cache, "key", fn(key) ->
...> { :commit, String.reverse(key) }
...> end)
{ :ok, "value" }
iex> Cachex.fetch(:my_cache, "missing_key", fn(key) ->
...> { :ignore, String.reverse(key) }
...> end)
{ :ignore, "yek_gnissim" }
iex> Cachex.fetch(:my_cache, "missing_key", fn(key) ->
...> { :commit, String.reverse(key) }
...> end)
{ :commit, "yek_gnissim" }
iex> Cachex.fetch(:my_cache, "missing_key_ttl", fn(key) ->
...> { :commit, String.reverse(key), ttl: :timer.seconds(60) }
...> end)
{ :commit, "ltt_yek_gnissim", [ttl: 60000] }
Retrieves an entry from a cache.
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key", "value")
iex> Cachex.get(:my_cache, "key")
{ :ok, "value" }
iex> Cachex.get(:my_cache, "missing_key")
{ :ok, nil }
Retrieves and updates an entry in a cache.
This operation can be seen as an internal mutation, meaning that any previously set expiration time is kept as-is.
This function accepts the same return syntax as fallback functions, in that if
you return a Tuple of the form { :ignore, value }
, the value is returned from
the call but is not written to the cache. You can use this to abandon writes
which began eagerly (for example if a key is actually missing)
See the fetch/4
documentation for more information on return formats.
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key", [2])
iex> Cachex.get_and_update(:my_cache, "key", &([1|&1]))
{ :commit, [1, 2] }
iex> Cachex.get_and_update(:my_cache, "missing_key", fn
...> (nil) -> { :ignore, nil }
...> (val) -> { :commit, [ "value" | val ] }
...> end)
{ :ignore, nil }
Imports an export set into a cache.
This provides a raw import of a previously exported cache via the use
of the export/2
## Examples
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key", "value")
iex> Cachex.import(:my_cache, [ { :entry, "key", 1538714590095, nil, "value" } ])
{ :ok, true }
Increments an entry in the cache.
This will overwrite any value that was previously set against the provided key.
An initial value to set the key to if it does not exist. This will take place before the increment call. Defaults to 0.
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "my_key", 10)
iex> Cachex.incr(:my_cache, "my_key")
{ :ok, 11 }
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "my_new_key", 10)
iex> Cachex.incr(:my_cache, "my_new_key", 5)
{ :ok, 15 }
iex> Cachex.incr(:my_cache, "missing_key", 5, initial: 2)
{ :ok, 7 }
Inspects various aspects of a cache.
These operations should be regarded as debug tools, and should really only happen outside of production code (unless absolutely) necessary.
Accepted options are only provided for convenience and should not be heavily relied upon. They are not part of the public interface (despite being documented) and as such may be removed at any time (however this does not mean that they will be).
Please use cautiously. inspect/2
is provided mainly for testing
purposes and so performance isn't as much of a concern. It should
also be noted that inspect/2
will always operate locally.
Retrieves the internal cache record for a cache.
{ :entry, key }
Retrieves a raw entry record from inside a cache.
{ :expired, :count }
Retrieves the number of expired entries which currently live in the cache but have not yet been removed by cleanup tasks (either scheduled or lazy).
{ :expired, :keys }
Retrieves the list of expired entry keys which current live in the cache but have not yet been removed by cleanup tasks (either scheduled or lazy).
{ :janitor, :last }
Retrieves metadata about the last execution of the Janitor service for the specified cache.
{ :memory, :bytes }
Retrieves an approximate memory footprint of a cache in bytes.
{ :memory, :binary }
Retrieves an approximate memory footprint of a cache in binary format.
{ :memory, :words }
Retrieve an approximate memory footprint of a cache as a number of machine words.
iex> Cachex.inspect(:my_cache, :cache)
{:cache, :my_cache, %{}, {:expiration, nil, 3000, true}, {:fallback, nil, nil},
{:hooks, [], []}, {:limit, nil, Cachex.Policy.LRW, 0.1, []}, false, []}}
iex> Cachex.inspect(:my_cache, { :entry, "my_key" } )
{ :ok, { :entry, "my_key", 1475476615662, 1, "my_value" } }
iex> Cachex.inspect(:my_cache, { :expired, :count })
{ :ok, 0 }
iex> Cachex.inspect(:my_cache, { :expired, :keys })
{ :ok, [ ] }
iex> Cachex.inspect(:my_cache, { :janitor, :last })
{ :ok, %{ count: 0, duration: 57, started: 1475476530925 } }
iex> Cachex.inspect(:my_cache, { :memory, :binary })
{ :ok, "10.38 KiB" }
iex> Cachex.inspect(:my_cache, { :memory, :bytes })
{ :ok, 10624 }
iex> Cachex.inspect(:my_cache, { :memory, :words })
{ :ok, 1328 }
Invokes a custom command against a cache entry.
The provided command name must be a valid command which was
previously attached to the cache in calls to start_link/2
iex> import Cachex.Spec
iex> Cachex.start_link(:my_cache, [
...> commands: [
...> last: command(type: :read, execute: &List.last/1)
...> ]
...> ])
{ :ok, _pid }
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "my_list", [ 1, 2, 3 ])
iex> Cachex.invoke(:my_cache, :last, "my_list")
{ :ok, 3 }
Retrieves a list of all entry keys from a cache.
The order these keys are returned should be regarded as unordered.
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key1", "value1")
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key2", "value2")
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key3", "value3")
iex> Cachex.keys(:my_cache)
{ :ok, [ "key2", "key1", "key3" ] }
iex> Cachex.clear(:my_cache)
iex> Cachex.keys(:my_cache)
{ :ok, [] }
Deserializes a cache from a location on a filesystem.
This operation will read the current state of a cache from a provided
location on a filesystem. This function will only understand files
which have previously been created using dump/3
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the location is able to be read from, not the responsibility of Cachex.
Allow for loading from trusted or untrusted sources; trusted sources can load atoms into the table, whereas untrusted sources cannot. Defaults to
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "my_key", 10)
iex> Cachex.dump(:my_cache, "/tmp/my_backup")
{ :ok, true }
iex> Cachex.size(:my_cache)
{ :ok, 1 }
iex> Cachex.clear(:my_cache)
iex> Cachex.size(:my_cache)
{ :ok, 0 }
iex> Cachex.load(:my_cache, "/tmp/my_backup")
{ :ok, true }
iex> Cachex.size(:my_cache)
{ :ok, 1 }
Removes an expiration time from an entry in a cache.
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key", "value", ttl: 1000)
iex> Cachex.persist(:my_cache, "key")
{ :ok, true }
iex> Cachex.persist(:my_cache, "missing_key")
{ :ok, false }
Triggers a cleanup of all expired entries in a cache.
This can be used to implement custom eviction policies rather than
relying on the internal Janitor service. Take care when using this
method though; calling purge/2
manually will result in a purge
firing inside the calling process.
iex> Cachex.purge(:my_cache)
{ :ok, 15 }
Places an entry in a cache.
This will overwrite any value that was previously set against the provided key, and overwrite any TTLs which were already set.
An expiration time to set for the provided key (time-to-live), overriding any default expirations set on a cache. This value should be in milliseconds.
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key", "value")
{ :ok, true }
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key", "value", ttl: :timer.seconds(5))
iex> Cachex.ttl(:my_cache, "key")
{ :ok, 5000 }
Places a batch of entries in a cache.
This operates in the same way as put/4
, except that multiple keys can be
inserted in a single atomic batch. This is a performance gain over writing
keys using multiple calls to put/4
, however it's a performance penalty
when writing a single key pair due to some batching overhead.
An expiration time to set for the provided keys (time-to-live), overriding any default expirations set on a cache. This value should be in milliseconds.
iex> Cachex.put_many(:my_cache, [ { "key", "value" } ])
{ :ok, true }
iex> Cachex.put_many(:my_cache, [ { "key", "value" } ], ttl: :timer.seconds(5))
iex> Cachex.ttl(:my_cache, "key")
{ :ok, 5000 }
Refreshes an expiration for an entry in a cache.
Refreshing an expiration will reset the existing expiration with an offset from the current time - i.e. if you set an expiration of 5 minutes and wait 3 minutes before refreshing, the entry will expire 8 minutes after the initial insertion.
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "my_key", "my_value", ttl: :timer.seconds(5))
iex> Process.sleep(4)
iex> Cachex.ttl(:my_cache, "my_key")
{ :ok, 1000 }
iex> Cachex.refresh(:my_cache, "my_key")
iex> Cachex.ttl(:my_cache, "my_key")
{ :ok, 5000 }
iex> Cachex.refresh(:my_cache, "missing_key")
{ :ok, false }
Resets a cache by clearing the keyspace and restarting any hooks.
A whitelist of hooks to reset on the cache instance (call the initialization phase of a hook again). This will default to resetting all hooks associated with a cache, which is usually the desired behaviour.
A whitelist of components to reset, which can currently contain either the
tag to determine what to reset. This will default to[ :cache, :hooks ]
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "my_key", "my_value")
iex> Cachex.reset(:my_cache)
iex> Cachex.size(:my_cache)
{ :ok, 0 }
iex> Cachex.reset(:my_cache, [ only: :hooks ])
{ :ok, true }
iex> Cachex.reset(:my_cache, [ only: :hooks, hooks: [ MyHook ] ])
{ :ok, true }
iex> Cachex.reset(:my_cache, [ only: :cache ])
{ :ok, true }
Deprecated implementation delegate of put/4
Deprecated implementation delegate of put_many/3
Retrieves the total size of a cache.
This does not take into account the expiration time of any entries
inside the cache. Due to this, this call is O(1) rather than the more
expensive O(n) algorithm used by count/3
. Which you use depends on
exactly what you want the returned number to represent.
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key1", "value1")
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key2", "value2")
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key3", "value3")
iex> Cachex.size(:my_cache)
{ :ok, 3 }
Creates a new Cachex cache service tree.
This will not link the cache to the current process, so if your process dies
the cache will continue to live. If you don't want this behaviour, please use
the provided start_link/2
This function is otherwise identical to start_link/2
so please see that
documentation for further information and configuration.
Creates a new Cachex cache service tree, linked to the current process.
This will link the cache to the current process, so if your process dies the
cache will also die. If you don't want this behaviour, please use start/2
The first argument should be a unique atom, used as the name of the cache
service for future calls through to Cachex. For all options requiring a record
argument, please import Cachex.Spec
in advance.
This option allows you to attach a set of custom commands to a cache in order to provide shorthand execution. A cache command must be constructed using the
record provided byCachex.Spec
.A cache command will adhere to these basic rules:
- If you define a
command, the return value of your command will be passed through as the result of your call toinvoke/4
. - If you define a
command, your command must return a two-element Tuple. The first element represents the value being returned from yourinvoke/4
call, and the second represents the value to write back into the cache (as an update). If your command does not fit this, errors will happen (intentionally).
Commands are set on a per-cache basis, but can be reused across caches. They're set only on cache startup and cannot be modified after the cache tree is created.
iex> import Cachex.Spec ...> ...> Cachex.start_link(:my_cache, [ ...> commands: [ ...> last: command(type: :read, execute: &List.last/1), ...> trim: command(type: :write, execute: &String.trim/1) ...> ] ...> ]) { :ok, _pid }
Either a
or aMap
can be provided against the:commands
option as we only useEnum
to verify them before attaching them internally. Please see theCachex.Spec.command/1
documentation for further customization options.- If you define a
This option will specify whether this cache should have enable ETS compression, which is likely to reduce memory overhead. Please note that there is a potential for this option to slow your cache due to compression overhead, so benchmark as appropriate when using this option. This option defaults to
.iex> Cachex.start_link(:my_cache, [ compressed: true ]) { :ok, _pid }
The expiration option provides the ability to customize record expiration at a global cache level. The value provided here must be a valid
record provided byCachex.Spec
.iex> import Cachex.Spec ...> ...> Cachex.start_link(:my_cache, [ ...> expiration: expiration( ...> # default record expiration ...> default: :timer.seconds(60), ...> ...> # how often cleanup should occur ...> interval: :timer.seconds(30), ...> ...> # whether to enable lazy checking ...> lazy: true ...> ) ...> ]) { :ok, _pid }
Please see the
documentation for further customization options.:fallback
The fallback option allows global settings related to the
command on a cache. The value provided here can either be a valid:fallback
record provided byCachex.Spec
, or a single function (which is turned into a record internally).iex> import Cachex.Spec ...> ...> Cachex.start_link(:my_cache, [ ...> fallback: fallback( ...> # default func to use with fetch/4 ...> default: &String.reverse/1, ...> ...> # anything to pass to fallbacks ...> provide: { } ...> ) ...> ]) { :ok, _pid }
function provided will be used iffetch/2
is called, rather than explicitly passing one at call time. The:provide
function contains state which can be passed to a fallback function if the arity is 2 rather than 1.Please see the documentation for
, and theCachex.Spec.fallback/1
documentation for further information.:hooks
option allow the user to attach a list of notification hooks to enable listening on cache actions (either before or after they happen). These hooks should be valid:hook
records provided byCachex.Spec
. Example hook implementations can be found inCachex.Stats
.iex> import Cachex.Spec ...> ...> Cachex.start_link(:my_cache, [ ...> hooks: [ ...> hook(module: MyHook, name: :my_hook, state: { }) ...> ] ...> ]) { :ok, _pid }
Please see the
documentation for further customization options.:limit
A cache limit provides a maximum size to cap the cache keyspace at. This should be either a positive integer, or a valid
record provided byCachex.Spec
. Internally a provided integer will just be coerced to a:limit
record with some default values set.iex> import Cachex.Spec ...> ...> Cachex.start_link(:my_cache, [ ...> # simple limit ...> limit: 500, ...> ...> # complex limit ...> limit: limit( ...> size: 500, ...> policy: Cachex.Policy.LRW, ...> reclaim: 0.5, ...> options: [] ...> ) ...> ]) { :ok, _pid }
Please see the
documentation for further customization options.:nodes
A list of nodes this cache will live on, to provide distributed behaviour across physical nodes. This should be a list of node names, in the long form.
iex> Cachex.start_link(:my_cache, [ ...> nodes: [ ...> :foo@localhost, ...> :bar@localhost ...> ] ...> ]) { :ok, _pid }
This option can be used to toggle statistics gathering for a cache. This is a shorthand option to avoid attaching the
hook manually. Statistics gathering has very minor overhead due to being implemented as a hook,Stats can be retrieve from a running cache by using
.iex> Cachex.start_link(:my_cache, [ stats: true ]) { :ok, _pid }
This option will specify whether this cache should have transactions and row locking enabled from cache startup. Please note that even if this is false, it will be enabled the moment a transaction is executed. It's recommended to leave this as default as it will handle most use cases in the most performant way possible.
iex> Cachex.start_link(:my_cache, [ transactions: true ]) { :ok, _pid }
Retrieves statistics about a cache.
This will only provide statistics if the :stats
option was
provided on cache startup in start_link/2
Allows customization of exactly which statistics to retrieve.
iex> Cachex.stats(:my_cache)
{:ok, %{meta: %{creation_date: 1518984857331}}}
iex> Cachex.stats(:cache_with_no_stats)
{ :error, :stats_disabled }
@spec stream(cache(), any(), Keyword.t()) :: {status(), Enumerable.t()}
Creates a Stream
of entries in a cache.
This will stream all entries matching the match specification provided as the second argument. If none is provided, it will default to all entries which are yet to expire (in no particular order).
Consider using Cachex.Query
to generate match specifications used when
querying the contents of a cache table.
Allows customization of the internal batching when paginating the QLC cursor coming back from ETS. It's unlikely this will ever need changing.
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "a", 1)
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "b", 2)
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "c", 3)
{:ok, true}
iex> :my_cache |>! |> Enum.to_list
[{:entry, "b", 1519015801794, nil, 2},
{:entry, "c", 1519015805679, nil, 3},
{:entry, "a", 1519015794445, nil, 1}]
iex> query = Cachex.Query.create(true, :key)
iex> :my_cache |>!(query) |> Enum.to_list
["b", "c", "a"]
iex> query = Cachex.Query.create(true, :value)
iex> :my_cache |>!(query) |> Enum.to_list
[2, 3, 1]
iex> query = Cachex.Query.create(true, { :key, :value })
iex> :my_cache |>!(query) |> Enum.to_list
[{"b", 2}, {"c", 3}, {"a", 1}]
Takes an entry from a cache.
This is conceptually equivalent to running get/3
by an atomic del/3
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key", "value")
iex> Cachex.take(:my_cache, "key")
{ :ok, "value" }
iex> Cachex.get(:my_cache, "key")
{ :ok, nil }
iex> Cachex.take(:my_cache, "missing_key")
{ :ok, nil }
Updates the last write time on a cache entry.
This is very similar to refresh/3
except that the expiration
time is maintained inside the record (using a calculated offset).
Executes multiple functions in the context of a transaction.
This will operate in the same way as execute/3
, except that writes
to the specified keys will be blocked on the execution of this transaction.
The keys parameter should be a list of keys you wish to lock whilst your transaction is executed. Any keys not in this list can still be written even during your transaction.
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key1", "value1")
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key2", "value2")
iex> Cachex.transaction(:my_cache, [ "key1", "key2" ], fn(worker) ->
...> val1 = Cachex.get(worker, "key1")
...> val2 = Cachex.get(worker, "key2")
...> [val1, val2]
...> end)
{ :ok, [ "value1", "value2" ] }
Retrieves the expiration for an entry in a cache.
This is a millisecond value (if set) representing the time a
cache entry has left to live in a cache. It can return nil
if the entry does not have a set expiration.
iex> Cachex.ttl(:my_cache, "my_key")
{ :ok, 13985 }
iex> Cachex.ttl(:my_cache, "my_key_with_no_ttl")
{ :ok, nil }
iex> Cachex.ttl(:my_cache, "missing_key")
{ :ok, nil }
Updates an entry in a cache.
Unlike get_and_update/4
, this does a blind overwrite of a value.
This operation can be seen as an internal mutation, meaning that any previously set expiration time is kept as-is.
iex> Cachex.put(:my_cache, "key", "value")
iex> Cachex.get(:my_cache, "key")
{ :ok, "value" }
iex> Cachex.update(:my_cache, "key", "new_value")
iex> Cachex.get(:my_cache, "key")
{ :ok, "new_value" }
iex> Cachex.update(:my_cache, "missing_key", "new_value")
{ :ok, false }