View Source Gathering Statistics

Cachex includes basic support for tracking statistics in a cache, so you can look at things like throughput and hit/miss rates. This is provided via the Cachex.Stats hook implementation.


As of Cachex v4.x this is configured as a hook during cache initialization:

# include records
import Cachex.Spec

# create a cache with stats
  hooks: [
    hook(module: Cachex.Stats)

# insert 100 keys
for i <- 1..100 do
  Cachex.put!(:my_cache, i, i)

# generate both a cache hit and a miss
{ :ok,   1 } = Cachex.get(:my_cache, 1)
{ :ok, nil } = Cachex.get(:my_cache, 101)

# print stats
|> Cachex.stats!()
|> IO.inspect

Running this will give you a map of various statistics based on the actions and operations taken by your cache.

Example Statistics

The statistics map returned by Cachex.stats/2 should look something like the example below (at the time of writing):

  meta: %{creation_date: 1726777631670},
  hits: 1,
  misses: 1,
  hit_rate: 50.0,
  miss_rate: 50.0,
  calls: %{get: 2, put: 100},
  operations: 102,
  writes: 100

As you can see, we see the breakdown of calls to the cache, the hit/miss rate, the total writes to a cache, etc. This is useful when gauging how much time your cache is actually saving and allows you to determine that everything is working as intended.

It should be noted that the output format of Cachex.stats/2 is not considered part of the Public API for backwards compatibility; the shape of this may change as and when it's necessary to do so.