Calendar v1.0.0 Calendar.Date View Source

The Date module provides a struct to represent a simple date: year, month and day.

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Advances date by days number of days.

Like advance/2, but returns the result directly - not tagged with :ok. This function might raise an error.

Returns true if the first date is after the second date

Returns true if the first date is before the second date

Like dates_for_week_number/2 but takes a tuple of {year, week_num} instead

Takes a year and an ISO week number and returns a list with the dates in that week.

Day number in year for provided date.

Day of the week as an integer. Monday is 1, Tuesday is 2 and so on. ISO-8601. Sunday is 7. Results can be between 1 and 7.

The name of the day of the week as a string. Takes a language code as the second argument. Defaults to :en for English.

Day of the week as an integer with Sunday being 0. Monday is 1, Tuesday is 2 and so on. Results can be between 0 and 6.

Stream of dates after the date provided as argument.

Get a stream of dates. Takes a starting date and an end date. Includes end date. Does not include start date unless true is passed as the third argument.

Stream of dates before the date provided as argument.

Get a stream of dates going back in time. Takes a starting date and an end date. Includes end date. End date should be before start date. Does not include start date unless true is passed as the third argument.

Difference in days between two dates.

Returns true if the date is a Friday.

Takes a erlang style date tuple and returns a tuple with an :ok tag and a Date struct. If the provided date is invalid, it will not be tagged with :ok though as shown below

Like from_erl without the exclamation point, but does not return a tuple with a tag. Instead returns just a Date if valid. Or raises an exception if the provided date is invalid.


iex> from_ordinal(2015, 1)
{:ok, %Date{day: 1, month: 1, year: 2015}}
iex> from_ordinal(2015, 270)
{:ok, %Date{day: 27, month: 9, year: 2015}}
iex> from_ordinal(2015, 999)
{:error, :invalid_ordinal_date}


iex> from_ordinal!(2015, 1)
%Date{day: 1, month: 1, year: 2015}
iex> from_ordinal!(2015, 270)
%Date{day: 27, month: 9, year: 2015}
iex> from_ordinal!(2015, 365)
%Date{day: 31, month: 12, year: 2015}

Takes a date, a year and an ISO week number and returns true if the date is in the week.

Returns true if the date is a Monday.

Takes a Date struct and returns another one representing the next day.

Takes a Date struct and returns the number of days in the month of that date. The day of the date provided does not matter - the result is based on the month and the year.

Takes a Date struct and returns another one representing the previous day.

Takes two variables that contain a date.

Returns true if the date is a Saturday.

Subtract days number of days from date.

Returns true if the date is a Sunday.

Returns true if the date is a Thursday.

Takes a Date struct and returns an erlang style date tuple.

Takes a Date struct and returns the number of gregorian days since year 0.

Returns a string with the date in ISO format.

Returns the date for the time right now in the provided timezone.

Returns the date for the time right now in UTC.

Returns true if the date is a Tuesday.

Returns true if the date is a Wednesday.

Takes a Date struct and returns a tuple with the ISO week number and the year that the week belongs to. Note that the year returned is not always the same as the year provided as an argument.

Link to this section Functions

Advances date by days number of days.


# Date struct advanced by 3 days
iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> advance(3)
{:ok, %Date{day: 30, month: 12, year: 2014} }
# Date struct turned back 2 days
iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> advance(-2)
{:ok, %Date{day: 25, month: 12, year: 2014} }
# Date tuple turned back 2 days
iex> {2014,12,27} |> advance(-2)
{:ok, %Date{day: 25, month: 12, year: 2014} }
# When passing a DateTime, NaiveDateTime or datetime tuple
# the time part is ignored. A Date struct is returned.
iex> {{2014,12,27}, {21,30,59}} |> Calendar.NaiveDateTime.from_erl! |> advance(-2)
{:ok, %Date{day: 25, month: 12, year: 2014} }
iex> {{2014,12,27}, {21,30,59}} |> advance(-2)
{:ok, %Date{day: 25, month: 12, year: 2014} }

Like advance/2, but returns the result directly - not tagged with :ok. This function might raise an error.


iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> advance!(3)
%Date{day: 30, month: 12, year: 2014}
iex> {2014,12,27} |> advance!(-2)
%Date{day: 25, month: 12, year: 2014}
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after?(first_date_cont, second_date_cont) View Source

Returns true if the first date is after the second date

iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> after?(from_erl!({2014,12,20}))
iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> after?(from_erl!({2014,12,29}))
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before?(first_date_cont, second_date_cont) View Source

Returns true if the first date is before the second date

iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> before?(from_erl!({2014,12,20}))
iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> before?(from_erl!({2014,12,29}))
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dates_for_week_number(arg) View Source

Like dates_for_week_number/2 but takes a tuple of {year, week_num} instead

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dates_for_week_number(year, week_num) View Source

Takes a year and an ISO week number and returns a list with the dates in that week.

iex> dates_for_week_number(2015, 1)
[%Date{day: 29, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Date{day: 30, month: 12, year: 2014},
      %Date{day: 31, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Date{day: 1, month: 1, year: 2015},
      %Date{day: 2, month: 1, year: 2015}, %Date{day: 3, month: 1, year: 2015},
      %Date{day: 4, month: 1, year: 2015}]
iex> dates_for_week_number(2015, 2)
[%Date{day: 5, month: 1, year: 2015}, %Date{day: 6, month: 1, year: 2015},
      %Date{day: 7, month: 1, year: 2015}, %Date{day: 8, month: 1, year: 2015},
      %Date{day: 9, month: 1, year: 2015}, %Date{day: 10, month: 1, year: 2015},
      %Date{day: 11, month: 1, year: 2015}]
iex> dates_for_week_number(2015, 53)
[%Date{day: 28, month: 12, year: 2015}, %Date{day: 29, month: 12, year: 2015},
      %Date{day: 30, month: 12, year: 2015}, %Date{day: 31, month: 12, year: 2015},
      %Date{day: 1, month: 1, year: 2016}, %Date{day: 2, month: 1, year: 2016},
      %Date{day: 3, month: 1, year: 2016}]
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day_number_in_year(date) View Source

Day number in year for provided date.


iex> {2015, 1, 1} |> day_number_in_year
iex> {2015, 2, 1} |> day_number_in_year
# 2015 has 365 days
iex> {2015, 12, 31} |> day_number_in_year
# 2000 was leap year and had 366 days
iex> {2000, 12, 31} |> day_number_in_year

Day of the week as an integer. Monday is 1, Tuesday is 2 and so on. ISO-8601. Sunday is 7. Results can be between 1 and 7.

See also day_of_week_zb/1


iex> {2015, 7, 6} |> day_of_week # Monday
iex> {2015, 7, 7} |> day_of_week # Tuesday
iex> {2015, 7, 5} |> day_of_week # Sunday
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day_of_week_name(date, lang \\ :en) View Source

The name of the day of the week as a string. Takes a language code as the second argument. Defaults to :en for English.


iex> {2015, 7, 6} |> day_of_week_name # Monday
iex> {2015, 7, 7} |> day_of_week_name # Tuesday
iex> {2015, 7, 5} |> day_of_week_name # Sunday

Day of the week as an integer with Sunday being 0. Monday is 1, Tuesday is 2 and so on. Results can be between 0 and 6.


iex> {2015, 7, 5} |> day_of_week_zb # Sunday
iex> {2015, 7, 6} |> day_of_week_zb # Monday
iex> {2015, 7, 7} |> day_of_week_zb # Tuesday

Stream of dates after the date provided as argument.

iex> days_after({2014,12,27}) |> Enum.take(6)
[%Date{day: 28, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Date{day: 29, month: 12, year: 2014},
      %Date{day: 30, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Date{day: 31, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Date{day: 1, month: 1, year: 2015},
      %Date{day: 2, month: 1, year: 2015}]
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days_after_until(from_date, until_date, include_from_date \\ false) View Source

Get a stream of dates. Takes a starting date and an end date. Includes end date. Does not include start date unless true is passed as the third argument.

iex> days_after_until({2014,12,27}, {2014,12,29}) |> Enum.to_list
[%Date{day: 28, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Date{day: 29, month: 12, year: 2014}]
iex> days_after_until({2014,12,27}, {2014,12,29}, true) |> Enum.to_list
[%Date{day: 27, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Date{day: 28, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Date{day: 29, month: 12, year: 2014}]

Stream of dates before the date provided as argument.

iex> days_before(from_erl!({2014,12,27})) |> Enum.take(3)
[%Date{day: 26, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Date{day: 25, month: 12, year: 2014},
      %Date{day: 24, month: 12, year: 2014}]
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days_before_until(from_date, until_date, include_from_date \\ false) View Source

Get a stream of dates going back in time. Takes a starting date and an end date. Includes end date. End date should be before start date. Does not include start date unless true is passed as the third argument.

iex> days_before_until({2014,12,27}, {2014,12,24}) |> Enum.to_list
[%Date{day: 26, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Date{day: 25, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Date{day: 24, month: 12, year: 2014}]
iex> days_before_until({2014,12,27}, {2014,12,24}, false) |> Enum.to_list
[%Date{day: 26, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Date{day: 25, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Date{day: 24, month: 12, year: 2014}]
iex> days_before_until({2014,12,27}, {2014,12,24}, true) |> Enum.to_list
[%Date{day: 27, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Date{day: 26, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Date{day: 25, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Date{day: 24, month: 12, year: 2014}]
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diff(first_date_cont, second_date_cont) View Source

Difference in days between two dates.

Takes two Date structs: first_date and second_date. Subtracts second_date from first_date.

iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> diff(from_erl!({2014,12,20}))
iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> diff(from_erl!({2014,12,29}))

Returns true if the date is a Friday.


iex> {2015, 7, 10} |> friday?
iex> {2015, 7, 7} |> friday?

Takes a erlang style date tuple and returns a tuple with an :ok tag and a Date struct. If the provided date is invalid, it will not be tagged with :ok though as shown below:

iex> from_erl({2014,12,27})
{:ok, %Date{day: 27, month: 12, year: 2014}}

iex> from_erl({2014,99,99})
{:error, :invalid_date}

Like from_erl without the exclamation point, but does not return a tuple with a tag. Instead returns just a Date if valid. Or raises an exception if the provided date is invalid.

iex> from_erl! {2014,12,27}
%Date{day: 27, month: 12, year: 2014}
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from_ordinal(year, ordinal_day) View Source


iex> from_ordinal(2015, 1)
{:ok, %Date{day: 1, month: 1, year: 2015}}
iex> from_ordinal(2015, 270)
{:ok, %Date{day: 27, month: 9, year: 2015}}
iex> from_ordinal(2015, 999)
{:error, :invalid_ordinal_date}
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from_ordinal!(year, ordinal_day) View Source


iex> from_ordinal!(2015, 1)
%Date{day: 1, month: 1, year: 2015}
iex> from_ordinal!(2015, 270)
%Date{day: 27, month: 9, year: 2015}
iex> from_ordinal!(2015, 365)
%Date{day: 31, month: 12, year: 2015}
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in_week?(date, year, week_num) View Source

Takes a date, a year and an ISO week number and returns true if the date is in the week.

iex> {2015, 1, 1} |> in_week?(2015, 1)
iex> {2015, 5, 5} |> in_week?(2015, 1)

Returns true if the date is a Monday.


iex> {2015, 7, 6} |> monday?
iex> {2015, 7, 7} |> monday?

Takes a Date struct and returns another one representing the next day.

iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> next_day!
%Date{day: 28, month: 12, year: 2014}
iex> from_erl!({2014,12,31}) |> next_day!
%Date{day: 1, month: 1, year: 2015}
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number_of_days_in_month(date) View Source

Takes a Date struct and returns the number of days in the month of that date. The day of the date provided does not matter - the result is based on the month and the year.

iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> number_of_days_in_month
iex> from_erl!({2015,2,27}) |> number_of_days_in_month
iex> from_erl!({2012,2,27}) |> number_of_days_in_month

Takes a Date struct and returns another one representing the previous day.

iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> prev_day!
%Date{day: 26, month: 12, year: 2014}
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same_date?(first_date_cont, second_date_cont) View Source

Takes two variables that contain a date.

Returns true if the dates are the same.

iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> same_date?(from_erl!({2014,12,27}))
iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> same_date?({2014,12,27})
iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> same_date?(from_erl!({2014,12,29}))

Returns true if the date is a Saturday.


iex> {2015, 7, 11} |> saturday?
iex> {2015, 7, 7} |> saturday?

Subtract days number of days from date.


# Date struct turned back 2 days
iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> subtract(2)
{:ok, %Date{day: 25, month: 12, year: 2014} }
# Date tuple turned back 2 days
iex> {2014,12,27} |> subtract(2)
{:ok, %Date{day: 25, month: 12, year: 2014} }
# When passing a DateTime, Calendar.NaiveDateTime or datetime tuple
# the time part is ignored. A Date struct is returned.
iex> {{2014,12,27}, {21,30,59}} |> Calendar.NaiveDateTime.from_erl! |> subtract(2)
{:ok, %Date{day: 25, month: 12, year: 2014} }
iex> {{2014,12,27}, {21,30,59}} |> subtract(2)
{:ok, %Date{day: 25, month: 12, year: 2014} }

Returns true if the date is a Sunday.


iex> {2015, 7, 12} |> sunday?
iex> {2015, 7, 7} |> sunday?

Returns true if the date is a Thursday.


iex> {2015, 7, 9} |> thursday?
iex> {2015, 7, 7} |> thursday?

Takes a Date struct and returns an erlang style date tuple.

Takes a Date struct and returns the number of gregorian days since year 0.

iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> to_gregorian_days

Returns a string with the date in ISO format.


iex> {2015, 7, 12} |> to_s
iex> {2015, 7, 7} |> to_s

Returns the date for the time right now in the provided timezone.


> today!("America/Montevideo")
%Date{day: 1, month: 3, year: 2016}
> today!("Australia/Sydney")
%Date{day: 2, month: 3, year: 2016}

Returns the date for the time right now in UTC.


> today_utc
%Date{day: 1, month: 3, year: 2016}

Returns true if the date is a Tuesday.


iex> {2015, 7, 6} |> tuesday?
iex> {2015, 7, 7} |> tuesday?

Returns true if the date is a Wednesday.


iex> {2015, 7, 8} |> wednesday?
iex> {2015, 7, 9} |> wednesday?

Takes a Date struct and returns a tuple with the ISO week number and the year that the week belongs to. Note that the year returned is not always the same as the year provided as an argument.

iex> from_erl!({2014, 12, 31}) |> week_number
{2015, 1}
iex> from_erl!({2014, 12, 27}) |> week_number
{2014, 52}
iex> from_erl!({2016, 1, 3})   |> week_number
{2015, 53}