Calendar v1.0.0 Calendar.Time View Source

The Time module provides a struct to represent a simple time without specifying a date, nor a time zone.

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Returns true if provided time is AM in the twelve hour clock system. Otherwise false.

Difference in seconds between two times.

Create a Time struct using an erlang style tuple and optionally a microsecond second.

Like from_erl, but will raise if the time is not valid.

Create a Time struct from an integer being the number of the second of the day.

Takes a time and returns a new time with the next second. If the provided time is 23:59:59 it returns a Time for 00:00:00.

Returns true if provided time is AM in the twelve hour clock system. Otherwise false.

Takes a time and returns a new time with the previous second. If the provided time is 00:00:00 it returns a Time for 23:59:59.

The number of the second in the day with 00:00:00 being second 1 and 23:59:59 being number 86400

Takes a Time struct and returns an erlang style time tuple.

Takes a Time struct and returns an Ecto style time four-tuple with microseconds.

Converts a Time to the 12 hour format

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Returns true if provided time is AM in the twelve hour clock system. Otherwise false.


iex> {8, 10, 23} |>
iex> {20, 10, 23} |>
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diff(first_time_cont, second_time_cont) View Source

Difference in seconds between two times.

Takes two Time structs: first_time and second_time. Subtracts second_time from first_time.

iex> from_erl!({0, 0, 30}) |> diff(from_erl!({0, 0, 10}))
iex> from_erl!({0, 0, 10}) |> diff(from_erl!({0, 0, 30}))
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from_erl(arg1, microsecond \\ {0, 0}) View Source

Create a Time struct using an erlang style tuple and optionally a microsecond second.

Microsecond can either be a tuple of microsecond and precision. Or an integer with just the microsecond.

iex> from_erl({20,14,15})
{:ok, %Time{microsecond: {0, 0}, hour: 20, minute: 14, second: 15}}

iex> from_erl({20,14,15}, 123456)
{:ok, %Time{microsecond: {123456, 6}, hour: 20, minute: 14, second: 15}}

iex> from_erl({20,14,15}, {123456, 6})
{:ok, %Time{microsecond: {123456, 6}, hour: 20, minute: 14, second: 15}}

iex> from_erl({24,14,15})
{:error, :invalid_time}

iex> from_erl({-1,0,0})
{:error, :invalid_time}

iex> from_erl({20,14,15}, {1_000_000, 6})
{:error, :invalid_time}
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from_erl!(time, microsecond \\ {0, 0}) View Source

Like from_erl, but will raise if the time is not valid.

iex> from_erl!({20,14,15})
%Time{microsecond: {0, 0}, hour: 20, minute: 14, second: 15}

iex> from_erl!({20,14,15}, {123456, 6})
%Time{microsecond: {123456, 6}, hour: 20, minute: 14, second: 15}
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from_second_in_day(second) View Source

Create a Time struct from an integer being the number of the second of the day.

00:00:00 being second 0 and 23:59:59 being number 86399


iex> 0 |> from_second_in_day
%Time{hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0, microsecond: {0, 0}}
iex> 43200 |> from_second_in_day
%Time{hour: 12, minute: 0, second: 0, microsecond: {0, 0}}
iex> 86399 |> from_second_in_day
%Time{hour: 23, minute: 59, second: 59, microsecond: {0, 0}}

Takes a time and returns a new time with the next second. If the provided time is 23:59:59 it returns a Time for 00:00:00.


iex> {12, 0, 0} |> next_second
%Time{hour: 12, minute: 0, second: 1, microsecond: {0, 0}}
# Preserves microseconds
iex> {12, 0, 0, 123456} |> next_second
%Time{hour: 12, minute: 0, second: 1, microsecond: {123456, 6}}
# At the end of the day it goes to 00:00:00
iex> {23, 59, 59} |> next_second
%Time{hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0, microsecond: {0, 0}}
iex> {23, 59, 59, 300000} |> next_second
%Time{hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0, microsecond: {300000, 6}}

Returns true if provided time is AM in the twelve hour clock system. Otherwise false.


iex> {8, 10, 23} |>
iex> {20, 10, 23} |>

Takes a time and returns a new time with the previous second. If the provided time is 00:00:00 it returns a Time for 23:59:59.


iex> {12, 0, 0} |> prev_second
%Time{hour: 11, minute: 59, second: 59, microsecond: {0, 0}}
# Preserves microseconds
iex> {12, 0, 0, 123456} |> prev_second
%Time{hour: 11, minute: 59, second: 59, microsecond: {123456, 6}}
# At the beginning of the day it goes to 23:59:59
iex> {0, 0, 0} |> prev_second
%Time{hour: 23, minute: 59, second: 59, microsecond: {0, 0}}
iex> {0, 0, 0, 200_000} |> prev_second
%Time{hour: 23, minute: 59, second: 59, microsecond: {200_000, 6}}

The number of the second in the day with 00:00:00 being second 1 and 23:59:59 being number 86400


iex> {0, 0, 0} |> second_in_day
iex> {23, 59, 59} |> second_in_day

Takes a Time struct and returns an erlang style time tuple.


iex> from_erl!({10, 20, 25}, {12345, 5}) |> to_erl
{10, 20, 25}
iex> {10, 20, 25} |> to_erl
{10, 20, 25}

Takes a Time struct and returns an Ecto style time four-tuple with microseconds.

If the Time struct has its usec field set to nil, 0 will be used for usec.


iex> from_erl!({10, 20, 25}, 123456) |> to_micro_erl
{10, 20, 25, 123456}
# If `usec` is nil, 0 is used instead as the last element in the tuple
iex> {10, 20, 25} |> from_erl! |> to_micro_erl
{10, 20, 25, 0}
iex> {10, 20, 25} |> to_micro_erl
{10, 20, 25, 0}

Converts a Time to the 12 hour format

Returns a five element tuple with: {hours (1-12), minutes, seconds, microseconds, :am or :pm}


iex> {13, 10, 23} |> twelve_hour_time
{1, 10, 23, {0, 0}, :pm}
iex> {0, 10, 23, 888888} |> twelve_hour_time
{12, 10, 23, {888888, 6}, :am}