drab v0.10.5 Drab.Live View Source
Drab Module to provide a live access and update of assigns of the template, which is currently rendered and displayed in the browser.
The idea is to reuse your Phoenix templates and let them live, to make a possibility to update
assigns on the living page, from the Elixir, without re-rendering the whole html. But because
Drab tries to update the smallest amount of the html, there are some limitations, for example,
it when updating the nested block it does not know the local variables used before. Please check
out Drab.Live.EExEngine
for more detailed description.
Use peek/2
to get the assign value, and poke/2
to modify it directly in the DOM tree.
Drab.Live uses the modified EEx Engine (Drab.Live.EExEngine
) to compile the template and
indicate where assigns were rendered. To enable it, rename the template you want to go live
from extension .eex
to .drab
. Then, add Drab Engine to the template engines in config.exs
config :phoenix, :template_engines,
drab: Drab.Live.Engine
re-renders the page at the backend and pushes only the changed parts to the fronted.
Thus it is not advised to use it in the big, slow rendering pages. In this case it is better
to split the page to the partials and poke
in the partial only, or use light update with
or Drab.Query
Also, it is not advised to use Drab.Live
with big assigns - they must be transferred from the
client when connected.
Avoiding using Drab
If there is no need to use Drab with some expression, you may mark it with nodrab/1
Such expressions will be treated as a “normal” Phoenix expressions and will not be updatable
by poke/2
<p>Chapter <%= nodrab(@chapter_no) %>.</p>
Since Elixir 1.6, you may use the special marker “/“, which does exactly the same as nodrab
<p>Chapter <%/ @chapter_no %>.</p>
The @conn
The @conn
assign is often used in Phoenix templates. Drab considers it read-only, you can not
update it with poke/2
. And, because it is often quite hudge, may significantly increase
the number of data sent to and back from the browser. This is why by default Drab trims @conn
leaving only the essential fields, by default :private => :phoenix_endpoint
This behaviour is configuable with :live_conn_pass_through
. For example, if you want to preseve
the specific assigns in the conn struct, mark them as true in the config:
config :drab, MyAppWeb.Endpoint,
live_conn_pass_through: %{
assigns: %{
users: true
private: %{
phoenix_endpoint: true
Shared Commanders
When the event is triggered inside the Shared Commander, defined with drab-commander
all the updates will be done only withing this region. For example:
<div drab-commander="DrabTestApp.Shared1Commander">
<div><%= @assign1 %></div>
<button drab-click="button_clicked">Shared 1</button>
<div drab-commander="DrabTestApp.Shared1Commander">
<div><%= @assign1 %></div>
<button drab-click="button_clicked">Shared 2</button>
defhandler button_clicked(socket, sender) do
poke socket, assign1: "changed"
This will update only the div with @assign1
in the same <div drab-commander>
as the button.
Please notice it works also for peek
- it will return the proper value, depends where the event
is triggered.
Browser communication is the time consuming operation and depends on the network latency. Because
of this, Drab caches the values of assigns in the current event handler process, so they don’t
have to be re-read from the browser on every poke
or peek
operation. The cache is per
process and lasts only during the lifetime of the event handler.
This, event handler process keeps all the assigns value until it ends. Please notice that
the other process may update the assigns on the page in the same time, by using broadcasting
functions, when your event handler is still running. If you want to re-read the assigns cache,
run clean_cache/0
Function poke/2
and peek/2
works on the default template - the one rendered with
the Controller. In case there are some child templates, rendered inside the main one, you need
to specify the template name as a second argument of poke/3
and peek/3
In case the template is not under the current (main) view, use poke/4
and peek/4
to specify
the external view name.
Assigns are archored within their partials. Manipulation of the assign outside the template it
lives will raise ArgumentError
. Partials are not hierachical, eg. modifying the assign
in the main partial will not update assigns in the child partials, even if they exist there.
Rendering partial templates in a runtime
There is a possibility add the partial to the DOM tree in a runtime, using render_to_string/2
poke socket, live_partial1: render_to_string("partial1.html", color: "#aaaabb")
But remember that assigns are assigned to the partials, so after adding it to the page, manipulation must be done within the added partial:
poke socket, "partial1.html", color: "red"
Because Drab must interpret the template, inject it’s ID etc, it assumes that the template HTML
is valid. There are also some limits for defining properties. See Drab.Live.EExEngine
a full description.
Update Behaviours
There are different behaviours of Drab.Live
, depends on where the expression with the updated
assign lives. For example, if the expression defines tag attribute, like
<span class="<%= @class %>">
, we don’t want to re-render the whole tag, as it might override
changes you made with other Drab module, or even with Javascript. Because of this, Drab finds
the tag and updates only the required attributes.
Plain Text
If the expression in the template is given in any tag body, Drab will try to find the sourrounding
tag and mark it with the attribute called drab-ampere
. The attribute value is a hash of the
previous buffer and the expression itself.
Consider the template, with assign @chapter_no
with initial value of 1
(given in render
function in the controller, as usual):
<p>Chapter <%= @chapter_no %>.</p>
which renders to:
<p drab-ampere="someid">Chapter 1.</p>
This drab-ampere
attribute is injected automatically by Drab.Live.EExEngine
. Updating the
assign in the Drab Commander, by using poke/2
chapter = peek(socket, :chapter_no) # get the current value of `@chapter_no`
poke(socket, chapter_no: chapter + 1) # push the new value to the browser
will change the innerHTML
of the <p drab-ampere="someid">
to “Chapter 2.” by executing
the following JS on the browser:
document.querySelector('[drab-ampere=someid]').innerHTML = "Chapter 2."
This is possible because during the compile phase, Drab stores the drab-ampere
the corresponding pattern in the cache DETS file (located in priv/
Injecting <span>
In case, when Drab can’t find the parent tag, it injects <span>
in the generated html. For
example, template like:
Chapter <%= @chapter_no %>.
renders to:
Chapter <span drab-ampere="someid">1</span>.
When the expression is defining the attribute of the tag, the behaviour if different. Let’s
assume there is a template with following html, rendered in the Controller with value of
set to string "btn-danger"
<button class="btn <%= @button %>">
It renders to:
<button drab-ampere="someid" class="btn btn-danger">
Again, you can see injected drab-ampere
attribute. This allows Drab to indicate where
to update the attribute. Pushing the changes to the browser with:
poke socket, button: "btn btn-info"
will result with updated class
attribute on the given tag. It is acomplished by running
node.setAttribute("class", "btn btn-info")
on the browser.
Notice that the pattern where your expression lives is preserved: you may update only the partials of the attribute value string.
Updating value
attribute for <input>
and <textarea>
There is a special case for <input>
and <textarea>
: when poking attribute of value
, Drab
updates the corresponding value
property as well.
Nowadays we deal more with node properties than attributes. This is why Drab.Live
the special syntax. When using the @
sign at the beginning of the attribute name, it will
be treated as a property.
<button @hidden=<%= @hidden %>>
Updating @hidden
in the Drab Commander with poke/2
will change the value of the hidden
property (without dollar sign!), by sending the update javascript: node['hidden'] = false
You may also dig deeper into the Node properties, using dot - like in JavaScript - to bind
the expression with the specific property. The good example is to set up .style
<button @style.backgroundColor=<%= @color %>>
Additionally, Drab sets up all the properties defined that way when the page loads. Thanks to this, you don’t have to worry about the initial value.
Notice that @property=<%= expression %>
is the only available syntax, you can not use
string pattern or give more than one expression. Property must be stronly bind to the expression.
You also can’t use quotes or apostrophes sourrounding the expressio. This is because it does
not have to be a string, but any JSON encodable value.
The expression binded with the property must be encodable to JSON, so, for example, tuples
are not allowed here. Please refer to Jason
docs for more information about encoding JS.
When the assign we want to change is inside the <script></script>
tag, Drab will re-evaluate
the whole script after assigment change. Let’s say you don’t want to use
syntax to define the object property. You may want to render
the javascript:
document.querySelectorAll("button").hidden = <%= @buttons_state %>
If you render the template in the Controller with @button_state
set to false
, the initial html
will look like:
<script drab-ampere="someid">
document.querySelectorAll("button").hidden = false
Again, Drab injects some ID to know where to find its victim. After you poke/2
the new value
of @button_state
, Drab will re-render the whole script with a new value and will send
a request to re-evaluate the script. Browser will run something like:
eval("document.querySelectorAll("button").hidden = true")
Please notice this behaviour is disabled by default for safety. To enable it, use the following
in your config.exs
config :drab, enable_live_scripts: true
There is a function broadcast_poke
to broadcast living assigns to more than one browser.
- It should be used with caution *.
When you are broadcasting, you must be aware that the template is re-rendered only once for the client which triggered the action, not for all the browsers.
For broadcasting using a subject
instead of socket
(like same_action/1
), Drab is unable
to automatically retrieve view and template name, as well as existing assigns values. This,
the only acceptable version is broadcast_poke/4
with :using_assigns
iex> broadcast_poke same_action(MyApp.PageController, :mini), MyApp.PageView, "index.html",
text: "changed text", using_assigns: [color: "red"]
Link to this section Summary
Returns a list of the assigns for the main partial
Like assigns/1
but will return the assigns for a given partial
instead of the main partial
Like assigns/2
, but returns the assigns for a given combination of a view
and a partial
Broadcasting version of poke/2
Like broadcast_poke/2
, but limited only to the given partial name
Like broadcast_poke/3
, but searches for the partial within the given view
Cleans up the assigns cache for the current event handler process
Exception raising version of peek/2
Exception raising version of peek/3
Exception raising version of peek/4
Returns the current value of the assign from the current (main) partial
Like peek/2
, but takes partial name and returns assign from that specified partial
Like peek/2
, but takes a view and a partial name and returns assign from that specified
Exception raising version of poke/2
Exception raising version of poke/3
Exception raising version of poke/4
Updates the current page in the browser with the new assign value
Like poke/2
, but limited only to the given partial name
Like poke/3
, but searches for the partial within the given view
Link to this section Types
result() :: Phoenix.Socket.t() | Drab.Core.result() | integer() | no_return()
Link to this section Functions
Returns a list of the assigns for the main partial.
iex> Drab.Live.assigns(socket)
assigns(Phoenix.Socket.t(), String.t() | nil) :: list()
Like assigns/1
but will return the assigns for a given partial
instead of the main partial.
iex> assigns(socket, "user.html")
[:name, :age, :email]
assigns(Phoenix.Socket.t(), atom() | nil, String.t() | nil) :: list()
Like assigns/2
, but returns the assigns for a given combination of a view
and a partial
iex> assigns(socket, MyApp.UserView, "user.html")
[:name, :age, :email]
broadcast_poke(Drab.Core.subject(), Keyword.t()) :: result() | no_return()
Broadcasting version of poke/2
Please notice that broadcasting living assigns makes sense only for the pages, which was rendered with the same templates.
Broadcasting the poke is a non-trivial operation, and you must be aware that the local
assign cache of the handler process is not updated on any of the browsers. This mean that
may return obsolete values.
Also, be aware that the page is re-rendered only once, within the environment from the browser
which triggered the action, and the result of this is sent to all the clients. So it makes sence
only when you have the same environment eveywhere (no client_id
in assigns, etc). In the other
case, use other broadcasting functions from the other modules, like Drab.Element
Returns {:ok, :broadcasted}
iex> broadcast_poke(socket, count: 42)
%Phoenix.Socket{ ...
broadcast_poke(Drab.Core.subject(), String.t() | nil, Keyword.t()) :: result() | no_return()
Like broadcast_poke/2
, but limited only to the given partial name.
iex> broadcast_poke(socket, "user.html", name: "Bożywój")
{:ok, :broadcasted}
Like broadcast_poke/3
, but searches for the partial within the given view.
iex> broadcast_poke(socket, MyApp.UserView, "user.html", name: "Bożywój")
{:ok, :broadcasted}
This function allow to use subject
instead of socket
to broadcast living assigns without
having a socket
. In this case, you need to provide all other assigns to the function,
with :using_assigns
iex> broadcast_poke same_action(MyApp.PageController, :mini), MyApp.PageView, "index.html",
text: "changed text", using_assigns: [color: "red"]
{:ok, :broadcasted}
Hint: if you have functions using @conn
assign, you may fake it with
%Plug.Conn{private: %{:phoenix_endpoint => MyAppWeb.Endpoint}}
Cleans up the assigns cache for the current event handler process.
Should be used when you want to re-read the assigns from the browser, for example when the other process could update the living assigns in the same time as current event handler runs.
peek!(Phoenix.Socket.t(), atom()) :: term() | no_return()
Exception raising version of peek/2
Returns the current value of the assign from the current (main) partial.
iex> peek!(socket, :count)
iex> peek!(socket, :nonexistent)
** (ArgumentError) Assign @nonexistent not found in Drab EEx template
peek!(Phoenix.Socket.t(), String.t(), atom()) :: term() | no_return()
Exception raising version of peek/3
iex> peek!(socket, "users.html", :count)
Exception raising version of peek/4
iex> peek(socket, MyApp.UserView, "users.html", :count)
peek(Phoenix.Socket.t(), atom()) :: {:ok, any()} | no_return()
Returns the current value of the assign from the current (main) partial.
iex> peek(socket, :count)
{ok, 42}
iex> peek(socket, :nonexistent)
** (ArgumentError) Assign @nonexistent not found in Drab EEx template
Notice that this is a value of the assign, and not the value of any node property or attribute.
Assign gets its value only while rendering the page or via poke
. After changing the value
of node attribute or property on the client side, the assign value will remain the same.
peek(Phoenix.Socket.t(), String.t(), atom()) :: {:ok, any()} | no_return()
Like peek/2
, but takes partial name and returns assign from that specified partial.
Partial is taken from the current view.
iex> peek(socket, "users.html", :count)
{:ok, 42}
Like peek/2
, but takes a view and a partial name and returns assign from that specified
iex> peek(socket, MyApp.UserView, "users.html", :count)
{:ok, 42}
poke!(Phoenix.Socket.t(), Keyword.t()) :: integer() | no_return()
Exception raising version of poke/2
Returns integer, which is the number of updates on the page. It combines all the operations, so updating properties, attributes, text, etc.
iex> poke!(socket, count: 42)
poke!(Phoenix.Socket.t(), String.t() | nil, Keyword.t()) :: integer() | no_return()
Exception raising version of poke/3
Returns integer, which is the number of updates on the page. It combines all the operations, so updating properties, attributes, text, etc.
iex> poke!(socket, "user.html", name: "Bożywój")
Exception raising version of poke/4
Returns integer, which is the number of updates on the page. It combines all the operations, so updating properties, attributes, text, etc.
iex> poke!(socket, MyApp.UserView, "user.html", name: "Bożywój")
poke(Phoenix.Socket.t(), Keyword.t()) :: result()
Updates the current page in the browser with the new assign value.
Works inside the main partial - the one rendered in the controller - only. Does not touch children partials, even if they contain the given assign.
Raises ArgumentError
when assign is not found within the partial. Please notice that only
assigns rendered with <%= %>
mark are pokeable; assigns rendered with <% %>
or <%/ %>
only can’t be updated by poke
Returns {:error, description}
or {:ok, N}
, where N is the number of updates on the page. It
combines all the operations, so updating properties, attributes, text, etc.
iex> poke(socket, count: 42)
{:ok, 3}
Passed values could be any JSON serializable term, or Phoenix safe html. It is recommended to use safe html, when dealing with values which are coming from the outside world, like user inputs.
import Phoenix.HTML # for sigil_E
username = sender.params["username"]
html = ~E"User: <%= username %>"
poke socket, username: html
poke(Phoenix.Socket.t(), String.t() | nil, Keyword.t()) :: result()
Like poke/2
, but limited only to the given partial name.
iex> poke(socket, "user.html", name: "Bożywój")
{:ok, 3}
poke(Phoenix.Socket.t(), atom() | nil, String.t() | nil, Keyword.t()) :: result()
Like poke/3
, but searches for the partial within the given view.
iex> poke(socket, MyApp.UserView, "user.html", name: "Bożywój")
{:ok, 3}