View Source ECSx.ClientEvents (ECSx v0.5.2)

A store to which clients can write, for communication with the ECSx backend.

Events are created from the client process by calling add/2, then retrieved by the handler system using get_and_clear/0. You will be required to create the handler system yourself - see the tutorial project for a detailed example.



Add a new client event.

Returns the list of events, simultaneously clearing it.



@type id() :: any()


add(entity, event)

@spec add(id(), any()) :: :ok

Add a new client event.

The first argument is the entity which spawned the event. The second argument can be any representation of the event, usually either an atom or a tuple containing an atom name along with additional metadata.


# Simple event requiring no metadata
ECSx.ClientEvents.add(player_id, :spawn_player)

# Event with metadata
ECSx.ClientEvents.add(player_id, {:send_message_to, recipient_id, message})


@spec get_and_clear() :: [{id(), any()}]

Returns the list of events, simultaneously clearing it.

This function guarantees that each event is returned exactly once.