View Source Installation
To create an ECSx application, there are a few simple steps:
- install Elixir + erlang/OTP
- install Phoenix (optional)
- create an Elixir/Phoenix project
- fetch ECSx as a dependency for your project
- run the ECSx setup
Elixir and erlang/OTP
If you don't yet have Elixir and erlang/OTP installed on your machine, follow the instructions on the official Installation Page.
If you plan on hosting your application online, you'll probably want to use Phoenix. You can skip this step if you only want to run the app locally. Otherwise, follow the instructions for Phoenix installation (the tutorial project will assume you are using Phoenix).
Create project
If you are using Phoenix, you'll create your new application with the command
$ mix my_app
Or for a regular Elixir application (with supervision tree):
$ mix new my_app --sup
Install ECSx
To use the ECSx framework in your application, it should be added to the list of dependencies in my_app/mix.exs
defp deps do
{:ecsx, "~> 0.5"}
Then (from the root directory of your application) run:
$ mix deps.get
Setup ECSx
With ECSx installed, you can run the setup generator:
$ mix ecsx.setup
which will create the Manager, and two folders to get your project started. You should now have everything you need to start building!