View Source Changelog

v1.7.1 (2024-06-30)

v1.7.0 (2024-06-13)

  • New features:

    • Added support for Elixir 1.17.0 and Erlang 27.0
    • Added a module ElasticsearchEx.Document to host a document from Elasticsearch
  • Changes:

    • Updated dependencies
    • Fixed Req deprecations

v1.6.0 (2024-05-15)

v1.5.0 (2024-05-09)

v1.4.0 (2024-04-04)

  • Breaking Changes:

    Replace the key http_opts by req_opts

  • Changes:

    • Replaced :any_http by :req, Req offers the ability to provide custom :adapter
    • Removed the dependency bypass
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed a bug on ElasticsearchEx.Api.Search.create_pid/2 with empty body
    • Fixed a bug on where an extra HTTP call was made at the end of the Stream

v1.3.0 (2024-04-04)

  • New features:

    • Added ElasticsearchEx.Stream module to stream documents
  • Changes:

    • Removed extra is_list(opts) from the API because it's already checked in the HTTP client
  • Bug fixes:

v1.2.0 (2024-04-04)

v1.1.0 (2024-04-04)

v1.0.0 (2024-04-03)

v0.6.2 (2024-04-01)

  • Changes:
    • Updated the dependencies
    • Updated Erlang/Elixir/Elasticsearch versions in the testing matrix

v0.6.1 (2023-12-28)

  • Changes:
    • Removed an option from the package preventing Dialyzer to work properly when it's used as dependency

v0.6.0 (2023-12-28)

  • New features:

  • Changes:

    • Renamed the modules to remove the scope (tests are untouched)
    • Added more tests
    • Updated the dependency any_http to get rid of the issue with Dialyzer
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed a bug on ElasticsearchEx.Api.Document.update/2 preventing to update.

v0.5.0 (2023-12-20)

  • New features:

    • Added the ability to specify clusters which configure an endpoint, default headers and default options
  • Changes:

    • Removed the function to make PATCH request which isn't used by Elasticsearch
    • Removed most of the Dialyzer types causing issues
    • Added all the tests for ElasticsearchEx.Api.Search
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed an issue preventing to make POST request without body

v0.4.0 (2023-12-19)

  • New features:
    • Added new functions related to single document operations:
      • ElasticsearchEx.Api.Document.index/2
      • ElasticsearchEx.Api.Document.create/2
      • ElasticsearchEx.Api.Document.get_document/1
      • ElasticsearchEx.Api.Document.get_source/1
      • ElasticsearchEx.Api.Document.document_exists?/1
      • ElasticsearchEx.Api.Document.source_exists?/1
      • ElasticsearchEx.Api.Document.delete/1
      • ElasticsearchEx.Api.Document.update/2

v0.3.1 (2023-12-19)

v0.3.0 (2023-12-19)

v0.2.0 (2023-12-18)

v0.1.0 (2023-12-02)