Elastix.Document (Elastix v0.10.0) View Source
The document APIs expose CRUD operations on documents.
Link to this section Summary
Deletes the documents matching the given id
Deletes the documents matching the given query
using the
Delete By Query API.
Fetches a document matching the given id
(Re)Indexes a document with the given id
Indexes a new document.
Fetches multiple documents matching the given query
using the
Multi Get API.
Updates the document with the given id
Updates the documents matching the given query
using the
Update By Query API.
Link to this section Functions
delete(elastic_url, index_name, type_name, id, query_params \\ [])
View SourceSpecs
delete( elastic_url :: String.t(), index :: String.t(), type :: String.t(), id :: String.t(), query_params :: Keyword.t() ) :: Elastix.HTTP.resp()
Deletes the documents matching the given id
iex> Elastix.Document.delete("http://localhost:9200", "twitter", "tweet", "42")
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{...}}
delete_matching(elastic_url, index_name, query, query_params \\ [])
View SourceSpecs
delete_matching( elastic_url :: String.t(), index :: String.t(), query :: map(), query_params :: Keyword.t() ) :: Elastix.HTTP.resp()
Deletes the documents matching the given query
using the
Delete By Query API.
get( elastic_url :: String.t(), index :: String.t(), type :: String.t(), id :: String.t(), query_params :: Keyword.t() ) :: Elastix.HTTP.resp()
Fetches a document matching the given id
iex> Elastix.Document.get("http://localhost:9200", "twitter", "tweet", "42")
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{...}}
index(elastic_url, index_name, type_name, id, data, query_params \\ [])
View SourceSpecs
index( elastic_url :: String.t(), index :: String.t(), type :: String.t(), id :: String.t(), data :: map(), query_params :: Keyword.t() ) :: Elastix.HTTP.resp()
(Re)Indexes a document with the given id
iex> Elastix.Document.index("http://localhost:9200", "twitter", "tweet", "42", %{user: "kimchy", post_date: "2009-11-15T14:12:12", message: "trying out Elastix"})
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{...}}
index_new(elastic_url, index_name, type_name, data, query_params \\ [])
View SourceSpecs
index_new( elastic_url :: String.t(), index :: String.t(), type :: String.t(), data :: map(), query_params :: Keyword.t() ) :: Elastix.HTTP.resp()
Indexes a new document.
iex> Elastix.Document.index_new("http://localhost:9200", "twitter", "tweet", %{user: "kimchy", post_date: "2009-11-15T14:12:12", message: "trying out Elastix"})
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{...}}
mget(elastic_url, query, index_name \\ nil, type_name \\ nil, query_params \\ [])
View SourceSpecs
mget( elastic_url :: String.t(), query :: map(), index :: String.t(), type :: String.t(), query_params :: Keyword.t() ) :: Elastix.HTTP.resp()
Fetches multiple documents matching the given query
using the
Multi Get API.
update(elastic_url, index_name, type_name, id, data, query_params \\ [])
View SourceSpecs
update( elastic_url :: String.t(), index :: String.t(), type :: String.t(), id :: String.t(), data :: map(), query_params :: Keyword.t() ) :: Elastix.HTTP.resp()
Updates the document with the given id
iex> Elastix.Document.update("http://localhost:9200", "twitter", "tweet", "42", %{user: "kimchy", message: "trying out Elastix.Document.update/5"})
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{...}}
update_by_query(elastic_url, index_name, query, script, query_params \\ [])
View SourceSpecs
update_by_query( elastic_url :: String.t(), index :: String.t(), query :: map(), script :: map(), query_params :: Keyword.t() ) :: Elastix.HTTP.resp()
Updates the documents matching the given query
using the
Update By Query API.
iex> Elastix.Document.update_by_query("http://localhost:9200", "twitter", %{"term" => %{"user" => "kimchy"}}, %{inline: "ctx._source.user = 'kimchy updated'", lang: "painless"})
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{...}}