Elastix.Snapshot.Snapshot (Elastix v0.10.0) View Source

Functions for working with snapshots.

Elastic documentation

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Deletes a snapshot from a repository.

If repo_name and snapshot_name is specified, will retrieve information about that snapshot. If repo_name is specified, will retrieve information about all snapshots in that repository. Otherwise, will retrieve information about all snapshots.

If repo_name and snapshot_name is specified, will retrieve the status of that snapsot. If repo_name is specified, will retrieve the status of all snapshots in that repository. Otherwise, will retrieve the status of all snapshots.

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create(elastic_url, repo_name, snapshot_name, data \\ %{}, query_params \\ [], options \\ [])

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create(String.t(), String.t(), String.t(), Map.t(), [tuple()], Keyword.t()) ::
     body: term(),
     headers: term(),
     request: term(),
     request_url: term(),
     status_code: term()

Creates a snapshot.

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delete(elastic_url, repo_name, snapshot_name, options \\ [])

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delete(String.t(), String.t(), String.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
     body: term(),
     headers: term(),
     request: term(),
     request_url: term(),
     status_code: term()

Deletes a snapshot from a repository.

This can also be used to stop currently running snapshot and restore operations. Snapshot deletes can be slow, so you can pass in HTTPoison/Hackney options in an httpoison_options keyword argument like :recv_timeout to wait longer.


iex> Elastix.Snapshot.Snapshot.delete("http://localhost:9200", "backups", "snapshot_123", httpoison_options: [recv_timeout: 30_000])
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{...}}
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get(elastic_url, repo_name \\ "", snapshot_name \\ "_all", options \\ [])

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get(String.t(), String.t(), String.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
     body: term(),
     headers: term(),
     request: term(),
     request_url: term(),
     status_code: term()

If repo_name and snapshot_name is specified, will retrieve information about that snapshot. If repo_name is specified, will retrieve information about all snapshots in that repository. Otherwise, will retrieve information about all snapshots.

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restore(elastic_url, repo_name, snapshot_name, data \\ %{}, options \\ [])

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restore(String.t(), String.t(), String.t(), Map.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
     body: term(),
     headers: term(),
     request: term(),
     request_url: term(),
     status_code: term()

Restores a previously created snapshot.

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status(elastic_url, repo_name \\ "", snapshot_name \\ "", options \\ [])

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status(String.t(), String.t(), String.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
     body: term(),
     headers: term(),
     request: term(),
     request_url: term(),
     status_code: term()

If repo_name and snapshot_name is specified, will retrieve the status of that snapsot. If repo_name is specified, will retrieve the status of all snapshots in that repository. Otherwise, will retrieve the status of all snapshots.