API Reference Elastix v0.10.0


Elastix consists of several modules trying to match the Elasticsearch API, a Elastix.HTTP module for raw requests and a Elastix.JSON module that allows using a custom JSON library.

The alias API makes it possible to perform alias operations on indexes.

The bulk API makes it possible to perform many index/delete operations in a single API call.

The document APIs expose CRUD operations on documents.

A thin HTTPoison wrapper.

The indices APIs are used to manage individual indices, index settings, aliases, mappings, and index templates.

A wrapper for JSON libraries with Poison as the default implementation.

A behaviour for JSON serialization.

The mapping API is used to define how documents are stored and indexed.

The search APIs are used to query indices.

Functions for working with repositories. A repository is required for taking and restoring snapshots of indices.

Functions for working with snapshots.