Elixir v1.0.5 Inspect.Opts

Defines the Inspect.Opts used by the Inspect protocol.

The following fields are available:

  • :structs - when false, structs are not formatted by the inspect protocol, they are instead printed as maps, defaults to true.

  • :binaries - when :as_strings all binaries will be printed as strings, non-printable bytes will be escaped.

    When :as_binaries all binaries will be printed in bit syntax.

    When the default :infer, the binary will be printed as a string if it is printable, otherwise in bit syntax.

  • :char_lists - when :as_char_lists all lists will be printed as char lists, non-printable elements will be escaped.

    When :as_lists all lists will be printed as lists.

    When the default :infer, the list will be printed as a char list if it is printable, otherwise as list.

  • :limit - limits the number of items that are printed for tuples, bitstrings, and lists, does not apply to strings nor char lists, defaults to 50.

  • :pretty - if set to true enables pretty printing, defaults to false.

  • :width - defaults to the 80 characters, used when pretty is true or when printing to IO devices.

  • :base - print integers as :binary, :octal, :decimal, or :hex, defaults to :decimal



t :: %Inspect.Opts{structs: boolean, binaries: :infer | :as_binaries | :as_strings, char_lists: :infer | :as_lists | :as_char_lists, limit: pos_integer, width: pos_integer | :infinity, base: :decimal | :binary | :hex | :octal, pretty: boolean}