Elixir v1.0.5 Code

Utilities for managing code compilation, code evaluation and code loading.

This module complements Erlang’s code module to add behaviour which is specific to Elixir.



Append a path to the Erlang VM code path

Returns a list with the available compiler options

Compiles the quoted expression

Compiles the given string

Gets the compilation options from the code server

Sets compilation options

Delete a path from the Erlang VM code path

Ensures the given module is compiled and loaded

Ensures the given module is compiled and loaded

Ensures the given module is loaded

Ensures the given module is loaded

Evaluate the quoted contents

Evaluate the contents given by string

Returns the docs for the given module

List all loaded files

Prepend a path to the Erlang VM code path

Requires the given file

Convert the given string to its quoted form

Convert the given string to its quoted form

Remove files from the loaded files list



Append a path to the Erlang VM code path.

The path is expanded with Path.expand/1 before being appended.


Returns a list with the available compiler options.

See Code.compiler_options/1 for more info.

compile_quoted(quoted, file \\ "nofile")

Compiles the quoted expression.

Returns a list of tuples where the first element is the module name and the second one is its byte code (as a binary).

compile_string(string, file \\ "nofile")

Compiles the given string.

Returns a list of tuples where the first element is the module name and the second one is its byte code (as a binary).

For compiling many files at once, check Kernel.ParallelCompiler.files/2.


Gets the compilation options from the code server.

Check compiler_options/1 for more information.


Sets compilation options.

These options are global since they are stored by Elixir’s Code Server.

Available options are:

  • :docs - when true, retain documentation in the compiled module, true by default

  • :debug_info - when true, retain debug information in the compiled module; this allows a developer to reconstruct the original source code, false by default

  • :ignore_module_conflict - when true, override modules that were already defined without raising errors, false by default

  • :warnings_as_errors - cause compilation to fail when warnings are generated

Delete a path from the Erlang VM code path.

The path is expanded with Path.expand/1 before being deleted.


Ensures the given module is compiled and loaded.

If the module is already loaded, it works as no-op. If the module was not loaded yet, it checks if it needs to be compiled first and then tries to load it.

If it succeeds loading the module, it returns {:module, module}. If not, returns {:error, reason} with the error reason.

Check ensure_loaded/1 for more information on module loading and when to use ensure_loaded/1 or ensure_compiled/1.


Ensures the given module is compiled and loaded.

Similar to ensure_compiled/1, but returns true if the module is already loaded or was successfully loaded and compiled. Returns false otherwise.


Ensures the given module is loaded.

If the module is already loaded, this works as no-op. If the module was not yet loaded, it tries to load it.

If it succeeds loading the module, it returns {:module, module}. If not, returns {:error, reason} with the error reason.

Code loading on the Erlang VM

Erlang has two modes to load code: interactive and embedded.

By default, the Erlang VM runs in interactive mode, where modules are loaded as needed. In embedded mode the opposite happens, as all modules need to be loaded upfront or explicitly.

Therefore, this function is used to check if a module is loaded before using it and allows one to react accordingly. For example, the URI module uses this function to check if a specific parser exists for a given URI scheme.


Elixir also contains an ensure_compiled/1 function that is a superset of ensure_loaded/1.

Since Elixir’s compilation happens in parallel, in some situations you may need to use a module that was not yet compiled, therefore it can’t even be loaded.

ensure_compiled/1 halts the current process until the module we are depending on is available.

In most cases, ensure_loaded/1 is enough. ensure_compiled/1 must be used in rare cases, usually involving macros that need to invoke a module for callback information.


Ensures the given module is loaded.

Similar to ensure_loaded/1, but returns true if the module is already loaded or was successfully loaded. Returns false otherwise.

eval_file(file, relative_to \\ nil)

Evals the given file.

Accepts relative_to as an argument to tell where the file is located.

While load_file loads a file and returns the loaded modules and their byte code, eval_file simply evaluates the file contents and returns the evaluation result and its bindings.

eval_quoted(quoted, binding \\ [], opts \\ [])

Evaluate the quoted contents.

See eval_string/3 for a description of arguments and return values.


iex> contents = quote(do: var!(a) + var!(b))
iex> Code.eval_quoted(contents, [a: 1, b: 2], file: __ENV__.file, line: __ENV__.line)
{3, [a: 1, b: 2]}

For convenience, you can pass __ENV__ as the opts argument and all options will be automatically extracted from the current environment:

iex> contents = quote(do: var!(a) + var!(b))
iex> Code.eval_quoted(contents, [a: 1, b: 2], __ENV__)
{3, [a: 1, b: 2]}
eval_string(string, binding \\ [], opts \\ [])

Evaluate the contents given by string.

The binding argument is a keyword list of variable bindings. The opts argument is a keyword list of environment options.

Those options can be:

  • :file - the file to be considered in the evaluation
  • :line - the line on which the script starts
  • :delegate_locals_to - delegate local calls to the given module,

                        the default is to not delegate

Additionally, the following scope values can be configured:

  • :aliases - a list of tuples with the alias and its target

  • :requires - a list of modules required

  • :functions - a list of tuples where the first element is a module and the second a list of imported function names and arity; the list of function names and arity must be sorted

  • :macros - a list of tuples where the first element is a module and the second a list of imported macro names and arity; the list of function names and arity must be sorted

Notice that setting any of the values above overrides Elixir’s default values. For example, setting :requires to [], will no longer automatically require the Kernel module; in the same way setting :macros will no longer auto-import Kernel macros like if, case, etc.

Returns a tuple of the form {value, binding}, where value is the value returned from evaluating string. If an error occurs while evaluating string an exception will be raised.

binding is a keyword list with the value of all variable bindings after evaluating string. The binding key is usually an atom, but it may be a tuple for variables defined in a different context.


iex> Code.eval_string("a + b", [a: 1, b: 2], file: __ENV__.file, line: __ENV__.line)
{3, [a: 1, b: 2]}

iex> Code.eval_string("c = a + b", [a: 1, b: 2], __ENV__)
{3, [a: 1, b: 2, c: 3]}

iex> Code.eval_string("a = a + b", [a: 1, b: 2])
{3, [a: 3, b: 2]}

For convenience, you can pass __ENV__ as the opts argument and all imports, requires and aliases defined in the current environment will be automatically carried over:

iex> Code.eval_string("a + b", [a: 1, b: 2], __ENV__)
{3, [a: 1, b: 2]}
get_docs(module, kind)

Returns the docs for the given module.

When given a module name, it finds its BEAM code and reads the docs from it.

When given a path to a .beam file, it will load the docs directly from that file.

The return value depends on the kind value:

  • :docs - list of all docstrings attached to functions and macros using the @doc attribute

  • :moduledoc - tuple {<line>, <doc>} where line is the line on which module definition starts and doc is the string attached to the module using the @moduledoc attribute

  • :all - a keyword list with both :docs and :moduledoc
load_file(file, relative_to \\ nil)

Load the given file.

Accepts relative_to as an argument to tell where the file is located. If the file was already required/loaded, loads it again.

It returns a list of tuples {ModuleName, <<byte_code>>}, one tuple for each module defined in the file.

Notice that if load_file is invoked by different processes concurrently, the target file will be loaded concurrently many times. Check require_file/2 if you don’t want a file to be loaded concurrently.


List all loaded files.


Prepend a path to the Erlang VM code path.

The path is expanded with Path.expand/1 before being prepended.

require_file(file, relative_to \\ nil)

Requires the given file.

Accepts relative_to as an argument to tell where the file is located. The return value is the same as that of load_file/2. If the file was already required/loaded, doesn’t do anything and returns nil.

Notice that if require_file is invoked by different processes concurrently, the first process to invoke require_file acquires a lock and the remaining ones will block until the file is available. I.e. if require_file is called N times with a given file, it will be loaded only once. The first process to call require_file will get the list of loaded modules, others will get nil.

Check load_file/2 if you want a file to be loaded multiple times.

string_to_quoted(string, opts \\ [])

Convert the given string to its quoted form.

Returns {:ok, quoted_form} if it succeeds, {:error, {line, error, token}} otherwise.


  • :file - the filename to be used in stacktraces and the file reported in the __ENV__ variable

  • :line - the line reported in the __ENV__ variable

  • :existing_atoms_only - when true, raises an error when non-existing atoms are found by the tokenizer


The opposite of converting a string to its quoted form is Macro.to_string/2, which converts a quoted form to a string/binary representation.

string_to_quoted!(string, opts \\ [])

Convert the given string to its quoted form.

It returns the ast if it succeeds, raises an exception otherwise. The exception is a TokenMissingError in case a token is missing (usually because the expression is incomplete), SyntaxError otherwise.

Check string_to_quoted/2 for options information.


Remove files from the loaded files list.

The modules defined in the file are not removed; calling this function only removes them from the list, allowing them to be required again.