Elixir v1.0.5 HashDict

A key-value store.

The HashDict is represented internally as a struct, therefore %HashDict{} can be used whenever there is a need to match on any HashDict. Note though the struct fields are private and must not be accessed directly. Instead, use the functions on this or in the Dict module.

Implementation-wise, HashDict is implemented using tries, which grows in space as the number of keys grows, working well with both small and large set of keys. For more information about the functions and their APIs, please consult the Dict module.



Callback implementation for Dict.delete/2

Callback implementation for Dict.drop/2

Callback implementation for Dict.equal?/2

Callback implementation for Dict.fetch/2

Callback implementation for Dict.fetch!/2

Callback implementation for Dict.get/3

Callback implementation for Dict.has_key?/2

Callback implementation for Dict.keys/1

Creates a new empty dict

Callback implementation for Dict.pop/3

Callback implementation for Dict.put/3

Callback implementation for Dict.put_new/3

Callback implementation for Dict.size/1

Callback implementation for Dict.split/2

Callback implementation for Dict.take/2

Callback implementation for Dict.to_list/1

Callback implementation for Dict.update/4

Callback implementation for Dict.update!/3

Callback implementation for Dict.values/1




delete(dict, key)

Callback implementation for Dict.delete/2.

drop(dict, keys)

Callback implementation for Dict.drop/2.

equal?(dict1, dict2)

Callback implementation for Dict.equal?/2.

fetch(hashdict, key)

Callback implementation for Dict.fetch/2.

fetch!(dict, key)

Callback implementation for Dict.fetch!/2.

get(dict, key, default \\ nil)

Callback implementation for Dict.get/3.

has_key?(dict, key)

Callback implementation for Dict.has_key?/2.


Callback implementation for Dict.keys/1.

merge(dict1, dict2, fun \\ fn _k, _v1, v2 -> v2 end)

Callback implementation for Dict.merge/3.



new :: Dict.t

Creates a new empty dict.

pop(dict, key, default \\ nil)

Callback implementation for Dict.pop/3.

put(hashdict, key, value)

Callback implementation for Dict.put/3.

put_new(dict, key, value)

Callback implementation for Dict.put_new/3.


Callback implementation for Dict.size/1.

split(dict, keys)

Callback implementation for Dict.split/2.

take(dict, keys)

Callback implementation for Dict.take/2.


Callback implementation for Dict.to_list/1.

update(dict, key, initial, fun)

Callback implementation for Dict.update/4.

update!(dict, key, fun)

Callback implementation for Dict.update!/3.


Callback implementation for Dict.values/1.