View Source Estructura.Lazy (estructura v1.5.0)

The field stub allowing lazy instantiation of Estructura fields.



Apply the lazy getter to the data passed as an argument

Create the new struct with the getter passed as an argument

Validates if the value is not stale yet according to expires_in setting


@type cached() :: {:ok, value()} | {:error, any()}
@type getter() :: (value() -> cached()) | (key(), value() -> cached())
@type key() :: Map.key()
@type t() :: %Estructura.Lazy{
  expires_in: non_neg_integer() | :instantly | :never,
  timestamp: nil | DateTime.t(),
  payload: any(),
  value: cached(),
  getter: getter()
@type value() :: Map.value()


Link to this function

apply(lazy, lazy_data, key \\ nil)

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@spec apply(t(), %{__lazy_data__: term()} | term(), key()) :: t()

Apply the lazy getter to the data passed as an argument


iex> lazy =
...> Estructura.Lazy.apply(lazy, "LANG").value
Link to this function

new(getter, expires_in \\ :never)

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@spec new(getter(), non_neg_integer() | :instantly | :never) :: t()

Create the new struct with the getter passed as an argument

@spec stale?(t()) :: boolean()

Validates if the value is not stale yet according to expires_in setting