View Source Ewebmachine.Plug.Debug (ewebmachine v2.3.2)

A ewebmachine debug UI at /wm_debug

Add it before Ewebmachine.Plug.Run in your plug pipeline when you want debugging facilities.

if Mix.env == :dev, do: plug Ewebmachine.Plug.Debug

Then go to http://youhost:yourport/wm_debug, you will see the request list since the launch of your server. Click on any to get the ewebmachine debugging UI. The list will be automatically updated on new query.

The ewebmachine debugging UI

  • shows you the HTTP decision path taken by the request to the response. Every
  • the red decisions are the one where decisions differs from the default one because of a handler implementation :
    • click on them, then select any handler available in the right tab to see the conn, state inputs of the handler and the response.
  • The response and request right tab shows you the request and result at the end of the ewebmachine run.
  • click on "auto redirect on new query" and at every request, your browser will navigate to the debugging UI of the new request (you can still use back/next to navigate through requests)

Debug UI example



Callback implementation for

Callback implementation for Plug.init/1.


Callback implementation for

Callback implementation for Plug.init/1.