View Source Ewebmachine.Handlers (ewebmachine v2.3.2)

Implement the functions described below to make decisions in the HTTP decision tree :

All the handlers have the same signature :

(conn :: Plug.Conn.t,state :: any)->{response :: any | {:halt,200..599},conn :: Plug.Conn.t, state :: any}

where every handler implementation :

  • can change or halt the plug conn passed as argument
  • can change the user state object passed from on handler to another in its arguments
  • returns something which will make decision in the HTTP decision tree (see documentation of functions in this module to see expected results and effects)
  • can return {:halt,200..599} to end the ewebmachine automate execution, but do not halt the conn, so the plug pipeline can continue.

So each handler implementation is actually a "plug" returning a response giving information allowing to make the good response code and path in the HTTP specification.


The following modules will help you to construct these handlers and use them :

  • Ewebmachine.Builder.Handlers gives you macros and helpers to define the handlers and automatically create the plug to add them to your conn.private[:resource_handlers]
  • Ewebmachine.Plug.Run run the HTTP decision tree executing the handler implementations described in its conn.private[:resource_handlers]. The initial user state is taken in conn.private[:machine_init]



If the resource accepts POST requests to nonexistent resources, then this should return true.

If a Method not in this list is requested, then a 405 Method Not Allowed will be sent. Note that these are all-caps Strings (binary).

The base URI used in the location header on resource creation (when post_is_create is true), will be prepended to the create_path

If this is anything other than the atom :no_charset, it must be a {key,value} Enumerable where key is the charset and value is a callable function in the resource which will be called on the produced body in a GET and ensure that it is in Charset.

This is used similarly to content_types_provided, except that it is for incoming resource representations -- for example, PUT requests. Handler functions usually want to use Plug.read_body(conn) to access the incoming request body.

This should return a key value tuple enumerable where the key is the content-type format and the value is an atom naming the function which can provide a resource representation in that media type. Content negotiation is driven by this return value. For example, if a client request includes an Accept header with a value that does not appear as a first element in any of the return tuples, then a 406 Not Acceptable will be sent.

This will be called on a POST request if post_is_create returns true. It is an error for this function not to produce a Path if post_is_create returns true. The Path returned should be a valid URI part.

This is only called after a successful delete_resource call, and should return false if the deletion was accepted but cannot yet be guaranteed to have finished.

This is called when a DELETE request should be enacted, and should return true if the deletion succeeded.

This must be a {key,value} Enumerable where key is a valid content encoding and value is a callable function in the resource which will be called on the produced body in a GET and ensure that it is so encoded. One useful setting is to have the function check on method, and on GET requests return

If not nil, set the expires header

Last handler, always called. Response is ignored except if it is a halt.

Returning true will result in 403 Forbidden.

Example POST/PUT processing function, function atom name must be referenced in content_types_accepted/2.

If not nil, it will be used for the ETag header and for comparison in conditional requests.

If this returns anything other than true, the response will be 401 Unauthorized. The return value will be used as the value in the WWW-Authenticate header, for example Basic realm="Webmachine".

If this returns true, the client will receive a 409 Conflict.

Returning false will result in 415 Unsupported Media Type.

Override the known methods accepted by your automate

return false if language in Plug.Conn.get_resp_header(conn,"accept-language") is not available.

If this returns a datetime() ({{day,month,year},{h,m,s}}, it will be used for the Last-Modified header and for comparison in conditional requests.

Returning true will result in 400 Bad Request.

If this returns {true, uri}, the client will receive a 301 Moved Permanently with uri in the Location header.

If this returns {true, uri}, the client will receive a 307 Temporary Redirect with uri in the Location header.

If this returns true, then it is assumed that multiple representations of the response are possible and a single one cannot be automatically chosen, so a 300 Multiple Choices will be sent instead of a 200 OK.

If the OPTIONS method is supported and is used, the return value of this function is expected to be a list of pairs representing header names and values that should appear in the response.

Must be present and returning pong to prove that handlers are well linked to the automate

If POST requests should be treated as a request to put content into a (potentially new) resource as opposed to being a generic submission for processing, then this function should return true. If it does return true, then create_path will be called and the rest of the request will be treated much like a PUT to the Path entry returned by that call.

If this returns true, the moved_permanently and moved_temporarily callbacks will be invoked to determine whether the response should be 301 Moved Permanently, 307 Temporary Redirect, or 410 Gone.

If post_is_create returns false, then this will be called to process any POST requests. If it succeeds, it should return true.

Returning non-true values will result in 404 Not Found.

Returning non-true values will result in 503 Service Unavailable.

Example body-producing function, function atom name must be referenced in content_types_provided/2.

Returning true will result in 414 Request-URI Too Long.

Returning false will result in 501 Not Implemented.

Returning false will result in 413 Request Entity Too Large.

if content-md5 header exists:

If this function is implemented, it should return a list of strings with header names that should be included in a given response's Vary header. The standard conneg headers (Accept, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Charset, Accept-Language) do not need to be specified here as Webmachine will add the correct elements of those automatically depending on resource behavior.


@type conn() :: Plug.Conn.t()
@type halt() :: {:halt, 200..599}
@type state() :: any()


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allow_missing_post(conn, state)

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@spec allow_missing_post(conn(), state()) :: {boolean() | halt(), conn(), state()}

If the resource accepts POST requests to nonexistent resources, then this should return true.

Default: false

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allowed_methods(conn, state)

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@spec allowed_methods(conn(), state()) :: {[String.t()] | halt(), conn(), state()}

If a Method not in this list is requested, then a 405 Method Not Allowed will be sent. Note that these are all-caps Strings (binary).

Default: ["GET", "HEAD"]

@spec base_uri(conn(), state()) :: {String.t() | halt(), conn(), state()}

The base URI used in the location header on resource creation (when post_is_create is true), will be prepended to the create_path

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charsets_provided(conn, state)

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@spec charsets_provided(conn(), state()) ::
   | [{String.Chars.t(), (binary() -> binary())}]
   | Enum.t()
   | halt(), conn(), state()}

If this is anything other than the atom :no_charset, it must be a {key,value} Enumerable where key is the charset and value is a callable function in the resource which will be called on the produced body in a GET and ensure that it is in Charset.

Default: :no_charset

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content_types_accepted(conn, state)

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@spec content_types_accepted(conn(), state()) ::
  {[{String.Chars.t(), atom()}] | Enum.t() | halt(), conn(), state()}

This is used similarly to content_types_provided, except that it is for incoming resource representations -- for example, PUT requests. Handler functions usually want to use Plug.read_body(conn) to access the incoming request body.

Default: []

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content_types_provided(conn, state)

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@spec content_types_provided(conn(), state()) ::
  {[{String.Chars.t(), atom()}] | Enum.t() | halt(), conn(), state()}

This should return a key value tuple enumerable where the key is the content-type format and the value is an atom naming the function which can provide a resource representation in that media type. Content negotiation is driven by this return value. For example, if a client request includes an Accept header with a value that does not appear as a first element in any of the return tuples, then a 406 Not Acceptable will be sent.

Default: [{"text/html", to_html}]

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create_path(conn, state)

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@spec create_path(conn(), state()) :: {nil | String.t() | halt(), conn(), state()}

This will be called on a POST request if post_is_create returns true. It is an error for this function not to produce a Path if post_is_create returns true. The Path returned should be a valid URI part.

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delete_completed(conn, state)

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@spec delete_completed(conn(), state()) :: {boolean() | halt(), conn(), state()}

This is only called after a successful delete_resource call, and should return false if the deletion was accepted but cannot yet be guaranteed to have finished.

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delete_resource(conn, state)

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@spec delete_resource(conn(), state()) :: {boolean() | halt(), conn(), state()}

This is called when a DELETE request should be enacted, and should return true if the deletion succeeded.

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encodings_provided(conn, state)

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@spec encodings_provided(conn(), state()) ::
  {[{String.Chars.t(), (binary() -> binary())}] | Enum.t() | halt(), conn(),

This must be a {key,value} Enumerable where key is a valid content encoding and value is a callable function in the resource which will be called on the produced body in a GET and ensure that it is so encoded. One useful setting is to have the function check on method, and on GET requests return:

[identity: &(&1), gzip: &:zlib.gzip/1]

as this is all that is needed to support gzip content encoding.

Default: [{"identity", fn X-> X end}]

@spec expires(conn(), state()) ::
   | {{day :: integer(), month :: integer(), year :: integer()},
      {hour :: integer(), min :: integer(), sec :: integer()}}
   | halt(), conn(), state()}

If not nil, set the expires header

Default: nil

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finish_request(conn, state)

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@spec finish_request(conn(), state()) :: {any() | halt(), conn(), state()}

Last handler, always called. Response is ignored except if it is a halt.

@spec forbidden(conn(), state()) :: {boolean() | halt(), conn(), state()}

Returning true will result in 403 Forbidden.

Default: false

@spec from_json(conn(), state()) :: {true | halt(), conn(), state()}

Example POST/PUT processing function, function atom name must be referenced in content_types_accepted/2.

It will be called when the request is PUT or when the request is POST and post_is_create returns true.

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generate_etag(conn, state)

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@spec generate_etag(conn(), state()) :: {nil | binary() | halt(), conn(), state()}

If not nil, it will be used for the ETag header and for comparison in conditional requests.

Default: nil

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is_authorized(conn, state)

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@spec is_authorized(conn(), state()) :: {boolean() | halt(), conn(), state()}

If this returns anything other than true, the response will be 401 Unauthorized. The return value will be used as the value in the WWW-Authenticate header, for example Basic realm="Webmachine".

Default: true

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is_conflict(conn, state)

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@spec is_conflict(conn(), state()) :: {boolean() | halt(), conn(), state()}

If this returns true, the client will receive a 409 Conflict.

Default : false

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known_content_type(conn, state)

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@spec known_content_type(conn(), state()) :: {boolean() | halt(), conn(), state()}

Returning false will result in 415 Unsupported Media Type.

Default: true

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known_methods(conn, state)

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@spec known_methods(conn(), state()) :: {[String.t()] | halt(), conn(), state()}

Override the known methods accepted by your automate

Default: ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "TRACE", "CONNECT", "OPTIONS"]

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language_available(conn, state)

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@spec language_available(conn(), state()) :: {boolean() | halt(), conn(), state()}

return false if language in Plug.Conn.get_resp_header(conn,"accept-language") is not available.

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last_modified(conn, state)

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@spec last_modified(conn(), state()) ::
   | {{day :: integer(), month :: integer(), year :: integer()},
      {hour :: integer(), min :: integer(), sec :: integer()}}
   | halt(), conn(), state()}

If this returns a datetime() ({{day,month,year},{h,m,s}}, it will be used for the Last-Modified header and for comparison in conditional requests.

Default: nil

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malformed_request(conn, state)

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@spec malformed_request(conn(), state()) :: {boolean() | halt(), conn(), state()}

Returning true will result in 400 Bad Request.

Default: false

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moved_permanently(conn, state)

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@spec moved_permanently(conn(), state()) :: {boolean() | halt(), conn(), state()}

If this returns {true, uri}, the client will receive a 301 Moved Permanently with uri in the Location header.

Default: false

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moved_temporarily(conn, state)

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@spec moved_temporarily(conn(), state()) :: {boolean() | halt(), conn(), state()}

If this returns {true, uri}, the client will receive a 307 Temporary Redirect with uri in the Location header.

Default: false

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multiple_choices(conn, state)

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@spec multiple_choices(conn(), state()) :: {boolean() | halt(), conn(), state()}

If this returns true, then it is assumed that multiple representations of the response are possible and a single one cannot be automatically chosen, so a 300 Multiple Choices will be sent instead of a 200 OK.

Default: false

@spec options(conn(), state()) ::
  {[{String.t(), String.t()}] | halt(), conn(), state()}

If the OPTIONS method is supported and is used, the return value of this function is expected to be a list of pairs representing header names and values that should appear in the response.

@spec ping(conn(), state()) :: {:pang | :pong | halt(), conn(), state()}

Must be present and returning pong to prove that handlers are well linked to the automate

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post_is_create(conn, state)

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@spec post_is_create(conn(), state()) :: {boolean() | halt(), conn(), state()}

If POST requests should be treated as a request to put content into a (potentially new) resource as opposed to being a generic submission for processing, then this function should return true. If it does return true, then create_path will be called and the rest of the request will be treated much like a PUT to the Path entry returned by that call.

Default: false

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previously_existed(conn, state)

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@spec previously_existed(conn(), state()) :: {boolean() | halt(), conn(), state()}

If this returns true, the moved_permanently and moved_temporarily callbacks will be invoked to determine whether the response should be 301 Moved Permanently, 307 Temporary Redirect, or 410 Gone.

Default: false

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process_post(conn, state)

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@spec process_post(conn(), state()) :: {boolean() | halt(), conn(), state()}

If post_is_create returns false, then this will be called to process any POST requests. If it succeeds, it should return true.

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resource_exists(conn, state)

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@spec resource_exists(conn(), state()) :: {boolean() | halt(), conn(), state()}

Returning non-true values will result in 404 Not Found.

Default: true

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service_available(conn, state)

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@spec service_available(conn(), state()) :: {boolean() | halt(), conn(), state()}

Returning non-true values will result in 503 Service Unavailable.

Default: true

@spec to_html(conn(), state()) :: {iodata() | Enum.t() | halt(), conn(), state()}

Example body-producing function, function atom name must be referenced in content_types_provided/2.

  • If the result is an Enumerable of iodata, then the HTTP response will be a chunk encoding response where each chunk on element of the enumeration.
  • If the result is an iodata, then it is used as the HTTP response body
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uri_too_long(conn, state)

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@spec uri_too_long(conn(), state()) :: {boolean() | halt(), conn(), state()}

Returning true will result in 414 Request-URI Too Long.

Default: false

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valid_content_headers(conn, state)

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@spec valid_content_headers(conn(), state()) :: {boolean() | halt(), conn(), state()}

Returning false will result in 501 Not Implemented.

Default: true

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valid_entity_length(conn, state)

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@spec valid_entity_length(conn(), state()) :: {boolean() | halt(), conn(), state()}

Returning false will result in 413 Request Entity Too Large.

Default: false

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validate_content_checksum(conn, state)

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@spec validate_content_checksum(conn(), state()) ::
  {:not_validated | boolean() | halt(), conn(), state()}

if content-md5 header exists:

  • If :not_validated, test if input body validate content-md5,
  • if return false, then return a bad request

Useful if content-md5 validation does not imply only raw md5 hash

@spec variances(conn(), state()) :: {[String.t()] | halt(), conn(), state()}

If this function is implemented, it should return a list of strings with header names that should be included in a given response's Vary header. The standard conneg headers (Accept, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Charset, Accept-Language) do not need to be specified here as Webmachine will add the correct elements of those automatically depending on resource behavior.

Default : []