View Source API Reference expo v1.0.0


File handling for MO (.mo) files.

An error raised when the content does not follow the MO file structure.

An error returned when the version of the MO file is not supported.

Functions to work on message structs (Expo.Message.Singular and Expo.Message.Plural).

Struct for plural messages.

Struct for non-plural messages.

A struct that represents lists of Expo.Message.Singular and Expo.Message.Plural structs for MO and PO files.

File handling for PO (.po) and POT (.pot) files.

An error raised when duplicate messages are detected.

An error raised when the syntax in a PO file (a file ending in .po) isn't correct.

Functions to parse and evaluate plural forms as defined in the GNU Gettext documentation.

An error raised when the syntax in a plural forms string is invalid.

Mix Tasks

Generate binary message catalog from textual message description.

Unifies duplicate translations in the given PO file.