View Source GitHubActions.Workflow (GitHubActions v0.3.2)

The GitHubActions.Workflow is used to create a GitHub actions workflow.

defmodule Minimal do
  use GitHubActions.Workflow

  def workflow do
      name: "CI"

The workflow module must define the workflow/0 function. This function returns a nested data structure that will be translated in a yml-file.

The line use GitHubActions.Workflow imports GitHubActions.Workflow, GitHubActions.Mix and GitHubActions.Sigils and adds the aliases GitHubActions.Config, GitHubActions.Project and GitHubActions.Versions.

List entries with the value :skip are not taken over.

Key-value pairs with a value of :skip are also not part of the resulting data structure.

With :skip, you can handle optional parts in a workflow script.

~Selixir defmodule Simple do use GitHubActions.Workflow def workflow do [ name: "CI", jobs: [ linux: linux(), os2: os2() ] ] end defp linux do job(:linux, name: "Test on #{Config.fetch!([:linux, :name])}", runs_on: Config.fetch!([:linux, :runs_on]) ) end defp os2 do job(:linux, name: "Test on #{Config.fetch!([:os2, :name])}", runs_on: Config.fetch!([:os2, :runs_on]) ) end defp job(os, cofig) do case :jobs |> Config.get([]) |> Enum.member?(os) do true -> config false -> :skip end end end

It is also possible to add steps when a dependency is available in the current project.

~Selixir defmodule Simple do use GitHubActions.Workflow def workflow do [ name: "CI", jobs: [linux: linux()] ] end defp linux do name: "Test on #{Config.fetch!([:linux, :name])}", runs_on: Config.fetch!([:linux, :runs_on]) steps: [ checkout(), check_code_format(), lint_code() ] end defp checkout do [ name: "Checkout", uses: "actions/checkout@v4" ] end defp lint_code do case Project.has_dep?(:credo) do false -> :skip true -> [ name: "Lint code", run: mix(:credo, strict: true, env: :test) ] end end defp check_code_format do case Config.get(:check_code_format, true) do false -> :skip true -> [ name: "Check code format", run: mix(:format, check_formatted: true, env: :test) ] end end end



Evaluates a workflow script and returns the workflow data structure.



@spec eval(Path.t()) :: {:ok, term()} | :error

Evaluates a workflow script and returns the workflow data structure.