View Source grisp_info (grisp v2.8.0)
GRiSP general information.
When running grisp on a host machine during development, the functions return:
1> grisp_info:hardware().
platform => host,
version => <<"1">>,
serial => <<"0000">>
batch => 1,
pcb_variant => 1
pcb_version => <<"1">>,
prod_date => {{2022, 1, 28},{0,0,0}}
2> grisp_info:boot().
boot => host,
valid => host,
next => host
For grisp_info:software() to be defined during local development, a term file
must exists in the current directory and looks like:
%% coding: utf-8
{platform, <<"grisp2">>}.
{id, <<"83613140847d62b47c3f220b6f43e2de561be441">>}.
{relname, <<"my_app">>}.
{relvsn, <<"0.1.0">>}.
{profiles, [dev]}.
{package, [
{toolchain, [{revision, <<"516707805fd33285679e9e64585b995d31d926ec">>}]},
{rtems, [{version, <<"5">>}]},
{otp, [{version, <<"">>}]}
-type boot_info() :: #{boot := boot_source(), active := boot_system(), next := boot_system()}.
-type boot_source() :: sdcard | boot_system().
-type boot_system() :: system_a | system_b.
-type hardware_info() :: #{platform := atom(), version := binary(), serial := binary(), batch := pos_integer(), pcb_variant := pos_integer(), pcb_version := binary(), prod_date := calendar:datetime()}.
-spec boot() -> boot_info().
-spec hardware() -> hardware_info().
-spec software() -> software_info().
-spec software(Source :: boot_source()) -> software_info() | undefined.