View Source pmod_nav (grisp v2.8.0)

Driver module for the PmodNAV 9-axis IMU plus barometer device.

For more information see the Tutorial at the GRiSP Wiki: PmodNAV Tutorial.

Start the driver with

1> grisp:add_device(spi1, pmod_nav).



Change configurations.

Read registers of a component.

Get the registers (with the possible entries) of all components.

Get the registers (with the possible entries) of one component.



-type component() :: acc | mag | alt.


-type opts() :: #{}.


-type register() :: atom().


config(Comp, Options)

-spec config(component(), #{}) -> ok.

Change configurations.


To switch to accelerometer only mode, i.e., power down the gyroscope, use:

2> pmod_nav:config(acc, #{odr_g => power_down}).

To turn the gyroscope back on use:

3> pmod_nav:config(acc, #{odr_g => {hz,14.9}}).

For more possible configurations see the datasheets LSM9DS1 and LPS25HB.

Use registers/0 and registers/1 to see the mapping between Erlang expressions and the bits on the hardware.

read(Comp, Registers)

-spec read(component(), [register()]) -> any() | {error, any()}.

Equivalent to read(Comp, Registers, #{}).

read(Comp, Registers, Opts)

-spec read(component(), [register()], opts()) -> any() | {error, any()}.

Read registers of a component.


To read the accelerometer X, Y and Z axises G-forces in milli g, use:

 4> pmod_nav:read(acc, [out_x_xl, out_y_xl, out_z_xl], #{xl_unit => mg}).

Further Registers

ComponentRegistersPossible OptionsDescription
acc[out_x_g, out_y_g, out_z_g]#{g_unit => dps | mdps} default dpsRotation of the axises x,y and z in (milli) degrees per second
acc[out_x_xl, out_y_xl, out_z_xl]#{xl_unit => g | mg} default gG-force on the axises x,y and z
mag[out_x_m, out_y_m, out_z_m]#{mag_unit => gauss | mgauss} default gaussStrength of the magnetic field in (milli) gauss
alt[press_out]Pressure in hPa
alt[temp_out]Temperature in °C

For all registers see registers/0 and registers/1 and use the datasheets LPS25HB and LPS25HB for a complete description.


-spec registers() -> #{component() => #{}}.

Get the registers (with the possible entries) of all components.


-spec registers(component()) -> #{atom() => any()}.

Get the registers (with the possible entries) of one component.


To see the possible configurations in ctrl_reg1_g use:

4> maps:find(ctrl_reg1_g, pmod_nav:registers(acc)).
             #{power_down => 0,
               {hz,119} => 3,
               {hz,238} => 4,
               {hz,476} => 5,
               {hz,952} => 6,
               {hz,14.9} => 1,
               {hz,59.5} => 2}},
      {fs_g,2,#{{dps,245} => 0,{dps,500} => 1,{dps,2000} => 3}},