View Source GRPC.Stub (grpc v0.5.0)

A module acting as the interface for gRPC client.

You can do everything in the client side via GRPC.Stub, including connecting, sending/receiving streaming or non-streaming requests, canceling calls and so on.

A service is needed to define a stub:

defmodule Greeter.Service do
  use GRPC.Service, name: "ping"

  rpc :SayHello, Request, Reply
  rpc :SayGoodbye, stream(Request), stream(Reply)

defmodule Greeter.Stub do
  use GRPC.Stub, service: Greeter.Service

so that functions say_hello/2 and say_goodbye/1 will be generated for you:

# Unary call
{:ok, reply} = Greeter.Stub.say_hello(channel, request)

# Streaming call
stream = Greeter.Stub.say_goodbye(channel)
GRPC.Stub.send_request(stream, request, end_stream: true)
{:ok, reply_enum} = GRPC.Stub.recv(stream)
replies =, fn({:ok, reply}) -> reply end)

Note that streaming calls are very different with unary calls. If request is streaming, the RPC function only accepts channel as argument and returns a GRPC.Client.Stream. You can send streaming requests one by one via send_request/3, then use recv/1 to receive the reply. And if the reply is streaming, recv/1 returns a Stream.

You can refer to call/6 for doc of your RPC functions.

Link to this section Summary


The actual function invoked when invoking a rpc function.

Cancel a stream in a streaming client.

Establish a connection with gRPC server and return GRPC.Channel needed for sending requests.

Disconnects the adapter and frees any resources the adapter is consuming

Send END_STREAM frame to end the stream.

Receive replies when requests are streaming.

DEPRECATED. Use send_request/3 instead

Link to this section Types

@type rpc_return() ::
  {:ok, struct()}
  | {:ok, struct(), map()}
  | GRPC.Client.Stream.t()
  | {:ok, Enumerable.t()}
  | {:ok, Enumerable.t(), map()}
  | {:error, GRPC.RPCError.t()}

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

call(service_mod, rpc, stream, request, opts)

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@spec call(atom(), tuple(), GRPC.Client.Stream.t(), struct() | nil, Keyword.t()) ::

The actual function invoked when invoking a rpc function.



  • Unary calls. {:ok, reply} | {:ok, headers_map} | {:error, error}

  • Client streaming. A GRPC.Client.Stream
  • Server streaming. {:ok, Enumerable.t} | {:ok, Enumerable.t, trailers_map} | {:error, error}



  • :timeout - request timeout. Default is 10s for unary calls and :infinity for client or server streaming calls
  • :deadline - when the request is timeout, will override timeout
  • :metadata - a map, your custom metadata
  • :return_headers - default is false. When it's true, a three elem tuple will be returned with the last elem being a map of headers %{headers: headers, trailers: trailers}(unary) or %{headers: headers}(server streaming)

Cancel a stream in a streaming client.

After that, callings to recv/2 will return a CANCEL error.

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connect(addr, opts \\ [])

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@spec connect(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, GRPC.Channel.t()} | {:error, any()}

Establish a connection with gRPC server and return GRPC.Channel needed for sending requests.



iex> GRPC.Stub.connect("localhost:50051")
{:ok, channel}

iex> GRPC.Stub.connect("localhost:50051", accepted_compressors: [GRPC.Compressor.Gzip])
{:ok, channel}

iex> GRPC.Stub.connect("/paht/to/unix.sock")
{:ok, channel}



  • :cred - a GRPC.Credential used to indicate it's a secure connection. An insecure connection will be created without this option.
  • :adapter - custom client adapter
  • :interceptors - client interceptors
  • :codec - client will use this to encode and decode binary message
  • :compressor - the client will use this to compress requests and decompress responses. If this is set, accepted_compressors will be appended also, so this can be used safely without :accepted_compressors.
  • :accepted_compressors - tell servers accepted compressors, this can be used without :compressor
  • :headers - headers to attach to each request
Link to this function

connect(host, port, opts)

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@spec connect(String.t(), binary() | non_neg_integer(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, GRPC.Channel.t()} | {:error, any()}
@spec disconnect(GRPC.Channel.t()) :: {:ok, GRPC.Channel.t()} | {:error, any()}

Disconnects the adapter and frees any resources the adapter is consuming

@spec end_stream(GRPC.Client.Stream.t()) :: GRPC.Client.Stream.t()

Send END_STREAM frame to end the stream.

The stream will be in half_closed state after this is called.



iex> stream = GRPC.Stub.send_request(stream, request)
iex> GRPC.Stub.end_stream(stream)
Link to this function

recv(stream, opts \\ [])

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@spec recv(GRPC.Client.Stream.t(), Keyword.t() | map()) ::
  {:ok, struct()}
  | {:ok, struct(), map()}
  | {:ok, Enumerable.t()}
  | {:ok, Enumerable.t(), map()}
  | {:error, any()}

Receive replies when requests are streaming.

  • If the reply is not streaming, a normal reply struct will be returned
  • If the reply is streaming, a enumerable Stream will be returned. You can use Enum to fetch further replies or Stream to manipulate it. Each item in the Enumerable is a tuple {:ok, reply} or {:error, error}. When :return_headers is true, the last item in the Enumerable will be {:trailers, map}



# Reply is not streaming
{:ok, reply} = GRPC.Stub.recv(stream)

# Reply is streaming
{:ok, enum} = GRPC.Stub.recv(stream)
replies =, fn({:ok, reply}) -> reply end)



  • :timeout - request timeout
  • :deadline - when the request is timeout, will override timeout
  • :return_headers - when true, headers will be returned.
Link to this function

send_request(stream, request, opts \\ [])

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@spec send_request(GRPC.Client.Stream.t(), struct(), Keyword.t()) ::

Send streaming requests.

The last request can be sent with :end_stream option, or you can call end_stream/1 to send a frame with END_STREAM flag to end the stream.



  • :end_stream - indicates it's the last one request, then the stream will be in half_closed state. Default is false.
Link to this function

stream_send(stream, request, opts \\ [])

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This function is deprecated. Use send_request/3 instead.

DEPRECATED. Use send_request/3 instead