View Source Image.Color (image v0.54.4)

Functions to manage image color and color conversion.



Reference to an ICC color profile

An rbg color expressed as a list of numbers.


A color can be expressed as a list of numbers or as a CSS color name in atom or string format.

A transparency value which is one of the atoms :none, :transparent or :opaque. Or an integer between 0 and 255 where 0 is transparent and 255 is opaque. Or a float in the range 0.0 to 1.0 that is converted to the range 0 to 255.


Returns a mapping from CSS color names to CSS hex values and RGB triplets as a list.

Converts a color from one color space to another.

Converts an color from one color space to another or raises an exception.

Returns a mapping from CSS color names to CSS hex values and RGB triplets as a list - but only for greyscal colors.

Converts a hex color string to an RGB list.

Returns the list of color profiles built into libvips.

Guards whether a given value can be interpreted as a color value.

Guards whether a given profile is one of the inbuilt profiles.

Returns a boolean indicating if the given profile is known and can be used for image operations.

Return max rgb value.

Converts a color name or RGB value to a hex string.

Sorts a list of colors.

Validates a color returning an [r, g, b] triplet or error.

Returns a transparency value in the range 0 to 255 where 0 means transparent and 255 means opqque.


@type icc_profile() :: :none | :cmyk | :srgb | :p3 | Path.t()

Reference to an ICC color profile

  • :none means no profile
  • :cmyk, :srgb and :p3 refer to the built-in color profiles
  • Path.t() means any file system path. If the path is a relative path then is will be loaded from the systems profile directory.
@type rgb_color() :: [number()] | number()

An rbg color expressed as a list of numbers.

The number of list elements and the type varies depending on the image format, colorspace and dimensions.

For a common sRGB image it will be a list of three of four images. If the fourth number is provided it will be considered as an alpha transparency band.

@type t() :: rgb_color() | atom() | String.t()

A color can be expressed as a list of numbers or as a CSS color name in atom or string format.

@type transparency() :: :none | :transparent | :opaque | non_neg_integer() | float()

A transparency value which is one of the atoms :none, :transparent or :opaque. Or an integer between 0 and 255 where 0 is transparent and 255 is opaque. Or a float in the range 0.0 to 1.0 that is converted to the range 0 to 255.


Returns a mapping from CSS color names to CSS hex values and RGB triplets as a list.

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convert(color, from, to, options \\ [])

View Source (since 0.49.0)

Converts a color from one color space to another.


  • color which can be specified as a single integer or a list of integers representing the color. The color can also be supplied as a CSS color name as a string or atom. For example: :misty_rose. Lastly, the color can be supplied as a hex string like "#ffe4e1". See Image.Color.color_map/0 and Image.Color.rgb_color/1.

  • from is the colorspace from which color is converted.

  • to is the colorspace into which the color is converted.

  • options is a keyword list of options.


There are currently no defined options.


  • {:ok, color} or

  • {:error, reason}


iex> Image.Color.convert(:misty_rose, :srgb, :hsv)
{:ok, [4, 30, 255]}

iex> Image.Color.convert([255, 255, 255], :srgb, :lab)
{:ok, [100.0, 0.005245208740234375, -0.010609626770019531]}
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convert!(color, from, to, options \\ [])

View Source (since 0.49.0)

Converts an color from one color space to another or raises an exception.


  • color which can be specified as a single integer which or a list of integers representing the color. The color can also be supplied as a CSS color name as a string or atom. For example: :misty_rose. See Image.Color.color_map/0 and Image.Color.rgb_color/1.

  • from is the colorspace from which color is converted.

  • to is the colorspace into which the color is converted.

  • options is a keyword list of options.


There are currently no defined options.


  • converted_color or

  • raises an exception.


iex> Image.Color.convert!(:misty_rose, :srgb, :hsv)
[4, 30, 255]

iex> Image.Color.convert!([255, 255, 255], :srgb, :lab)
[100.0, 0.005245208740234375, -0.010609626770019531]

Returns a mapping from CSS color names to CSS hex values and RGB triplets as a list - but only for greyscal colors.

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Converts a hex color string to an RGB list.


color is a hex string representing an RGB color. It has the form #RRGGBB.


  • {:ok, [r, g, b]} or

  • {:error, reason}.


iex> Image.Color.validate_color "#0000FF"
{:ok, [0, 0, 255]}

Returns the list of color profiles built into libvips.

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Guards whether a given value can be interpreted as a color value.

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Guards whether a given profile is one of the inbuilt profiles.

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Returns a boolean indicating if the given profile is known and can be used for image operations.

Return max rgb value.

Converts a color name or RGB value to a hex string.


  • color which can be specified as a single integer or a list of integers representing the color. The color can also be supplied as a CSS color name as a string or atom. For example: :misty_rose. See Image.Color.color_map/0 and Image.Color.rgb_color/1.


  • {:ok, #RRGGBB} string or

  • {:error, reason}.


iex> Image.Color.rgb_to_hex(:green)
{:ok, "#008000"}

iex> Image.Color.rgb_to_hex([10,20,30])
{:ok, "#A141E"}
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sort(colors, options \\ [])

View Source (since 0.49.0)

Sorts a list of colors.

The color sorting is based upon


  • color which can be specified as a single integer or a list of integers representing the color. The color can also be supplied as a CSS color name as a string or atom. For example: :misty_rose. Lastly, the color can be supplied as a hex string like #ffe4e1. See Image.Color.color_map/0 and Image.Color.rgb_color/1.

  • options is a keyword list of options.


There are currently no defined options.


  • A sorted list of colors.

Validates a color returning an [r, g, b] triplet or error.


  • color which can be specified as a single integer or a list of integers representing the color. The color can also be supplied as a CSS color name as a string or atom. For example: :misty_rose. Lastly, the color can be supplied as a hex string like "#ffe4e1". See Image.Color.color_map/0 and Image.Color.rgb_color/1.


  • {:ok, [r, g, b]} or

  • {:error, reason}

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Returns a transparency value in the range 0 to 255 where 0 means transparent and 255 means opqque.