View Source Image.Exif (image v0.55.2)

Functions to extract and interpret image EXIF data.



@type context() :: {value(), non_neg_integer(), (any() -> non_neg_integer())}
@type t() :: %{
  :brightness_value => float(),
  :color_space => binary(),
  :component_configuration => binary(),
  :compressed_bits_per_pixel => non_neg_integer(),
  :contrast => binary(),
  :custom_rendered => binary(),
  :datetime_digitized => binary(),
  :datetime_original => binary(),
  :digital_zoom_ratio => non_neg_integer(),
  :exif_image_height => non_neg_integer(),
  :exif_image_width => non_neg_integer(),
  :exif_version => binary(),
  :exposure_mode => binary(),
  :exposure_bias_value => non_neg_integer(),
  :exposure_program => binary(),
  :exposure_time => binary(),
  :f_number => non_neg_integer(),
  :file_source => binary(),
  :flash => binary(),
  :flash_pix_version => binary(),
  :focal_length_in_35mm_film => non_neg_integer(),
  :focal_length => float(),
  :iso_speed_ratings => non_neg_integer(),
  :lens_info => [float()],
  :light_source => non_neg_integer(),
  :max_aperture_value => float(),
  :metering_mode => binary(),
  :recommended_exposure => non_neg_integer(),
  :saturation => binary(),
  :scene_capture_type => binary(),
  :scene_type => binary(),
  :sensitivity_type => binary(),
  :sharpness => binary(),
  :white_balance => binary(),
  optional(binary()) => binary()
@type value() :: binary()


Extract EXIF data from a binary blob.

Link to this function

read_exif(exif_offset, context)

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